u Second Half Singles u

April 2014 Newsletter

“Second Half Singles finding fellowship and spiritual growth

through serving and socializing together as followers of Jesus Christ.”

248.786.0600 ext. 831 Voice Mail

Every Thursday / 6:30-8 pm / Line Dancing Classes - Troy
Thurs. April 3rd / 8:15-9:15 pm / Ballroom Dancing
Fri. April 4th / 7-8:30 pm / “Sweets for the Body and Soul” Rm. 115 (Room change!)
Fri. April 11th / 9 am / Elder Fraud Seminar - Troy Community Center
Fri. April 11th / 5-7 pm / Meet Up in Chat Room
Fri. April 11th / 8-Midnight / Dance The Night Away………………
Sat. April 12th / 7-10 pm / Bunco Party!
Fri. April 18th / Many Services / Good Friday Services
Sat. April 19th / Many Services / Saturday Easter Services at all Campuses
Sun April 20th / Many Services / Sunday Easter Services at all Campuses
Sat. May 3rd / 5 pm - / Dinner @ Uno’s/Movie @ AMC
Fri. May 9th / 5-7 pm / Meet Up in Chat Room
Fri. May 9th / 7-8:30 pm / “Sweets for the Body and Soul” Rm. 115 (Room change!)
Sat. May 17th / 7-10 pm / Euchre Party

Check out Small Groups and more Donation Info at the end of this letter!


During the month of April 2014 we will be collecting donations for the Lighthouse of Oakland County located in Pontiac. This month, please bring items for spring cleaning...... such as trash bags, cleaning supplies, bleach, brooms, dustpans, laundry detergent, shower curtains, shower rods, towels, cleaning rags, and throw rugs. Bring your donations to any event and we will deliver your items to the Lighthouse for distribution. Questions? Contact Laura at 248.613.1393 about this month’s service effort.

Line Dancing on Thursdays:

On Thursdays, meet at 6:30 pm at the Troy Campus in Room 304. Use the elevator near the big orange slide in the main lobby and go up to the 3rd floor. It’s only $5 for a wonderful night of exercise and lots of fun. Wear comfortable shoes. (No high heels or black soles on the dance floor, please) This is open to all adults, any age, married and single. No partners are needed and there is no need to RSVP. Just show up and have a blast!

Ballroom Dancing Class:

Would you like to learn various Ballroom Dances? Then come to Room 304 on Thursdays, from 8:15-9:15 pm (After the Line Dancing Class). It’s open to all adults and there is no need to RSVP. Cost is $5 per person for each session. If you have questions, call Connie, our dance instructor, at 586.822.2171.

Sweets for the Body and Soul: Join us at the Troy Campus on Friday, April 4th in Room 115. (Note the room change!) Park in the west parking lot and enter the door in the 3-story educational wing. Room 115 will be the first room on the left. We will be meeting to discuss how to deal with relevant issues from a Biblical perspective and we will be applying the Bible to everyday situations. You may bring yourown Bible or we will have Bibles that you may use during the study time.

There is no cost and you don't have to RSVP. Just show up for some snacks and Bible Study time together. This would a good time to bring your cleaning supplies donation! (See list of items above)

Elder Fraud Seminar: This event will be held from 9 am to Noon on Friday, April 11th at the Troy Community Center, 3179 Livernois Rd. in Troy. It is not sponsored by Second Half Singles but we thought that it would be good for some of you to take advantage of this free seminar.



seniorcitizens to attend this important seminar.


Call248‐526‐2608orstopbytheFriendsofTroySeniorsofficetoregisterbetween10amand1pm. m-f

Thiseventisbeingco‐sponsoredbytheFriendsofTroySeniorsandtheOakmont Senior Communities. ThelunchismadepossibleinpartthroughagrantfromtheNorth Woodward Community Foundation.

Meet-Up Night: Here isyour opportunity to meet up with other singles! Join us for some mingle time on Friday, April 11th between 5-7 pm. We’ll meet in the Chat Room which is located in the SE corner of the main lobby at the Troy Campus. It’s free and no need to RSVP. Come any time you wish, enjoy some light snacks, and join us for good conversation and interaction with other singles. Even if you are on your way to doing something else for the evening, you might meet some new friends to accompany you on your venture. See you then!

Meet, Mingle, and Dance: On Friday, April 11thjoin us for a great evening of dancing sponsored by Successfully Singles. We will meet at 8 pm at the new Forestre Banquet Center, in The Concorde Inn, 1919 Star-Batt Road, Rochester Hills. MI. (North of M-59 and East from the Crooks Road exit).

Meet, Mingle, and Dance the night away to Top 40 Hits by DJ, Christian Hornbeck. Icebreakers 8-8:30 pm, Hors D'oeuvre Buffet 8:30-9:30 pm, and open dancing from 9-Midnight.

Pay $15 at the door. Dressy casual attire. No jeans or sneakers, please.

When you arrive, ask for “Kensington Singles,” and Denelle, Laura, and Sally will be your Kensington Hostesses for the evening. We will have tables reserved exclusively for our group. Your reserved seat will be saved until 8:30 pm, so don't be late!

Reserve your seat. RSVP as soon as possible to or call 248.786.0600 Ext. 831 and leave a message. Please mention "Dance" and give us your name and phone number so that in the event of any venue change we may notify you quickly. See you at the dance!

Before the dance, check out the "Meet-Up" on April 11th from 5-7 pm in the Chat Room- SE corner of the main lobby at the Kensington Troy Campus!

Bunco Party! - Prizes, Snacks, and Fun!! Take a break, relax, and have some fun. Join us to play Bunco on Saturday, April 12th. Don't know how to play? - It's easy and we'll teach you! Come on up to the 3rd floor at theTroy Campus right after the 5:30 pm Saturday evening service. Use the elevator near the big orange slide in the main lobby and go up to the 3rd floor - Room 304.

Games begin at 7pm. Bring $5 and an appetizer or dessert to pass.Water, Chips, Pretzels, and Dips will be provided. If you want something besides water then bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.

To reserve a spot, please RSVP by Wednesday, April 9th. Call 248.786.0600 Ext. 831 and leave a message or write to . Please leave your name and number so that in case of a venue change, we will be able to contact you quickly.

Also, let us know if you'd like to sit together at the 5:30 pm service before the party! If so, don’t worry. You may drop off your food in Room 304 before the service. See you then!

Heads up! Start your spring cleaning! Check out your closets, pantries, and drawers for things that you can donate. Start gathering your items now. In the next few months, we will be collecting donations that will be passed on to the Lighthouse of Oakland County which has been providing services to low-income families since 1972. Just bring these items to any event and we will make sure your items will get to these families through the Lighthouse.

In April, start gathering Cleaning Supply items, such as trash bags, cleaning supplies, bleach, brooms, dustpans, laundry detergent, shower curtains, shower rods, towels, cleaning rags, and throw rugs.

In May, collect items for Personal Care, such as band-aids, combs and brushes, deodorant, disposable razors, shaving cream, feminine products, Kleenex, make-up, fingernail polish, shampoo/conditioner, soap, toothpaste/brushes, towels and wash cloths, etc.

In June, gather things for Babies such as jar baby food, baby shampoo, baby lotion and soap, baby wipes, baby blankets, clothing, crib sheets, diapers, formula, pull-ups, teething toys, etc.

Ten things that God won’t ask on that day……..

1. God won’t ask what kind of car you drove.

He’ll ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.

2. God won’t ask the square footage of your house.

He’ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3. God won’t ask about the clothes in your closet.

He’ll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4. God won’t ask what your highest salary was.

He’ll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5. God won’t ask what your job title was.

He’ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6. God won’t ask how many friends you had.

He’ll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7. God won’t ask in what neighborhood you lived.

He’ll ask how you treated your neighbor.

8. God won’t ask about the color of your skin.

He’ll ask about the content of your character.

9. God won’t ask how many people loved you.

He’ll ask how many people you loved.

10. God won’t ask why it took you so long to seek salvation.

He’ll lovingly take you into His arms when you seek Him.

Second Half Singles April 2014 Calendar of Events
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
“Sweets for the Body and Soul”
Rm. 115
7-8:30 pm / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Line Dancing
6:30-8 pm
Ballroom Dancing
8:15-9:15 pm / 11 Elder Fraud
Troy Com. Cen.
Chat Rm 5-7pm
Dance 8-12 am
Concord Inn / 12
Bunco Party!
Room 304
7-10 pm
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Line Dancing
6:30-8 pm / 18
Good Friday
at each Campus / 19
at each
Services at
each Campus / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Line Dancing
6:30-8 pm / 25 / 26
27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / May 1
Line Dancing
6:30-8 pm / May 2 / May 3
5 pm
Movies - AMC

Second Half Singles

248.786.0600 Ext. 831 Voice Mail

Second Half Singles Privacy Policy

Personal contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, and home addresses) received by the Leadership Team of Second Half Singles will be used solely for the purposes of Second Half Singles communications

(Invitations, updates, changes, cancellations, etc.) and will NOT be shared with others.

Those attending SHS activities may choose to share/not share their own personal contact information at their discretion.

Please DO NOT share contact information of other participants without their express permission.


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