Curriculum Vitae – Tobias A. Neff, MD

Name: Tobias A. Neff, M.D.

Office Address:Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplantation

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus,

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT, Mail Stop 8302, P18-4420,

12800 E. 19th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045

Work Phone: 303-724-7445

Work E-Mail:

Work FAX: 303-724-4015

Place of Birth: Munich, Germany

Faculty Academic Appointments

9/2012-presentAssistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Denver

7/2010 – 8/2012Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions

7/2013 -Attending Physician in Pediatric BMT/Hematological Malignancies, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

7/2010 – 8/2012Attending Physician in Pediatric Hematology/OncologyDana Farber Cancer Institute/Children's Hospital Boston,Boston, MA


7/2007 – 6/2010Fellowin Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Children's Hospital Boston

7/ 2006–6/2007R3resident in Pediatrics – Boston Combined Residency Program, Harvard University and Boston University

7/ 2004 - 6/2006R1/2 resident in Pediatrics –Texas Children's Hospital-Baylor College of Medicine

1/1999 - 6/2000Resident in Pediatrics - Charité - Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

1/1995-12/1996Pre-doctoral research fellowship, Division of Medical Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (Laboratory of Carl Anthony Blau/George Stamatoyannopoulos/ ThaliaPapayannopoulou, Division of Medical Genetics))

11/1999MD thesis: summa cum laude. Thesis advisor: Dr. Bernhard Kornhuber

4/1994-11/1998Medical School, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

3/1993-4/1994Medical School, Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany

4/1990-3/1993Medical School, Eberhard-Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany

Postdoctoral Training

7/2008-8/2012Children’s Hospital Boston (mentored by Scott Armstrong, co-mentored by Stuart Orkin, both Division of Hematology/Oncology)

4/ 2002 - 6/ 2004Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Laboratory of Hans Peter Kiem (Division of Transplantation Biology), Seattle, WA

7/2000- 3/2002University of Washington, Laboratory of Carl Anthony Blau (Division of Hematology), Seattle, WA

Professional Societies

2013-presentAmerican Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

2008-presentChildren’s Oncology Group

2000-presentAmerican Society of Hematology

Honors and Prizes

2013ASCI Council's 2013 Young Physician-Scientist Awards

2003 Excellence in Research Award, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy

2003Travel Award, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy

2003Travel Award, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

2002 Travel Award, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

1996 Travel Award from the American Society of Hematology

1993 Elected member of the “German National Merit Foundation” (“Studienstiftung des

deutschenVolkes”), a foundation funding 0.5% of German university students

Funding Information


1K08CA154777-02Neff (PI)7/1/11-6/30/2016

Project Title Ezh2 in MLL-AF9 mediated acute myeloid leukemia


T32 Training Grant Williams (PI)7/2008-6/2011


Role: Trainee - 07/01/09-6/30/10


Amgen Hematology and Oncology Fellowship Stipend Support Program7/2009-6/2010

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation research fellowship grant1/2001-12/2001

Dr. Carl Benz-Foundation pre-doctoral fellowship grant1/1995-12/1996

Report of Local Teaching and Training

Graduate Program Memberships

4/2013-presentGraduate Program in Cancer Biology, UC Denver AMC

Clinical Supervisory and Training Responsibilities

7/2010-presentTeaching and training pediatric residents and medical students and hematology/oncology fellows as attending physician

7/2007-6/2010Teaching and training pediatric residents and medical studentswhile on service as a clinical pediatric hematology/oncology fellow

Current Licensure and Certification

2013Board Certification in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, American Board of Pediatrics

2013Full License, CO

2009Full license, MA

2007Board Certification in Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics

Practice Activities

7/2010-8/2012Attending Physician, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute/ Children’s Hospital Boston(6 weeks of service time/year inpatient oncology and ½ day of outpatient clinic every 2 weeks)

5/ 2009-6/2010Attending physician (associate staff), Beverly Hospital, Beverly, MA

Report of Scholarship

Peer Reviewed Publications in print or other media

Extended Survival of Glioblastoma Patients with Dynamic Clonal Fluctuations After

Chemoprotective Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy

Adair JE, Beard BC, Trobridge GD, Neff T, RockhillJK, Silbergeld DL, Mrugala M, Kiem HP

SciTransl Med9 May 2012 4:133ra57

Genetic and Pharmacologic Inhibition of β-Catenin Targets Imatinib-Resistant Leukemia Stem Cells in CML

Heidel FH, Bullinger L, Feng Z, Wang Z, Neff TA, Stein L, Kalaitzidis D, Lane SW, Armstrong SA

Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Apr 6; 10(4):412-24

The Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Is Required For MLL-AF9 Leukemia

NeffT, Sinha AU, KlukMJ, Zhu N, Khattab MH, SteinL, Xie H, OrkinSH, ArmstrongSA

ProcNatlAcadSci U S A. 2012 Mar 27;109(13):5028-33.

An Unusual Case of Congenital Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor With Ocular Metastasis.

Salgado C, Neff T*, Frazier L, Vargas SO, Vanderveen D. (Case report)

J PediatrHematolOncol. 2012 Mar;34(2):e69-71.*corresponding author

Long-term polyclonal and multilineage engraftment of methylguaninemethyltransferaseP140K gene-modified dog hematopoietic cells in primary and secondary recipients.

Beard BC, Sud R, Keyser KA, Ironside C, Neff T, Gerull S, Trobridge GD, Kiem HP.

Blood. 2009 May 21;113(21):5094-103.

Jung CW, Beard BC, Morris JC, Neff T, Beebe K, Storer BE, Kiem HP.

Hematopoietic stem cell engraftment: a direct comparison between intramarrow and intravenous injection in nonhuman primates.

ExpHematol. 2007 Jul;35(7):1132-9.

Gerull S, Beard BC, Peterson LJ, Neff T, Kiem HP.

In vivo selection and chemoprotection after drug resistance gene therapy in a nonmyeloablative allogeneic transplantation setting in dogs.

Hum Gene Ther. 2007 May;18(5):451-6.

Neff T, Gerull S, Peterson LJ, Kiem HP.

Improved short-term engraftment of lentivirally versus gammaretrovirally transduced allogeneic canine repopulating cells.

J Gene Med. 2007 May;9(5):357-61.

Neff T, Beard BC, Peterson LJ, Anandakumar P, Thompson J, Kiem HP.

Polyclonal chemoprotection against temozolomide in a large-animal model of drug resistance gene therapy.
Blood. 2005 Feb 1;105(3):997-1002.

Horn PA, Keyser KA, Peterson LJ, Neff T, Thomasson BM, Thompson J, Kiem HP.

Efficient lentiviral gene transfer to canine repopulating cells using an overnight transduction protocol.
Blood. 2004 May 15;103(10):3710-6.

Neff T, Peterson LJ, Morris JC, Thompson J, Zhang X, Horn PA, Thomasson BM, Kiem HP. Efficient gene transfer to hematopoietic repopulating cells using concentrated RD114-pseudotype vectors produced by human packaging cells.
Mol Ther. 2004 Feb;9(2):157-9.

Neff T, Horn PA, Peterson LJ, Thomasson BM, Thompson J, Williams DA, Schmidt M, Georges GE, von Kalle C, Kiem HP.

Methylguaninemethyltransferase-mediated in vivo selection and chemoprotection of allogeneic stem cells in a large-animal model.
J Clin Invest. 2003 Nov;112(10):1581-8.

Neff T, Horn PA, ValliVE, Gown AM, Wardwell S, Wood BL, von Kalle C, Schmidt M, Peterson LJ, Morris JC, Richard RE, Clackson T, Kiem HP, Blau CA.

Pharmacologically regulated in vivo selection in a large animal.

Blood. 2002 Sep 15;100: 2026-2031

Zeng H, Jin L, Richard RE, Neff T, Otto KG, Thomis D, Miller AD, Blau CA

Receptor specificity in the self renewal and differentiation of primary multipotentialhemopoietic cells.

Blood. 2001 Jul 15;98(2):328-34.

Jin L, Neff T, Blau CA.

Marrow sensitization to 5-fluorouracil using the ligands for Flt-3 and c-Kit.

ExpHematol. 1999 Mar 27(3):520-5.

Blau CA, Neff T, Papayannopoulou T.

Cytokine prestimulation as a gene therapy strategy: implications for using the

MDR1 gene as a dominant selectable marker.

Blood. 1997 Jan 1;89(1):146-54.

Blau CA, Neff T, Papayannopoulou T.

The hematological effects of folate analogs: implications for using the

dihydrofolatereductase gene for in vivo selection.

Hum Gene Ther. 1996 Nov 10;7(17):2069-78.

Neff T, Blau CA.

Forced expression of cytidinedeaminase confers resistance to cytosine

arabinoside and gemcitabine.

ExpHematol. 1996 Sep;24(11):1340-6.


Recent Progress Toward Epigenetic Therapies – The Example of Mixed Lineage Leukemia

Neff T, Armstrong SA.

Blood.2013 (accepted for publication)

Chromatin maps, histone modifications and leukemia.

Neff T, Armstrong SA.

Leukemia. 2009 Jul;23(7):1243-51. Review.

Neff T, Beard BC, Kiem HP.

Survival of the fittest: In vivo selection and stem cell gene therapy.Review.
Blood. 2006 Mar 1;107(5):1751-60.

Horn PA, Morris JC, Neff T, Kiem HP.

Stem cell gene transfer-efficacy and safety in large animal studies. Review.
MolTher. 2004 Sep;10(3):417-31.

Neff, T and Blau, CA

Pharmacologically regulated cell therapy.Review.

Blood. 2001 May 1;97(9):2535-40.

Neff T, Shotkoski F, Stamatoyannopoulos G

Stem cell gene therapy, position effects and chromatin insulators. Review.

Stem Cells. 1997;15Suppl 1:265-71.

MD-Thesis (1995-1996)

Cytidine-Deaminaseas a Selectable Marker for Gene Therapy

University of Washington, Seattle, WA and Prof. Bernhard Kornhuber, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M.

summa cum laude (defense 11/1999)

Presentations at National Meetings (past 5 years):

Bmi-1 Is Dispensable for the Development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Mediated by MLL-AF9

Oral presentation given at the 52nd ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, December 4-7, 2010,

Orlando, FL

Role of Polycomb Repressive Complex2 in MLL-AF9 Leukemia in a Murine Model

Invited Poster Presentation, Sixth Biennial Workshop on the Clinical Translation of Epigenetics in Cancer Therapy, January 18-21, 2013, Asheville, NC

Ezh2 is Required for AML Progression

Invited Poster Presentation, Joint Meetings of the Association of American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical Investigation, April 26-28, 2013,Chicago, IL