Curriculum VitaeGregory A. Yothers

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Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics, December 2003, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA15260

Dissertation: “Methodologies for Identifying Subsets of the Population
Where Two Treatments Differ”

Advisor: Allan R. Sampson

Master of Arts in Statistics, December 1998, University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA15620

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, December 1985, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, University Park, PA16801


Statistician, March 1999 to present

National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP),Pittsburgh, PA15213

Senior Biostatistician, August 1997 to March 1999, part-time

Respironics Inc.,Murrysville, PA15668

Supplier Quality Assurance Engineer, July 1991 to August 1997

Respironics Inc.,Murrysville, PA15668

Project Engineer, March 1988 to July 1991

Robertshaw Controls Company,Youngwood, PA15697

Procurement Quality Assurance Engineer, April 1986 to March 1988

Robertshaw Controls Company,Youngwood, PA15697


Yothers G and SampsonAR, “Inference Guided Data Exploration”,in Balakrishnan N, Kannan N, Nagaraja H.N. (Eds). Advances in Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons and Reliability, to be published by Birkhauser/Springer-Verlag

Land SR, Kopec JA, Yothers G, Anderson S, Day R, Tang G, Ganz PA, Fisher B, Wolmark N, “Health-Related Quality of Life in Axillary Node-Negative, Estrogen Receptor-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing AC versus CMF Chemotherapy: Findings from the National Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project B-23”, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Accepted

Publications (continued)

Hausdorff WP, Yothers G, Dagan R, Kilpi T, Pelton SI, Cohen R, Jacobs MR, Kaplan SL, Levy C, Lopez EL, Mason EO, Syriopoulou V, Wynne B, Bryant J, “A Multinational Study of Pneumococcal Serotypes Causing Acute Otitis Media in Children”, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Vol. 21, No. 11, November 2002: 1008-16

Paik S, Bryant J, Tan-Chiu E, Romond E, Hiller W, Park K, Brown A, Yothers G, Anderson S, Smith R, Wickerham DL, Wolmark N, “Real-world performance of HER2 testing--National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project experience”, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 94, No. 11, June 5, 2002:852-4

Goldhirsch A, Gelber RD, Yothers G, Gray RJ, Green S, Bryant J, Gelber S, Castiglione-Gertsch M, Coates AS, “Adjuvant therapy for very young women with breast cancer: need for tailored treatments”, Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs 2001;30:44-51

Paik S, Bryant J, Tan-Chiu E, Yothers G, Park C, Wickerham DL, Wolmark N,“HER2 and Choice of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Invasive Breast Cancer: National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Protocol B-15”, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 92, No. 24, December 20, 2000:1991-8


“NSABP Protocol C-08”, American Society for Clinical Oncology, Special Session titled “High-Priority Cooperative Group Phase III Trials for Community Practitioners”, June 2004, invited

“Statistical considerations in the design of NSABP Protocol C-08”, NSABP Fall Meeting, General Scientific Session, October 2002

“NSABP Protocol B-23 Quality of Life Outcomes”, NSABP Behavioral and Health Outcomes Committee, June 2001

“Controlling the Experimentwise Type I Error Rate when Survival Analyses are Planned for Subsets of the Sample”, University of Pittsburgh Department of Biostatistics Seminar, September 2000

“Excess Zeros”, Session Chair, Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2000

“Controlling the Experimentwise Type I Error Rate when Survival Analyses are Planned for Subsets of the Sample”, University of Pittsburgh Department of StatisticsBrown Bag Seminar, February 2000

Peer Review

Journal of Clinical Oncology, reviewer

Professional Society Memberships

American Statistical Association

Research Interests

Clinical trials, subset testing/selection, multiple comparisons.


H. Samuel Wieand, PhD

Professor of Biostatistics, Universityof Pittsburgh

Director of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

One SterlingPlaza, Suite 325

201 N. Craig Street

Pittsburgh, PA15213

Allan R. Sampson, PhD

Professor of Statistics, University of Pittsburgh

2701 Cathederal of Learning

Pittsburgh, PA15260

Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD

Associate Chief of Medicine, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute

6130 Executive Blvd., EPN 7040

Bethesda, MD20892

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