current: 2016


1968B.A., Central Michigan University (History, Spanish)

1973Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (Ancient History)


1968Teacher of Spanish & English, Unionville Junior-Senior High School, Unionville, Michigan

1973Taylor Lecturer in Classics, Colby College

1973-74 Assistant Professor of History, University of Utah

1974-2006 Assistant Professor to Professor of Classics, University of California, Berkeley

2006- Professor of Classics Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Administrative posts

1988-92 Dean of Undergraduate Services, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Berkeley

1981, 1996, 1998: Chair, Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology

1998-1999 Interim Chair, East Asian Languages and Cultures

2000-2004 Chair, Classics Department

Awards & Honors

1982-83 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship

1988NEH Travel Fellowship

1998Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres (Barcelona) (corresponding member)

2002L&S Outstanding Undergraduate Advising Award

2006Berkeley Citation

2014 Berkeley Fellow

University Service

Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate, Vice-Chair (2003-2004); Chair (2004-2005)


Aspects of the Roman Experience in Iberia, 206-100 B.C. Anejos de Hispania Antiqua IX. Valladolid 1977.

"The Date and Purpose of the Iberian Denarii," Numismatic Chronicle 17 (1977): 1-18.

"The Origins of Provincial Prosopography in the West," Ancient Society 9 (1978): 187-222.

"Celtiberian conflict with Rome: Policy and Coinage," Actas del II Coloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Prerromanas de la Península Ibérica (Tübingen, 1976) (Salamanca, 1979): 465-72.

"The Legions in the Spains, 200-167 B.C.," Revista de la Universidad Complutense 18 (1979): 87-93.

"One Less Seneca for Corduba," Zeitschrift f. Papyrologie u. Epigraphik 36 (1979), 137-38.

"Cato in Spain, 195-194 B.C.: Chronology and Geography," Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History II, ed. C. Deroux (Bruxelles, 1980): 21-56.

"The Coinage of Corduba, Colonia Patricia," Annali, Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 29 (1980): 183-202.

"La Epigrafía y la historia de la Córdoba romana," Anuario de Filología 6 (1980): 61-71.

"Festus 262L and Praefecturae in Italy," Athenaeum 58 (1980): 14-38.

"L. Axius Naso and 'Pro legato'," Phoenix 35 (1981): 134-41.

"Self-paced Latin at Berkeley," Proceedings of the II National Conference on Individualized Instruction in Foreign Languages (Columbus, Ohio 1980) (Columbus 1981): 163-72.

Roman Córdoba. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1983.

"The Epigraphic Evidence for Native and Roman Religion in Iberia," Acta of the VIII International Epigraphic Congress (Athens, 1982), (Athens 1984): 219-230.

"The Significance of the Castelo da Lousa (Portugal)," Actas del III Coloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Prerromanas de la Península Ibérica (Lisbon 1980) (Salamanca, 1985): 159-163.

"Cantabria and the era consularis," Epigraphica 48 (1986): 115-146.

"La 'via heraclea' en el Occidente: mito, arqueología, propaganda, historia," Emerita 54 (1986): 103-122.

"The Coinage of Spain in the Later Roman Republic," Proceedings of the British Museum Colloquium on The Coinage of the Roman World in the Late Republic (London 1985) British Archaeological Report 326 (Oxford 1987): 19-37.

"Ptolemeo y la red viaria de la Bética," Actas: Coloquio Nacional de la Historia Antigua de Andalucía (Córdoba 1988) (Córdoba, 1993): 103-110.

Latin Inscriptions from Central Spain. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1992.

“Laborant in Somniis: Local Magistrates in the West and the Imperial Service,” Kolaios 4 (1995): 373-380

Mapping Ancient Iberia: Progress and Perspectives, edited and introduction by R. C. Knapp, with contributions by A. Cepas, M Downs, E. Haley, S. Keay, R. Knapp, and J. Sánchez-Palencia. Special Issue of Classical Bulletin (1996)

“Ptolemy Mapping Baetica,” in Mapping Ancient Iberia: Progress and Perspectives, edited and introduction by R. C. Knapp Classical Bulletin Special Issue (1996): 29-36.

“Dogging a Forgery: CIL II 3050,” in Homenaje a J. M. Blázquez Martínez vol. 5: Hispania romana II, edited by J. Alvar (1998): 211-220.

Finis Rei Publicae. Eyewitnesses to the End of the Roman Republic (with P. Vaughn). Focus Publishing, 1999.

Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, edited by R.J.A. Talbert. Princeton, 2000. Co-editor responsible for maps of Iberia; co-author of Map 26 (with F. Stanley).

"Greek Coinage, Mercenaries, and Ideology," Eulimene 3 (2002): 183-196.

Finis Rei Publicae. Eyewitnesses to the End of the Roman Republic (with P. Vaughn) 2nd ed.. Focus Publishing, 2003.

"The New Artemidorus Fragment and the Cartography of Ancient Iberia" in Symposium Historia y mito. El pasado legendario como fuente de autoridad, Seville, Spain, 2003, edited by J.M. Candau Morón, et al. (Málaga 2004): 277-296.

Nemea III: The Coins (with John Mac Isaac). University of California Press. 2004.

"The Poor, Latin Inscriptions, and Social History" (XII International Epigraphic Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002). Monografies de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica, X. Barcelona, 2007: 773-778.

Invisible Romans. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.

Los Olivdados de Roma (translation by Jorge Paredes of Invisible Romans). Barcelona: Ariel, 2011.

“Soldado, el oficio más seguro de Roma,” La Aventura de la Historia 159 (2012): 18-25.

“El negocio de la prostitución,” La Aventura de la Historia 164 (2012): 18-23.

Clare 1865-1940. Mt. Pleasant SC: Arcadia Press, 2012.

“Romans on the Pompeian Omnibus,” Ad Familiares September, 2013: 14-16.

Mystery Man. Gangsters, Oil, and Murder in Michigan. Clare MI: Cliophile Press, 2014.

“Legally Marginalized Groups,” The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society. Oxford: Oxford University, Press2016

“Local Elites, Unrest, and Subversion in the Roman Empire,” pp. 419-446 in A. Caballos Rufino and E. Melchor Gil, eds., De Roma a las provincias: las elites como instrumento de proyección de Roma, Homenaje Juan Francisco Rodríguez Neila (Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2014). (December 2014)

古代ローマの庶民たち 歴史からこぼれ落ちた人々の生活 Tokyo: HakusuiSha, 2015. (April 2015) (The Japanese translation of Invisible Romans [HUP 2011])

The Dawn of Christianity. People and Gods in a Time of Magic and Miracles (Profile Press [London] and Harvard University Press, 2017.