Article 1:
The association shall be called as the Society for Fluoride Research, with headquarters at Hyderabad and jurisdiction all over the country.
Mission statement:
To advance scientific understanding on Fluoride toxicity and its mitigation.
Article 2:
a) Society means the "Society for Fluoride Research".
b) The Life Members of the Society who have founded the Society shall be called Founder Life Members and all other Life Members shall be called as Life Members / Service Members.
Article 3:
The jurisdiction of the Society shall be all the states and Union Territories of India.
Article 4:
a. To provide a platform to scientists working on Fluorosis for exchanging and sharing knowledge on fluorosis and its mitigation.
b. To take initiatives to generate awareness of Fluoride toxicity and its mitigation among the scientists and public.
c. To provide update on Fluoride toxicity and its mitigation.
d. Generate human resource for Fluorosis mitigation by improving the communication and resources among scientific community and the public by publishing newsletters and or Journal to promote and/or impart latest advances in the field to its members and others.
e. To provide informational and advisory resources to government agencies and other organizations on issues related to Fluorosis.
f) To encourage professional courses in Fluoride toxicity and provide guidance for career development.
g) Primarily focus on six aspects:
1. Demography of fluorosis in India.
2. Fluoride toxicity and mechanism of diseases induction.
3. Biomarkers of fluoride exposure.
4. Environmental interaction in fluoride toxicity
5. Detection technology and mitigation strategies.
6. Education and extension programs
h) To develop and maintain the highest standards of professional competence and conduct and encourage improvement of professional knowledge.
i) To work with other professional organizations on matters of mutual interest and public concern.
j) To support research in the continuing effort to improve knowledge on fluorosis. Recognize and encourage outstanding accomplishments by scientists and keep its members informed about current activities and concerns of the society and the profession.
k) To enhance the professional knowledge of its members in the field of fluoride research by holding seminars, lectures, conferences and training programs.
Article 5A:
1) The membership shall be open to all Home science and Science graduates, Postgraduates who are actively engaged in the field of fluorosis.
2) All science graduates or post graduates in the biological sciences and associated with fluoride research can become members,
3) Every member shall pay to the Association with in the stipulated time, dues prescribed and additional assessments if any made.
4) Members shall pay an initial membership amount of Rs. 500/- or $100 (Rupees Five hundred only) and then onwards Rs. 300/-or $75 (Rupees Three hundred only), every year or any such amount determined by the Association from time to time.
5) The membership fee (or) subscription once paid shall not be refunded on any account.
6) Members in arrears of subscription for one year shall automatically cease to be members of the association. Such members shall be eligible for readmission only on payment of the arrears.
7) Article 5 rule 6 shall not be applicable to the Founder Life Members of the association.
8) Annual membership facility shall be extended to only students (post graduates and research scholars). The amount of subscription shall be as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time.
9) All student candidates shall have to provide authentic/bonafide letters from their respective Departmental Heads.
10) All student members shall cease to be members after completing their respective course programs and will have to re-register as fresh members.
Article 5B:
The Founder Life Members shall pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) as Founder Life Membership fee to enroll as member for as long as he wishes to remain a member.
The Founder Life Membership fee once paid shall not be refunded on any account. At any given time, two founder life members (selected by consenses of all Founder Life Members) shall have the right to attend all meetings of the association and participate in the proceedings.
Article 6:
MANAGEMENT: The management of the society shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and 9 Executive Committee members.
Article 7:
He shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body of the Association.
He shall preside over the meeting of the Executive Committee and or any other committee(s) of which he is a member and has the right to attend any such committee meeting appointed by the Executive Committee.
He shall guide the activities of the Association on behalf of the Executive Committee. He shall regulate the proceedings of meetings, interpret the rules, the byelaws and decide doubtful points.
He shall in addition to his ordinary vote have a casting vote in case of equality of vote.
Article 8:
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside over the meeting and shall perform the duties pertaining to the office of the President.
The right to use the casting vote can be utilized by the Vice-President only after obtaining the consent of the President in writing.
Article 9:
The Secretary shall
1. Be the custodian of the records and properties of the Association, an inventory of which must be maintained at his office.
2. Look after all the business of the association.
3. Conduct all meetings of the General Body, the Executive Committee and the Sub-Committees.
4. Submit a yearly report of the Association incorporating the audited statement of receipt and expenditure of the treasurer.
5. Implement the rules, byelaws and resolutions of the association.
6. With the consent of the Executive Committee, do all the other acts for the fulfillment of the objects of the association.
7. The secretary shall have the powers to authorize any member of the association to any work connected with the association's welfare.
8. The Secretary shall have the authority to intervene in the matters concerning association dues from members.
9. The Secretary shall receive all complaints/suggestions from the members in writing and shall include the same in the agenda of the next Executive Committee meeting. The Secretary shall also have the authority to ask for clarifications/explanations from members regarding complaints/ suggestions before putting them up in the agenda for the next meeting.
Article 10:
1. The Joint Secretary shall help the Secretary in all his duties and in his absence shall act on his behalf.
2. The Joint Secretary shall have the authority to collect association dues from members and deposit them with the treasurer.
Article 11:
The Treasurer shall:
1. Help the Secretary in all his duties.
2. Receive all subscriptions/donations/contributions/sponsorship money/ dues from its members or from other Government or private organizations and deposit the same in the bank accounts of the association.
3. Maintain an account of receipts and expenditure and submit to the Executive Committee/Secretary as and when asked for
4. Be responsible for the collection of all subscriptions.
5. Shall be responsible for withdrawing money from the association's account in the bank with the consent of the Secretary.
Article 12:
The Executive Committee shall have the powers to
1. To raise money in such manner as the Association may deem fit from time to time, with the permission of the Government wherever necessary, and collect subscription of the objects of the Association.
2. To purchase, take lease of, or otherwise acquire, with the permission of the Government wherever necessary, manage, let on lease or dispose off, movable or immovable properties for the purpose of the Association.
3. To sanction all expenditures of the Association.
4. To arrange for the audit of the accounts of the Association.
5. To frame byelaws in furtherance of the objects of the association subject to the approval of the General Body at the next meeting.
6. To consider and dispose off the suggestions of the members
7. To guide the profession in all matters.
8. To audit, re-admit or refuse applications of membership.
9. To suspend members.
Note: Suspended members will have a right of appeal to the General Body.
10. To appoint or remove salaried employees of the association.
11. Generally to take all necessary steps in furtherance of the objectives of the association.
Article 13: FUNDS
a) INCOME: The funds or income of the association shall be derived from the following sources.
i) Subscription from the members of the association.
ii) Special contributions, or any other funds or donations raised.
iii) Income derived from the properties of the association.
iv) Income derived from sponsorships.
b) EXPENDITURE: The Executive Committee shall out of the funds of the Association, meet all the ordinary expenses and shall pay rents, salaries, wages and such other charges as may be necessary for carrying on the work of the association.
Article 14:
1) At least one meeting of the General Body shall be held each year for discussion of professional subjects and such other subjects in furtherance of the other objectives of the association. The General Body will elect the Office Bearers once in four years. A record of the proceedings of the Association meetings shall be maintained.
2) Notice of the General Body meeting shall be sent to the members ordinarily at least 30 days before the dates fixed for it giving the place, date and hour of the meeting and agenda for the business to be brought before it.
3) Quorum for the General Body meeting shall be 1/5 of the total memberships eligible to vote.
Procedure and order of business:
a) The election of a Chairman for the meeting if necessary, in the absence of the President and the Vice-President.
b) Election of the office bearers and other members of the Executive Committee for ensuing year.
c) Adoption of the Annual report with the audited statement of accounts of the previous year.
d) Disposal of resolutions brought forward by the Executive Committee and the individual members of the Association.
1) Except with the special permission of the President (Chairman). No resolution shall be ordinarily placed before the General Body which has not been previously considered by the Executive Committee.
2) Resolutions sponsored by individual members must reach the Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the meeting. Amendments to the constitution if proposed by members shall be sent to the Secretary at least two months in advance of the General Body meeting.
e) at all meetings of the General Body, the decision of the majority of those present shall prevail and in case of equality of votes the President shall use the casting vote.
f) No rule shall be altered or annulled and no new rule introduced except with the consent of 3/4"' of the members present and voting at a meeting of the General Body of the Association.
The Executive Committee shall meet biannually or as often as necessary, the quorum for such meeting being five including the Chairman.
The President and in his absence the Vice President shall preside at the meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of both, any member, other than the Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer elected by the Members present shall preside at the meetings of the Managing Committee.
At all meetings of the Executive Committee the decision of the majority of those present shall prevail and in cases of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
At least one months notice shall ordinarily be given for the meeting of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee may whenever it thinks fit or shall, on a requisition made in writing by at least 50 of the eligible members, call an extraordinary General Body Meeting. The requisition must state the object of the meeting proposed to be called and must be signed by the requisition. legibly and placed with the Secretary who shall in consultation with the President call an extraordinary meeting of the General Body within 3 months of the receipt of the requisition.
1) Notice of the extraordinary General Body Meeting shall be sent to the members at least 30 days before the date fixed for the meeting giving the place, the date and the hour of the meeting and the agenda.
2) Nothing, except the business for which it is called for, shall be discussed at an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Body.
3) The quorum for such meeting shall be at least 50, at least half of whom shall be those who have not signed the requisition.
4) If within half an hour from the appointed time there is no quorum, the meeting convened on the requisition of members, shall be dissolved; but in other cases shall stand adjourned to be called again by the Secretary in consultation with the President.
The Secretary shall facilitate the work of the Executive Committee by circulating all matters by post/e-mail/fax whenever necessary to elicit the opinion of its members.
The Secretary may have a permanent advance cf Rs. 500/- and recoup it from the Treasurer with the necessary vouchers.
i. The treasurer may draw from the Bank only a demand for money from the Secretary for bonafide expenses of the Association.
ii. The treasurer shall not keep an amount exceeding Rs. 500/- for petty cash expenses.
Any excess amount shall be deposited in the Bank within 10 days.
iii. All receipts shall he signed by the treasurer.
a) Items of expenditure not exceeding Rs. 500/- at a time may be incurred by the Secretary.
b) Item of Expenditure exceeding Rs. 500/- at a time shall have the previous sanction of the Executive Committee.