Curriculum vitae (for individual assignments)

Proposed role in the project:

Family name:Ritchie

  1. First names:Jeremy Mark
  2. Date of birth:3rd July 1951
  3. Nationality:British
  4. Civil status:Married
  5. Education:

[ Date from - Date to ] / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
University of Bradford, UK
25/4 – 27/5 1994 / Certificate, Environmental Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal in Developing Countries
The Open University Business School, UK 04/1990 – 10/1993 / Professional Certificate in Management.
ImperialCollege, London
10/1973 – 04/1980 /

PhDand Diploma of ImperialCollege in Entomology

ImperialCollege, London
10/1970 – 07/1973 /

BSc (Hons), ARCS in Zoology (Class 2)

  1. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
English / 1 / 1 / 1
French / 2 / 3 / 4
Russian / 5 / 5 / 5
  1. Membershipof professional bodies:

Member of the Societyof Biology(MSB), Chartered Biologist (C Biol)

Member of the International Association for Farming Systems Research – Extension

Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS)

Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES)

Member of the Tropical Agriculture Association

  1. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)Trained in environmental auditing (ISO 14001), TeamUp® methodology for logical frameworks, use of computer software (Microsoft Project, Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Powerpoint, Photoshop); regular peer-reviewer for Experimental Agriculture journal.
  2. Present position:Independent NR Consultant
  3. Years within the firm:N/A
  4. Key qualifications: (General)
  • Substantial proven experience in technical and financial evaluation of donor-funded development projects, programmes and proposals (South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, East Timor) delivered against tight deadlines;
  • Long-term work experience (10 years) in Eastern (Kenya) and Southern Africa (Malawi) with DFID, including 4 years designing and implementing smallholder farming systems research including statistical validation of improved productivity of smallholder farming systems within a livelihoods- based context.
  • Demonstrated experience as a team leader of multi-cultural teams for DFID, EC, ADB in Africa and elsewhere, including leading a major EC Scoping Study on factors affecting international trade in fruit to Europe from 8 countries of West Africa.
  • Over 10 years full-time experience working in institutional strengthening in Sub-saharan Africa and Asia, working closely with host-government ministries and providing advice and capacity-building to civil servants (Kenya, Malawi, East Timor, Kazakhstan).
  • More than 30 years of relevant professional experience in agricultural development, including sixteen years relevant postgraduate experience in environmental assessment of large agricultural/agribusiness development programs in developing and transitional economies including development projects related to irrigated agriculture, forestry, sustainable water use and land management, agricultural diversification and agribusiness development. Six separate environmental assessments carried out in the last four years (2006-2009);
  • PhD-qualified biologist and author/co-author of 60 technical publications, with proven track record in drafting of lucid and accurate reports and oral presentations to donors (EC, DFID, ADB) and host country stakeholders.
  • More than 20 years relevant experience of project cycle management in developing and transitional economies, including the design, implementation, monitoring and assessment of donor-funded development projects.
  • Familiarity with international conventions and legislation on pesticides, food quality, biodiversity, climate change, pollution control, protected areas.
  1. Specific experience in the region:

Country / Date from - Date to
/ 03 –17.02.2010
/ 16 – 29/11/2009
/ 28/10/2009 – 05/11/2009
/ 25/07/2008 – 01/08/2008
/ 1993–1995 (1 m/yr); 25/02/2008 – 04/03/2008
/ 21/11/2007 – 15/12/2007
Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana02/09/2007 – 19/09/2007
/ 02/09/2007 – 19/09/2007
Senegal, Guinea, Mali
/ 20/08/2007 – 02/09/2007
Nigeria, Benin
/ 15-23/07/2007, 11/2007
/ 05/2006
South Africa
/ 11/2005 –12/2005
Lesotho / 14-23/02 2002
Zambia / 18-29/04 2001
Kenya / 2000 – 2003 (3 wks per year)
Ethiopia / 13/10 – 12/11 2000
Malawi / 01/1996 – 03/2000
Kenya / 10/1982–04/1988; 11–12/1994
Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia / 01 – 07/1981
Mali, Niger / 1974–1978 (3 months per year)
/ 02-12.03.2010
/ 24/10/2008 – 26/04/2009
/ 06/08/2008 – 17/09/2008
/ 01/04/2007 – 1/05/2007


/ 17/01/2007 – 15/02/2007


/ 07/01/2006 – 03/02/2006

East Timor

/ 01/2004 – 09/2005

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz Rep., Kazakhstan

/ 10/2003


/ 06/2003 – 07/2003


/ 09/2001 – 02/2003
Kazakhstan / 04/05 – 04/07 2000
Bangladesh / 1995 (2 weeks)
India / 1994 (1 month)
  1. Professionalexperience See overleaf

Date from –to / Location / Company / Position / Description
05/2010 / UK, Angola Mozambique, Somaliland, Cambodia / The HALO Trust
(Guy Willoughby: ) / Rural Development Consultant / Providing advisory services to strengthen partnerships and potential synergies between landmine clearance and rural development interventions across HALO’s demining programmes in 7 countries, and enhancing assessment and presentation of development outcomes for beneficiaries of mine clearance for donors, with a view to increasing medium-term financing for mine clearance, in pursuit of millennium development goals and achievement of Ottawa Convention obligations by developing host country governments.
08/2009 / East Timor / Niras/EC
(Sofia Chaichee: ) / Program Evaluation / Environment Specialist / Final Evaluation of the Rural Development Programme, including the Third Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme (ARP III) and the Rehabilitation and Community Development in Rural Areas Program (RCDRA), composed of four component projects: Oecussi Ambeno Community Activation Project (OCAP), Access Improvements to Marlets in the Eastern Regions (AIM), Program for Enhancing Rural Women’s Leadership and Participation in Nation Building in Timor-Leste (PERWL) and Skills Training for Gainful Employment (STAGE), according to standard EC evaluation methodology, with emphasis on environmental benefits and impacts.
10/2008 – 04/2009 / China / Landell-Mills / ADB
(Greg Munford: ) / Environmental Specialist / Initial Environmental Assessment of the proposed Forestry Ecological Development Project in three North West Provinces of PRC (Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Gansu) (US$ 210 million). Preparing policy guidelines for PRC implementing agencies to prepare environmental examination of proposed projects according to ADB environmental policy requirements. Preparing Summary Initial Environmental Examination with detailed environmental mitigation and monitoring plan for managing agroforestry development.
08/2008-09/2008 / Afghanistan / Roots of Peace / ADB
(K. Neils: ) / Environmental specialist / Prepared Initial Environmental Assessment (IEE) and Summary IEE to ADB environmental policy and guidelines for ADB’s Rural Business Support Project, adding value to specific agricultural value chains (edible oils, milk, wool, potatoes etc) through enhanced production and processing. Work included designing water quality standards for agro-industrial emissions, development of Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and provision of training for project staff in compliance with ADB and national environmental regulations.
07/2008 / Mali / ECOWAS
(Folli Ametittovi: ) / IPM Specialist/ Workshop facilitator / Facilitated Regional Validation Workshop (in French and English) for the member countries of the Economic community of West African States on a regional plan (financed by EC EDF) for management of the damages inflicted on fruit by fruit flies, expected to be funded by a consortium of donors, including EC EDF coordinated by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
03/2008 / UK (for Central Asia) / ADB (direct contract) (Mark Kunzer: ) / IPM/ Project Design specialist / Designed IPM policy component for proposed Central Asian regional project on removal and substitution of Persistent Organic pollutant chemical pesticides (POPs), for co-funding by GEF and ADB (c 20 million USD)
02/2008-03/2008 / Tanzania / PAN UK / EC
(S. Willis: ) / IPM/ Evaluation specialist / Undertake and report final evaluation of Tanzania component of EC-funded Pesticides and Poverty Programme, including stakeholder interviews (representatives of government, academia, NGOs, CSOs) to determine extent to which project had met its environmental objectives.
11/2007- 12/2007 / Zambia (LuapulaProvince) / Niras / Govt of Finland
(Taru Hermunen: ) / Environmental specialist / Programme for Luapula Agriculture and Rural Development (PLARD). Review strategic environmental concerns for long-term agricultural development; screening of specific PLARD interventions, identifying mitigation measures; establish environmental criteria and indicators for all interventions. Define PLARD comparative advantage at interface of agriculture/fisheries/environment concerns and identify policy issues and actions. Make workshop presentation.
07/2007- -11/2007 / West Africa (Nigeria, + 8 countries) / Italtrend / EC
(L. Serri, ) / Team Leader, IPM Expert / Team Leader of Study on damages inflicted by fruit flies on West African fruit production and development of an Action Plan for a Regional Response. Developing country and institutional profiles of the mango production subsector in West Africa and the high levels of damage by fruit flies leading to quarantine interceptions of export produce in Europe. The report outlines a regional policy and plan for financing under the 10th EDF. Workshop Presentations made to EC in Brussels and Nigeria.
04 /2007 – 05/2007 / China (Shanxi) / CARDNO ACIL / ADB
(Robert Anscombe: robert.anscombe / Environment Expert / Integrated Agricultural Development Project. Development of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Monitoring Plan for a very large multi-component development programme loan project (100 million $ US), involving facilitation of project design to deliver positive environmental outcomes and avoid negative impacts in upland and river valley areas.
01 – 02/ 2007 / Afghanistan / Landell Mills / ADB
(S. Foxwell: simon.foxwell / Environment Expert / Commercial Agriculture Development Project. Development of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Monitoring Plan for a large ($US 40 million) multi-component development programme, involving mitigation & monitoring plan for agro-processing activities.
01 – 07/ 2006 / KyrgyzRepublic (3 missions) / Landell Mills / ADB
(S. Foxwell: simon.foxwell / Environment Expert / Second Agriculture Area Development Project. Development of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Monitoring Plan for a large ($US 22.5 million) irrigated agriculture project, including assessment of rural irrigation schemes. Evaluating and advising on sustainable land and forestry management policies and strategies to deliver improved agricultural productivity per unit of land and water
05/2006 / Botswana / Particip / EC
(Annette Stuehler-Aikharia: ) / Evaluation Expert / Evaluation of Competitive Agricultural Research Proposals for SADC ICART CRARF Project. Developing evaluation methodology, appraising research proposals for and making recommendations according to criteria agreed with EC Delegation.
11 – 12/ 2005 / South Africa / Italtrend / EC
(L. Serri, ) / Team Leader, IPM/ Evaluation Expert / Mid-term Review of SA Pesticide Initiative Programme (SA PIP). Led MTR and drafted evaluation report evaluating effectiveness of PIP in meeting objectives of making RSA horticultural exports compliant with EU food safety legislation (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability), with detailed recommendations addressing needs of emerging farmers for capacity-building to become export-ready. Arrange and facilitate validation workshop.
01/2004 – 09/2005 / East Timor / UNDP / Advisor in IPM to Ministry of Agriculture / Capacity-building in management and conduct of crop protection research and development, including pest and disease surveys and diagnosis, developing SOPs and capacity building workshops inenvironmentally safe pest management in rice and coconut, monitoring and evaluating biological control programmes, assessing training needs, drafting project proposals, ministerial briefings on pesticide-related policy development and legislation..
10/2003 / Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan / NR International
(EC, TACIS) / Team Leader / TL, bid preparation for EC-TACIS regional project: “Follow up to Western Tien Shan Biodiversity Conservation Project” for NR International. Undertook rapid 3-country situation appraisal, identified opportunities and constraints and drafted recommendations for project implementation. ToR to strengthen establishment and governance of legally-protected trans-boundary forest nature reserves and enhance livelihoods of adjoining human population.
06/2003 – 07/2003 / Kazakhstan / IPP Consultants/ EC TACIS / Team Leader / TL, PPTA mission for EC-TACIS Environmentally Friendly Development in Kyzyl-Orda Region (North Aral Sea area). Reviewed donor activities in Aral Sea region, interviewed stakeholders and visited site. Drafted project design and Log frame for 2.0 M Euro project on sustainable irrigated cropping, reducing water use while enhancing farmers’ livelihoods.
09/2001 – 02/2003 / Kazakhstan / IPP Consultants /ADB / IPM Specialist/ Team Leader / TL, Technology & Institutional Development for Sustainable Locust Management TA Project. Developing locust monitoring GIS and databaseinformation system for Ministry of Agriculture & environmental assessment of effects of locust spraying (Value: $1 million over 17 months, ADB funded). Arrange and facilitate project evaluation workshop.
02/2002 / Lesotho / DFID/ GROW / Training Consultant / Prepared & delivered training-of-trainers course on rain-fed vegetable production without pesticides for extension workers of Lesotho NGO “GROW”. DFID funded.
04/2000 - 07/2001 / UK,
Zambia, Ethiopia, Kenya; Kazakhstan / Univ. of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute/ DFID / Principal Research Scientist & Evaluation specialist / Team Leader, developing and delivering training-of-trainers course on environmentally friendly management of dry-land vegetable pests for the Zambian NGO Harvest Help (DFID); Team Leader, participatory project evaluation (with stakeholder workshop) of Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School Project for North Wollo and Wag Hamra, Ethiopia. Save the Children Fund. DFID-funded. Supervision and evaluation of research with NARS scientists and farmers to develop environmentally and economically sustainable IPM strategies for smallholder sorghum production in semi-arid Kenya. DFID funded. Conducted EIA study of chemical control operations for proposed ADB locust control project for Ministry of Agriculture, Kazakhstan and proposals for policy development.
01/1996 – 04/2000 / Malawi / Natural Resources Institute / UK DFID / Team Leader & IPM Specialist / Farming Systems IPM Project. Designed, managed and implemented NARS research program to develop sustainable dry land crop management policies and strategies; led stakeholder review workshop to update project logical framework & outputs. Managed 3 expatriate and 12 Malawian staff. Conducted training needs assessment and organised postgraduate agricultural research training programmes (delivered 12 MA and MSc degrees) to develop national capacity for farming systems research. Set up and administered budgeting & accounting system for disbursement of $US 3.4 million over four years to meet agreed project outputs in support of smallholder family livelihoods. Organised major national conference on Integrated Crop Management Research and published proceedings. Promoted crop diversification to sweet potato and pigeon peas as cash crops & validated, published and released new crop management technologies.
08/1992 - 12/1995 / UK and Overseas (Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh) / Natural Resources Institute, UK/ World Bank / Environmental Specialist, Principal Research Scientist & Consultant / Wrote review of irrigation development in Africa. Funded by JICA. Drafted Initial Environmental Assessment report on impacts of rehabilitation of the Bura and Hola Irrigation Schemes, Tana River District, Kenya, with recommendations for mitigation activities. Carried out desk study of environmental effects of pesticides spraying for desert locust control and recommendations for policy development and mitigation measures. World Bank funded. Developed successful funding proposal for Mkomazi Invertebrate Biodiversity Project, Tanzania (Darwin Initiative) evaluating the effect of habitat degradation, and proposals for management. Providing training in biodiversity monitoring in NamdaphaNational Park, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
08/1990 - 07/1992 / UK and Overseas / CAB International Institute of Entomology / Assistant Director / Recruitment & management of c. 20 scientific, staff delivering research, training courses and diagnostic services in support of LDC agriculture; Budgeting, procurement, job appraisal, disciplinary proceedings, annual reports. Co-authored publication on biodiversity of invertebrates and micro-organisms. Design, organization and evaluation of International Training Courses. Preparation of publicity material. Presented invited paper on technical training at International Workshop on Diagnostic Services for Agriculture and the Environment, Trinidad.
08/1988 - 07/1990 / UK and Overseas / Natural Resources Institute / Principal Research Scientist / Project Manager for Locust pests. DFID funded. Delivered training course for FAO, Trinidad. Pest surveys in semi-arid environments in Kenya. Report on UK locust research capability and organised national locust researchers’ meeting. DFID funded.
10/1982 - 07/1988 / Kenya / National Museums of Kenya / Head, Dept of Entomology / Institutional capacity-building and infrastructure development for biodiversity research, training and bio-systematic services. (DFID-funded). Drafting project donor funding proposals, reports, research papers. Field Coordinator of National Museums of Kenya / Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Kora Research Project, Phase 2 (Tana River, Kenya, 1984), involving drafting regular progress reports to RGS, field project logistics & management of remote bush camp. Co-authored paper on the invertebrate biodiversity of the Tana River zone. Organised and taught two international training courses on insect identification
10/1973 - 09/1982 / UK, Mali, Niger, / Centre for Overseas Pest Res. / ODA / Senior Scientific Officer; Junior Res. Fellow / Researching taxonomy & biogeography of tropical insects; providing worldwide taxonomic identification service; PhD thesis and numerous papers on insect biology & taxonomy. Collected research material in Central and South America to establish origins of C. & S. American locust plagues; 6 months expedition through E Africa collecting biodiversity data
  1. Other relevant information (e.g., Publications) 60 research and dissemination publications. Separate list available.