Nuraan Davids
February 2013


Philosophy of Education
Exploring the (in)commensurability between the lived experiences of Muslim women and cosmopolitanism: implications for democratic citizenship education and Islamic education
Promoter: Prof. Y Waghid
Examiners: Prof. P. Smeyers
Prof. S. Dangor
Prof. R. Hashim / Stellenbosch University / 2012
Educational Administration, Planning and Social Policy
Learner and school: What is the interplay between learner choice and school selection of learners? A comparative study of two Western Cape schools
Supervisors: Prof. C. Soudien & Dr. H. Jacklin / University of Cape Town / 1999
Higher Diploma in Education (PG Secondary) / University of Cape Town / 1993
BA (Hons) / University of Cape Town / 1992
BA / University of Cape Town / 1991
Matric Exemption
Physical Science
German / Livingstone High School / 1988


Lecturer / Stellenbosch University / January 2013 – Current
Adjunct Lecturer / Stellenbosch University / February 2012 – December 2012
Director / Fundi Education & Training / March 2004 - December 2011
Western Cape Project Manager / Zenex Foundation / January 2007 – December 2011
Project Manager / Shuttleworth Foundation / January 2004 – December 2007
Senior Facilitator & Programmes Designer / Novalis Institute / January 2000 – December 2003
Teacher / Windsor High School
Livingstone High School / January 1994 – March 1997
January 1998 – December 1999
Author / Maskew Miller Longman / March 1994 – March 1997
Tutor / University of Cape Town / January – October 1992


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Davids, N. (2013) Democratic citizenship as a debt account of gratitude. Journal of Philosophy of Education (Under Review)
Waghid, Y. & Davids. N. (2013) Reflecting on a doctoral supervision: From scepticism to friendship. South African Journal of Higher Education, 27(4): (In Press).
Davids, N. & Waghid, Y. (2013) Educational leadership reconsidered: re-invoking authority in schools. South African Journal of Education (Under Review).
Davids, N. (2012) Muslim Women and the politics of religious identity in a (post) secular society.
Studies in Philosophy of Education (Forthcoming).
Waghid, Y. & Davids, N. (2012) Higher education and cosmopolitanism without illusions. South African Journal of Higher Education, 26(6): (In press).
Waghid, Y. & Davids, N. (2012) Combating terrorism through an education for democratic iteration. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 30(2): 1-20.
Davids, N. (2012) A reformed Islamic education: grounds for revisiting cosmopolitanism. South African Journal of Higher Education, 26(3): 395-410.
Davids, N. & Waghid, Y. (2012) Re-imagining democratic citizenship education: Towards a culture of compassionate responsibility. Perspectives in Education, 30(4): 19-28.
Papers presented at conferences
Davids, N. (2013) I am therefore I belong: Fulfilling a conception of citizenship from within the self. South African Education Research Association: The state of play in educational research in South Africa: practices and perspectives, Bella-Bella (Warmbaths), Pretoria, 28-30 January.
Davids, N. (2012) Narratives and knowledge: autoethnography as a subjective space of knowledge production. The International Network of Philosophers of Education 13th Biennial Conference: Passion, Commitment and Justice in Education, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 15-18 August.
Conference Proceedings
Davids, N. (2013) I am therefore I belong: Fulfilling a conception of citizenship from within the self. South African Education Research Association: The state of play in educational research in South Africa: practices and perspectives, Bella-Bella (Warmbaths), 38 – 47.
Davids, N. (2012) Narratives and knowledge: autoethnography as a subjective space of knowledge production. Proceedings of the International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference (Addis Ababa), 220-222.
Book Chapters
Waghid, Y. & Davids, N. (2013) An Introduction to an Examination of the University in Turbulent Political Times: On Reason, Responsibility and Community. The Europa World of Learning Special Issue (Forthcoming).
Davids, N. & Waghid, Y. (2013) The Arab Spring: An opportunity to remould the scepticism. The Europa World of Learning Special Issue (Forthcoming).
Davids, N. (2013) Muslim women and cosmopolitanism: reconciling the fragments of identity, participation and belonging. In: Chapman, J., Macnamara, S., Reis, M. & Waghid, Y. (eds.) Handbook in faith-based schools (Dortrecht: Springer), (Forthcoming).
Davids, N. (2013) Women, identity and religious education: a path to autonomy, or dependence? In: Chapman, J., Macnamara, S., Reis, M. & Waghid, Y. (eds.) Handbook in faith-based schools (Dortrecht: Springer), (Forthcoming).
Davids, N. (2012) Re-imagining citizenship education Manual (Stellenbosch University: SUNPress)