Written By:
The Magician
February 1st & 2nd, 2009

WE OPEN ON: HIGHWAY- Desert, Night
A broken down car. Sara is walking alongside the road, with her right hand out and thumb up. She's hitch hiking with a big black case in her left hand. A car is passing by, and pulls over. The wind picks up and Sara gets in. We watch her throw the case in back. Then she closes the door.
SARA: Thank you.
A man inside nods. And now the car moves on down the way.
The man sniffles as the wind whistles through his cracked window.
DRIVING MAN: (rolling window up- eyes on road) Where yah headed?
SARA: I need a place to sleep.
DRIVING MAN: (hand out) Name's James.
SARA: (shaking his hand) Sara.
A moment in silence. The car continues down the way. Sara just stares out at the road ahead. Now James' eyes look into the rear view mirror. He's staring at the big black case.
JAMES: What's in the case?
SARA: (bluntly) Clothes.
JAMES: You're going to want to get back to your car in the morning, I take it? Why bring your clothes?
SARA: Do you have a phone?
James looks around a moment. Then he shakes his head.
Sara sits back and sighs. James turns his head to her for a moment. Then his eyes linger on her chest. His lips pucker, before facing the road again.
CUT TO: BATE'S MOTEL- Several Minutes Later
The car pulls in and circles round once. Then it stops. Through the windshield, we see Sara's eyes open. James gets out, and Sara grabs the case. She drags it out and closes the door behind her. Now this pair heads for one of the room doors.
SARA: (eyeing sign) Bate's Motel. Why does that sound familiar?
JAMES: You probably heard of Norman Bates. He died about five years ago. (pointing over roof) They burned down his mother's house shortly after.
SARA: They?
JAMES: Some angry mob. (hand out) Need help with that?
SARA: (passing him by) I can manage.
James stands there a moment. His lips pucker up again, as his eyes linger on her ass tightly secured by her blue jeans. A moment later, and James moves forth.
James flips the light switch by the door as Sara enters. She sets the case down by the foot of the bed. James leans by the door.
SARA: So, you own the place now?
SARA: You're a... squatter?
JAMES: (laughing) Haha! Yeah! (she stares) Yeah. (stepping in) Tomorrow I'll take you to the diner for breakfast. What do you say?
SARA: That sounds nice.
JAMES: And uuuh... if there's anything else you need.
SARA: Well...
JAMES: Yeah?
SARA: You can get off my feet.
James darts his eyes down to his feet on hers. He jumps back casually.
JAMES: Sorry! (stepping out) I'll be in the next room over. Good night!
Sara waves at James. He closes the door with a nod. Sara now sits on the edge of the bed, and begins to open the case.
James creeps by the window. He looks inside. And through a split in the curtains, he watches Sara open the case widely. She smiles at five puppets. From right to left... Jester, Tunneler, Blade, Six-Shooter and Pinhead. James' mouth opens wide.
JAMES: Clothes, huh?!
His hands cup over his mouth as Sara's head darts for the window! James runs down the way and opens the Room B door. Then the Room A door opens. Sara steps out. She looks from the parked car, to the Room B door closing slowly. A smile on Sara's face. She now backs up and closes the door.

CUT TO: WATER PIT- Behind The Complex

Behind, is a deep pit of muddy water. We see a drunk bum stumble behind the way. He sees the light shine through the back room window. He stumbles forth… to Room A.

Through the window. The bum takes a sip, and thins his eyes. They soon widen at the sight of Sara entering. She removes her shirt. A white bra. The bum is stunned, as she now begins to take off her bra. She’s got her back to him.

The bum sinks down and belches quietly. A slight giggle. He doesn’t notice Blade behind him, looking up. And now the bum lifts up and his left ankle is SLICED! The bum SCREAMS, falling back down the hill! Blade watches him with spikes poking out his eye holes! The bum rolls into the muddy water… and Pinhead is atop him in a flash!

Pinhead strangles the startled bum… pushing his head into the murky liquid! Gurgles and choking, as the weak bum can’t seem to get up. Upwards, to the window where Sara peeks out, covering her bare breasts. Her eyes widened, as she darts away. Pan down to Blade watching Pinhead drown the frightened elderly man.

Pinhead pulls away. He walks up, wiping the mud off his hands. He steps up to Blade as Sara runs around the corner. Blade and Pinhead look up as Sara looks from the dead bum below… to them.

SARA: Oh, shit.

FLASH TO- Sunrise

A mud pile has been covered over the murky water. Pan up to the very same window, where a shovel is leaning against the wall. A muddy head stuck in the dirt.

Back around to Room B’s door. Sara pulls her clenched fist away. James opens up with a brown jungle atop his head.

SARA: Let’s go up to the mess.

JAMES: What?

SARA: (grabbing his arm) Come on. I want to see what’s left.

JAMES: (pulling door shut- dragged) Sure.

FLASH TO- House Remains

Sara leads James up the walk way. Up above, they now approach a gutted one story floor. Walls broken down, and no furniture. Nothing but wood and rubble.

JAMES: Lots of bad things happened up here.

Sara almost ignores this. She takes one look down at the mud pit, to see the bum’s body has not been uncovered.

JAMES: (cont.) You know the man himself tried burning it down. The thing was, he succeeded. But the poor son of a bitch, about a year before dying… tried to rebuild it. He got the first floor finished, and no one ever bothered him. Had a heart attack, or something after I recall.

SARA: Then the mob just took his hard work down. Poor boy.

JAMES: He was a real psycho.

SARA: Well, we’re all a little crazy. Right?

JAMES: (shrugging) I guess so.

Suddenly the pair turn to a squad car pulling up.

JAMES: (cont.) Ut-oh. (headed down the steps) Come on!

Sara follows James down as a middle-aged copper steps out.


COP MAN: (approaching) Now, James… what’s your mother gonna say if I tell her about this? You know you’re not supposed to be over here.

JAMES: Sorry, mister Quinton.

QUINTON: You better have a good explanation.

SARA: (hand out) I do, sir.

QUINTON: (shaking her hand) Really?

SARA: I want to buy the place.

QUINTON: Is that a fact? Well, it is about time someone did. That is, if you’ve… got the money.

SARA: Where would I go? Who do I talk to?

QUINTON: I can arrange it. (hands on hips) How about you two meet me at the diner in about one hour. Huh? James, you know the way.

JAMES: Of course, sir.

Quinton steps over to his squad car. He opens the door and gets in.

QUINTON: You kids stay out of trouble.

JAMES: No problem, Quinton.

SARA: Hey, officer. I need you to arrange a tow truck.

QUINTON: Oh, there’s a broken down car I saw not far from here. That yours, I take it?

SARA: Right?

QUINTON: I’ll get it here, missy. (smiling) No charge, if you let me buy you a drink.

SARA: (smiling) You got it.

Quinton closes the door, starts it up… and backs away. As he departs… Sara looks to James. James turns his eyes to Sara.

JAMES: (quietly) Gonna buy the place. Smooth. Real smooth. (beat) Shouldn’t lie to an officer.

SARA: (walking back to Room A) I didn’t.


Sara turns the light on. She heads over to the bathroom as James enters. James takes one look at the case before turning his eyes back on Sara. She’s in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing up her hair.

SARA: How far is the diner?

JAMES: (pulling out wallet) Not far.

Sara steps up, pulling out her own wallet.

SARA: Well, let’s hit it, then. Shall we?

JAMES: Yeah, sure. (she passes by) But, I’ve got to use the bathroom.

SARA: (snapping fingers) I’ll be in the car.

James throws her his keys. She walks out and James heads for the bathroom. He closes the door slowly. A moment’s wait, and then he steps right back out. James approaches the door, then stops. The sound of his car door opening. A pause. The sound of it shutting.

Now James walks over to the corner. Between the bed and the closet. He kneels down before the black case. He unlocks it. James sinks down, looking out with widened eyes. No one’s there. So James looks back to the case. He opens it to… nothing!

James stands up with thinned eyes. He gently kicks the case shut. He sinks back down and locks it back up with confusion over his face. Now James sinks down. He slowly turns his head to a view under the bed. From one end to the other. There’s nothing there.

James rises. He turns all around and stops in front of the closet door. He leans in close. He slowly slides the door open. He’s just peering into the darkness. He looks up down below, and can see nothing but dark. But now… a broom hits him in the head!

JAMES: (pushing broom back- angered) SHIT!

He slides the door shut with a sigh.

INT. CAR- A moment later

James starts up the car.

SARA: Did you wash your hands?

JAMES: Sure did.


The car drives round and upon the two-lane street. It drives away from Bate’s Motel post haste.

CUT TO: DINER- A few minutes later


James leads Sara inside. They walk over and have a seat. Suddenly the cook, heavy woman from behind the counter… steps over.

COOKING LADY: Hi, sugar.

JAMES: Hi, ma! We’ll both have a coffee. Cream and sugar.

SARA: Make mine black, please.

COOKING LADY: (jotting down on note pad) You got it.

JAMES: (winking) Ebony.

SARA: I read the tag.

JAMES: (pulling up menu) Oh. Sorry!

Sara looks down at her menu. James peeks over his, and stares at her half unbuttoned shirt. He stares at her cleavage with a glare. Sara slowly starts to look up, feeling the eyes watching her. She sees James staring at his menu. Sara slowly looks back down at hers.

Suddenly a bell rings as Ebony steps up with two coffee mugs. It’s officer Quinton. Sara turns around to see. James takes his mug.

EBONY: Morning, Quinton.

QUINTON: (watching James and Sara) Ebony. Black coffee, please.

EBONY: Coming right up.

Quinton steps up and puts his hand on Sara’s left shoulder. She slowly turns her head up, hiding her annoyance.

QUINTON: What’s your name, honey?

SARA: Sara.

QUINTON: (sitting down beside her) Well, Sara… (closing her in) Your car is on it’s way to the motel. Which, by the way… I’ve invited a real estate agent. He’s on his way.

SARA: Thank you.

Quinton picks up Sara’s menu. He takes a look.

QUINTON: Oh, my. I’m thinking eggs, over easy.

JAMES: Me, too.

Sara shakes her head in disgust. Some boring routine, she must have thought. And now Ebony returns with another cup of coffee, very black. She rubs the top of her son’s head. And he just smiles awkwardly at Sara.

EBONY: Anyone see Ralph?

JAMES: Ralph?

EBONY: He’s usually here by now.

QUINTON: (looking around) Yeah, where is that bum?

Sara turns her head slowly to the window. A look of evil, overwhelmed with boredom. Thin, near china woman’s eyes, and now James pulls his mug to his mouth and takes a long, obnoxious sip. Sara picks up her mug and takes one, long… quiet sip.

QUINTON: Eggs, over easy. And a side of bacon.

JAMES: Same here!

Ebony jots down the orders on her notepad.

EBONY: (to Sara) Sugar?

SARA: Sopapia and honey, please.

Ebony jots down her order and walks away.

CUT TO: BATE’S MOTEL- Just before noon


A tow truck being unhooked from Sara’s broken down car. The heavy tow man in a dusty baseball cap wipes the sweat from his forehead. And then he glances up to Room A’s window. A glimpse of something small in uniform. It disappears into the darkness. The tow man steps between the two vehicles. He walks over slowly.

TOW MAN: Hello?

The tow man steps up to the door. He looks behind him briefly, back at his tow truck. Now he opens the door and looks inside.

TOW MAN: (cont.) Anyone in here? (no answer) Hello?


The tow man enters, closing the door behind him. He looks right from the bed to the bathroom door… closed.

TOW MAN: Uh, ma’am?! It’s your towing guy. I just dropped off your car. (stepping over) I… (spotting bra on ground) Hmph.

The tow man sleazes down and picks up the white bra. He licks his lips and then… TUNNELER runs out from under the bed! The tow man’s head is drilled open! Blood spills out and covers the puppet instantly from the increasing hole in the forehead. The tow man screams!



James sips his coffee as Ebony returns with three food trays.

JAMES: So, Sara. (Sara looks right at him) I’m kind of out of work. And I was thinking I could be your… assistant?

SARA: Hmm. Yes. I suppose I do owe you.

JAMES: (pulling mug up with a grin) Awesome!

Suddenly another man enters the diner. He looks to his right, right at Quinton and James watching him. This man pulls the sunglasses away from his eyes… packing them into his left breast pocket.

QUINTON: Tido! Have a seat.

Tido walks over and sits beside James. He sets his thin briefcase down as James moves his plate. Tido unlocks and opens the briefcase as Quinton shoves bacon in his mouth.

Tido hands a file paper and pen to Quinton. Quinton sets them between his plate and Sara’s. He hands her the pen.

TIDO: Just sign it, and the place is yours. I’ll also need two hundred up front.

Sara signs the file at the bottom with one hand. With her other she pulls out her wallet. She pulls two one hundred dollar bills from it and hands them to Tido. Tido smiles, taking the bills… and packing them away in his left breast pocket.

Sara takes a last bite from her sopapia smothered in honey. She sits up and Quinton moves out of her way. Tido closes his brief case, and James wipes his egg dribble from his lips. He stares at Sara’s ass.

SARA: I think I’d better get back there. Get some things out of my car.

QUINTON: I’ll take yah, sweetie.

Quinton slaps Sara’s ass. She freezes cold… staring across the way into Ebony’s eyes. Ebony, behind the counter… laughing. Sara slowly turns around. Eyeing Tido putting his sunglasses back on. Now eyeing James standing up.

JAMES: (coughing yolk) I can do it!

SARA: No! No, that’s okay you guys. I know the way, I’ll walk.

Sara walks around and leaves the diner. A bell ring as the door closes.

CUT TO: ROADSIDE- Heat of the afternoon

Sara walks down the way. Brush and sand pits on each side of her. She wipes the sweat from her forehead. She moves on down the seemingly isolated way. There is no vehicle in sight.



Ebony, James, Tido and Quinton sit at the table. Tido is now beside Quinton. Ebony is rubbing against her son, rather sexually.

EBONY: My boy.

JAMES: Right, ma.

Quinton and Tido look at each other in disgust.

QUINTON: (speaking up) Why don’t four of us hit the bar?

TIDO: Aren’t you on duty?

QUINTON: (standing up) Hehe! So WHAT?!

JAMES: Yeah! So what?!

QUINTON: Shut up, James.

EBONY: (kissing her son… passionately) Aaaw… my boy! Awww.

JAMES: (pushing her away) Sick! Ma!

Tido bursts out in laughter.

CUT TO: BATE’S MOTEL- A Little Later


Sara approaches slowly. Clearly she’s out of breath. She stops at the sight of the tow truck. And her car. Her eyes thin in confusion. Now she moves forth onto the lot.