Scarlet Letter Presentation

You will be presenting a theme/ motif or symbol to the class in a 3-5 minute presentation.

You will present:

Your theme/ motif or symbol

Its importance to the novel

5+ examples (quotes with pagination) of your topic

You will have a visual aid to assist you (may include quotes/ page #s)

·  You must be focused, your topic should have a clear thesis

·  You must have clear evidence with pagination

·  You must be clear and use appropriate volume and voice

·  You must use appropriate poise and gestures

·  You must engage the audience and, in turn, be a respectful member of the audience

10 points each = 50 points total.

Presentations will begin after the novel is completed.

Possible topics:

The Black Man
The Forest
Secret Sin
Free Will
Social Status
The Black Man
The Scaffold
Science and Faith
Performance Criteria / Exceeds
2pts / Meets
1 pts / Does Not Meet
0 pt / Score
Thesis/Focus and Purpose / Central message is compelling, clearly stated, and provides a focus and direction for the presentation. / Central message is clear and provides a focus and direction for the presentation. / There is no clear central message and, therefore, presentation is unfocused.
Development of ideas/
Use of supporting materials / Excellent supporting materials (examples, explanation, media, etc.) make appropriate reference to information and significantly support the central message. / Good supporting materials (examples, explanation, media, etc.) make appropriate reference to information and generally support the central message. / Most of the materials are of poor quality and do not clearly support the central message.
Oral Delivery / Presenter speaks clearly, at the appropriate rate, and with the appropriate volume for the audience. Pronunciation is clear and there are no grammatical errors or verbal fillers. / Presenter speaks clearly, at the appropriate rate, and with the appropriate volume for the audience. Pronunciation is clear but there are a few grammatical errors or some verbal fillers. / Presenter has major problems with clear speech, volume, and rate. There are frequent errors in grammar or pronunciation and repeated use of verbal fillers.
Non-Verbal Delivery / Presenter is confident in posture, polished in appearance and seldom returns to notes but rather maintains eye contact with the audience. Body language including hand motions skillfully supports the verbal message. / Presenter is confident in posture, polished in appearance but sometimes returns to notes and does not maintain regular eye contact with the audience. Body language including hand motions adequately supports the verbal message. / Presenter appears uneasy, disheveled, and unprepared, and makes little eye contact with the audience. Body language does not support verbal message.
Engagement / The presenter immediately gains the audience’s attention and continues to engage the audience through questions, active participation, etc. throughout the entire presentation. / The presenter engages the audience throughout most of the presentation. / The presenter does not engage the audience.