Graduate School Guidelines for RCR Mentoring on NSF Awards

1.  Create “RCR Mentoring Plan” that includes scheduled face-to-face meetings and appropriate discipline-specific RCR topics for students involved in the NSF-supported project. The Associate Dean for Research is available to assist in the development of the “RCR Mentoring Plan” and sample plans are available upon request.

2.  Include in the “RCR Mentoring Plan” at least one case study per topic.

3.  Submit “RCR Mentoring Plan” to the Graduate School for approval and record-keeping.

4.  Ensure RCR Training has been completed by all students working on NSF funded project.

5.  Submit RCR Training progress reports to the Graduate School at the time of regular NSF-mandated technical progress reports and at the conclusion of the NSF award.

Recommended On-line Resources

Online Ethics Org:
RCREC Internet Course:

Recommended Reading, Books and Reports

ORI Select bibliography

NSF Engineering Ethics Workshop Materials and Report

National Academies of Science (1995): On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research (Social Foundations of Science, Values in Science, Data Management, Conflicts of Interest, Publication, Authorship and Credit, Error and Negligence, Misconduct, Social Responsibility)
Free online: http://

Barnbaum DR, Byron M (2001): Research Ethics: Text and Readings, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. (Overview, Ethical theories and principles, Ethics and study design, Use of human and animal research subjects, Data management, Conflicts of interest, Research misconduct)

Shamoo AE, Resnik DB (2002): Responsible Conduct of Research, Oxford Univ. Press, NY. (Research ethics, Use of animal and human subjects, Data management, Conflicts of interest, Collaboration and authorship, Publication and peer review, Genetics, Research misconduct, Science and society)

Bulger RE, Heitman E, Reiser SJ (2002): The Ethical Dimensions of the Biological and Health Sciences,
Cambridge Univ. Press, NY. (Ethics and integrity, Responsible conduct of research, Use of human and animal subjects, Data management, Authorship and publication, Collaboration, Science and society)

Steneck NH (2004): ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research. (Shared values, Use of human and animal subjects, Data management, Conflicts of interest, Authorship and publication, Peer review, Collaboration, Mentoring, Research misconduct)
Free online:

Macrina FL (2005): Scientific Integrity, ASM Press, 3rd ed., Washington, D.C.. (Responsible conduct of research, Ethical theories and reasoning, Use of animal and human subjects, Data ownership and recordkeeping, Conflicts of interest, Authorship and peer review, Collaboration, Mentoring, Genetics)

Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, 2006.
Free online:

Scientific Integrity AAAS/NAS Bibliography:

Recommended Reading, Journals

Science and Engineering Ethics
“A multi-disciplinary quarterly journal, launched in 1995, exploring ethical issues confronting scientists and engineers.”

Accountability in Research
“The journal publishes originalempirical, methodological, policy and theoretical papers, cases studies, conference reports and book reviews that address issues of integrity and accountability in research.”

Hastings Center Report
“Promoting thoughtful, balanced reflection on the ethical and social issues of medicine and medical science.”

American Journal of Bioethics
“Each issue of AJOB includes Target Articles that zero in on a pressing problem in healthcare or biomedical science, followed by Open Peer Commentary articles written about the Target Article by scholars in many disciplines.”

The Journal of Research Administration
The Journal “serves to provide articles covering the changing research environment worldwide, and to highlight quality and innovation in research administration.”

Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
The Journal “publishes empirical research and reviews of empirical literature on human research ethics…In addition, JERHRE seeks to create collaboration among institutions and researchers concerned about the responsible conduct of research.”