September 2009

Curriculum Vitae – Phil Hanlon


Philip J. Hanlon Arthur F. Thurnau and D. J. Lewis Professor of Mathematics

2812 Colony Road Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs

Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 3056 Fleming Administration Building

(734) 973-9162 University of Michigan 48109-1340

e-mail: (734) 763-1282


A.B. Dartmouth College 1977

Ph.D. California Institute of Technology 1981

Advisor: Olga Taussky Todd

Professional Career

University of Michigan

Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs2007-

Associate Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs2004-2007

Associate Dean for Planning and Finance

College of Literature, Science and the Arts2001-2004

D. J. Lewis Professor of Mathematics2001-

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor1992-

Professor 1990-

Associate Professor 1986-1990

California Institute of Technology

Bantrell Fellow in Mathematics 1983-1986

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor of Applied Mathematics 1981-1983

Roles in University Administration

Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary AffairsJuly 2004-

(title changed from Associate Provost to Vice Provost in 2007)

The University of Michigan is a leading public research university with over 41,000 students and over 26,000 faculty and staff. The University’s academic enterprise, consisting of 19 schools and colleges and a number of free standing research units, occupies over 14M square feet of space and is supported by a $1.45B general fund operating budget. The Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs has major administrative and policy responsibilities across a wide range of academic and budgetary areas. This person acts as the Provost’s senior staff member in setting budgetary policy and allocating resources, including the University’s General Fund Budget, University support for major capital projects, and general fund space and facilities. The Vice Provost works directly with deans and directors and their senior staff on matters related to budget, space and facilities, and financial support for academic programs. The Vice Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs assists the Provost in presenting the General Fund Budget to the University leadership and in seeking approval from the Board of Regents. In addition, this person serves a number of other functions within the central administration including:

  • represents the Provost in working with the CFO organization on financial and facilities matters
  • helps craft communication and acts as a University spokesperson on matters related to University budgeting
  • leads strategic assessments and reviews of units reporting to the Provost, including schools and colleges
  • works with the Provost, Deans and other Executive Officers on long-range planning for the academic enterprise at the University of Michigan
  • chairs the Enrollment Working Group, the committee charged with undergraduate enrollment management
  • serves as the Provost’s liaison and University spokesperson on academic matters pertaining to intercollegiate athletics

Several units report to the Vice Provost including the Office of Budget and Planning, the Athletic Department’s Academic Success Program, the Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute and the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum.

Associate Dean for Planning and Finance, College of LS&A2001-2004

The College of LS&A is the University’s largest and most complex college enrolling over 16,000 undergraduates and over 4,000 graduate students. The departments and programs in the College cover the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. The Associate Dean for Planning and Finance has responsibility for the budget of the College and for strategic planning within the College. The Associate Dean for Planning and Finance:

  • works closely with the Dean and with the Assistant Dean for Operations to structure allocations of budget, space and instructional resources within the College
  • supports long-range planning within the College
  • supports the Dean in working with the Provost to put in place resources that will enable the College to achieve its the highest priority objectives
  • organizes external reviews of College units
  • represents the College on all matters pertaining to the University’s academic unions, the Graduate Employee Organization and the Lecturer Employee Organization
  • serves as the College representative on the Enrollment Working Group

Other Administrative Experiences

Chair of the Presidential Task Force on Team Teaching

and Multidisciplinary Learning, University of Michigan2004-2005

“Key Client” for the North Quad Project2004-

The North Quad Project is an ambitious mixed-use

facility that will be a centerpiece of the President’s Residential

Life Initiative. This facility will be occupied by a residence hall

as well as five academic units from two colleges. The key client

speaks for the President in making decisions about the project

and so is charged with building consensus amongst the diverse

set of occupants on major facilities and programmatic issues.

Principal Organizer of a six-month program on Symmetric

Functions at the Isaac Newton Institute at Cambridge University2001

UM Presidential Commission on Undergraduate Studies2000-2001

Chair of the Provost Working Group on Interdisciplinary

Teaching and Learning2000

Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics

The Board in Control advises the Director of Athletics on matters pertaining to the Intercollegiate Athletics program at the University of Michigan.

Board Member 1997-2000

Chairman of Planning Committee 1997-1999

Founder of the Michigan Math Scholars Program 1996

Executive Director1996-1999

This Program, now the Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program, is a thriving residential summer program for high school students with a strong interest in math and science.

Executive Committee, College of LS&A1994-1997

The Executive Committee is an elected body, which represents the faculty of the College. It has authority at the College level on matters of appointment, tenure, and position allocations. It is advisory to the Dean on a broad range of other matters.

Search Committees for Administrative Officers at the University of Michigan:

Chief Information Officer Search (committee member)1995

LS&A Dean Search (committee member)1999

Athletic Director Search (committee member)2000

Chief Financial Officer Search (co-chair)2002-2003

Academic History

Honors, Awards and Invited Addresses

Donald J. Lewis Collegiate Professorship2001-

LS&A Excellence in Education Award 1997

Michigan Society of Fellows 1993-1996

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 1993

Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship (this University-wide award

recognizes outstanding contributions to undergraduate education)1992-

Canadian Mathematical Society Plenary Speaker 1992

Henry Russel Award 1990

American Mathematical Society Principal Speaker 1988

Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship 1986-1988

NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award 1987-1992

Phi Beta Kappa, Dartmouth College1977

Visiting Positions

Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, England2001

Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 1992

Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifique, Bures-sur-Yvette, France 1988

University of Strasbourg 1988, 1993

Oxford University 1988

Center for Communications Research, Princeton 1984, 1986, 1990

Other Professional Activities

National Security Agency Advisory Board

This high level board reports directly to the Director of the NSA.

Board Member 1994-2007

Member of Mathematics Sub-panel 1994-


Editorial Board Member for:

Transactions of the AMS 1992-2000

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1993-

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1996-

Mathematical Reviews Editorial Committee

Chairman 1992-1995

Council of the American Mathematical Society1992-1995

FOCUS Advisory Committee 1989-1993, 2007-

This group advises the President and CEO of the Institute for Defense

Analyses on the performance of IDA’s communications research division

Research Interests

Algebraic Combinatorics, Discrete Probability, Bioinformatics, Theoretical Computer Science

Sponsored Research

Continuous funding since 1982 through NSF, DARPA and NIH.

PhD Dissertations Supervised (all students are in Mathematics)

Curtis Coker, graduated in 1988

Dale Darrow, graduated in 1992

Steve Fischer, graduated in 1993

William Doran, graduated in 1994

Iztok Hozo, graduated in 1994

Julie Kerr, graduated in 1995

Mark McKerihan, graduated in 1998

Patrick Bidigare, graduated in 1999

Graham Denham, graduated in 2000

Morgen Bills, graduated in 2002

William Correll, graduated in 2002

Dean Chung, graduated in 2003

Erik Ferragut, graduated in 2003

Scott Kravitz, graduated in 2004

William Lorenz, graduated in 2005

Sarah Crown, graduated in 2007


  1. “The Enumeration of Bipartite Graphs”, Discrete Math., 28 (1979), 49-57.
  1. “The Incidence Algebra of a Group-reduced Partially Ordered Set”, Combinatorial Mathematics VII, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No.829, Springer-Verlag (1980).
  1. “Algebras of Acyclic Type”, Canadian Math. Journal, 33, No.1 (1981), 129-141.
  1. “The Fixed-Point Partition Lattices”, Pacific Journal of Math., 96, No.2 (1981), 319-341.
  1. “A Cycle Index Sum Inversion Theorem”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 30, No.3 (1981), 248-269.
  1. “Counting Interval Graphs”, Transactions of the AMS, 272, No.2 (1982), 383-426.
  1. “Counting Bridgeless Graphs”, with R. W. Robinson, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 33, No.3 (1982), 276-305.
  1. “Two-weight Ternary Codes and the Equation y2 = 4 3a + 13”, with A. R. Calderbank, P. Morton and J. Wolfskill, Journal of Number Theory, 16, No.2 (1983), 212-234.
  1. “A Proof of a Conjecture of Stanley Concerning Partitions of a Set”, European J. Combinatorics, 4 (1983),137-141.
  1. “The Proof of a Limiting Case of the Macdonald Conjectures”, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 49, No.1 (1984), 170-182.
  1. “The Characters of the Wreath Product Group Acting on the Homology Groups of the Dowling Lattices”, Journal of Algebra, 91, No.2 (1984), 430-463.
  1. “On the Construction of the Maximal Weight Vectors in the Tensor Algebra of gln(C)”, Contemporary Mathematics, 34 (1984), 73-80.
  1. “An Introduction to the Complex Representations of the Symmetric Groups and General Linear Lie Algebras”, Contemporary Mathematics, 34 (1984), 1-18.
  1. “On the Decomposition of the Tensor Algebra of the Classical Lie Algebras”, Advances in Mathematics, 56, No.3 (1985), 238-282.
  1. “The Chromatic Polynomial of an Unlabeled Graph”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.B, 38, No.3 (1985), 226-239.
  1. “Cyclic Homology and the Macdonald Conjectures”, Inventiones Math., 86, No.1 (1986), 131-159.
  1. “Sequence alignments with matched sections”, with J. R. Griggs and M. S. Waterman, Siam J. Alg. Disc. Methods, 7, No.4 (1986), 604-608.
  1. “The Extension to Root Systems of a Theorem on Tournaments”, with A. R. Calderbank, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 41, No.2 (1986), 228-245.
  1. “Partitions into Even and Odd Block Size and some Unusual Characters of the Symmetric Groups”, with A. R. Calderbank and R. W. Robinson, Proc. London Math. Society, 3, No.53 (1986), 288-320.
  1. “Jack Symmetric Functions and Some Combinatorial Properties of Young Symmetrizers”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 47, No.1 (1988), 37-70.
  1. “On the Complete GL(n,C)-decomposition of the Stable Cohomology of gln(C)”, Transactions of the AMS, 308, No.1 (1988), 209-225.
  1. “On the Decomposition of Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras”, with D. B. Wales, Journal of Algebra, 121, No.2 (1989), 409-445.
  1. “Eigenvalues connected with Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras”, with D. B. Wales, Journal of Algebra, 121, No.2 (1989), 446-476.
  1. “On the number of alignments of k sequences”, with J. R. Griggs, A. M. Odlyzko and M. S. Waterman, Graphs and Combinatorics, 6 (1990), 133-146.
  1. “Computing the Discriminants of Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras”, with D. B. Wales, Mathematics of Computation, 54, No.190 (1990), 771-796.
  1. “The Action of Sn on the Components of the Hodge Decomposition of Hochschild Homology”, Michigan Math. Journal, 37 (1990), 105-124.
  1. “Some Conjectures and Results Concerning the Homology of Nilpotent Lie Algebras”, Advances in Mathematics, 84, No.1 (1990), 91-134.
  1. “The Generalized Dowling Lattices”, Transactions of the AMS, 325, No.1 (1991), 1-37.
  1. “Eigen Analysis for Some Examples of the Metropolis Algorithm”, with P. Diaconis, Contemporary Mathematics, 138 (1992), 99-117.
  1. “Some combinatorial aspects of the spectra of normally distributed random matrices”, with R. P. Stanley and J. R. Stembridge, Contemporary Mathematics, 138 (1992), 151-174.
  1. “On a Bijection Between Littlewood-Richardson Fillings of Conjugate Shape”, with S. Sundaram, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 60, No.1 (1992), 1-18.
  1. “Order and Disorder in Algebraic Combinatorics”, Math. Intelligencer, 14, No.2 (1992), 20-25.
  1. “A Tower Construction for the Radical in Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras”, with D. B. Wales, Journal of Algebra, 164, No.3 (1994), 773-830.
  1. “Representations of the Symmetric Group in Deformations of the Free Lie Algebra”, with A. R. Calderbank and S. Sundaram, Transactions of the American Math. Soc., 341, No.1 (1994), 315-333.
  1. “On Lie k-algebras”, with M. Wachs, Advances in Mathematics, 113, No.2 (1995), 206-236.
  1. “A note on the homology of signed posets”, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 5 (1996), 245-250.
  1. “Otter's Method and the homology of homeomorphically irreducible k-trees”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 74, No.2 (1996), 301-320.
  1. “A survey of combinatorial problems in Lie algebra homology”, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 24 (1996), 89-113.
  1. “A Random Walk on the Rook Placements on a Ferrer’s Board”, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 3, No.2 (1996).
  1. “A Proof of Hozo's conjecture on the homology of a class of nilpotent Lie algebras”, Journal of Algebra, 190 (1997), 435-460.
  1. “Tractable Partially Ordered Sets Derived from Root Systems and Biased Graphs”, with T. Zaslavsky, Order, 14, No.3 (1997), 229-257.
  1. “On the Smith Normal Form of the Varchenko bilinear form of a hyperplane arrangement”, with G. Denham, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Olga Taussky Memorial Issue (1998), 123-146.
  1. “To the Latimer-Macduffee Theorem and Beyond”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 280 (1998), 21-37.
  1. “Integrals of polynomials associated with tableaux and the Garsia-Haiman Conjecture”, with C. Dunkl, Math. Z., 228, No.3 (1998), 537-567.
  1. “On the action of a q-deformation of the trivial idempotent on the group algebra of the symmetric group”, with R. P. Stanley, Transactions of the AMS, 350, No.11 (1998), 4445-4459.
  1. “On the Betti numbers of chessboard complexes”, with J. Friedman, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 8, No.2 (1998), 193-203.
  1. “On the semisimplicity of the Brauer centralizer algebras”, with W. F. Doran and D. B. Wales, Journal of Algebra, 211, (1999), 647-685.
  1. “A combinatorial description of the spectrum for the Tsetlin library and its generalization to hyperplane arrangements”, with P. Bidigare and D. Rockmore, Duke Math. Journal, 99, No.1 (1999), 135-174.
  1. “The Combinatorics of Cache Misses during Matrix Multiply”, with D. R. Chung, S. Chatterjee, D. Genius, A. Lebeck, and E. Parker, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, 63 (2001), 80-126.
  1. “Exact Analysis of the Cache Behavior of Nested Loops”, with S. Chatterjee, E. Parker and A. Lebeck, PDLI (2001).
  1. “On the Property M Conjecture for the Heisenberg Lie Algebra”, with M. Wachs, J.Combinatorial Theory Ser.A, 99, No.2 (2002), 219-231.
  1. “The Laplacian Method”, Symmetric Functions 2001: Surveys, Developments and Perspectives, published by Kluwer (2002).
  1. “On the homology of sln(tC[t]) and a Theorem of Stembridge”, with D. B. Wales, Journal of Algebra, 269, No. 1 (2003), 1-17.
  1. “Multiplicity of the Trivial Representation in Rank-Selected Homology of the Partition Lattice”, with P. Hersh, Journal of Algebra, 266, No. 2 (2003), 521-538.
  1. “A Hodge Decomposition for the Complex of Injective Words”, with P. Hersh, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 214, No. 1 (2004), 109-125.
  1. “The Implications of Systems Dynamic Models and Control Theory for Environmental Approaches to Drug Use Prevention”, with P. Gruenewald, D. Gorman, C. Castillo-Chavez, I. Mezic, L. Waller, E. Bradley and J. Mezic, Substance Use and Misuse, 39, No. 10-12 (2004).
  1. “A Computational Method to Detect Epistatic Effects Contributing to a Quantitative Trait”, with W. Lorenz, Journal of Theoretical Biology 235, No. 3 (2005), 350-364.
  1. “Least Squares Fit of Genomic Data by Sums of Epistatic Effects”, with W. Lorenz and D. Strenski, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (to appear).
  1. “Hodge Structures on Posets”, Proceedings of the American Math. Society 134, No. 7 (2006), 1857-1867.
  1. “Three-locus and four-locus QTL interactions influence mouse insulin-like growth factor-I”, with W. Lorenz, Z. Shao, J. Harper, A Galecki, R. Miller and D. Burke, Physiol. Genomics 26 (2006), 46-54.
  1. “A Hodge decomposition of the coloring complex and the coefficients of the coefficients of the chromatic polynomial”, Proceedings of the American Math. Society 136, No. 11 (2008), 3741-3749.
  1. “A GL(n,q)-analogue of the Partition Lattice”, with P. Hersh and J. Shareshian (preprint).