Personal Data:

Surname : GIORDANO

He has born in TERNI (TR) on 22/02/1969

Resident in ALEARDI 2 Road, TERNI 05100 Zip Code

Fiscal Code: GRDMNL69B22L117M

Fixed Phone Number: 0744/420182, Mobil Phone Number: 0339/ 6486833

Web Site: :


Civil State: unmarried

Motoring Licence :B.

Accademic Qualification:

Degree in ”Computer Science ”, applicative address, got on 18/12/1998 with 79/110 mark at the Phisic Mathematics and Natural Science facolty of the University of the study of Pisa.

Degree Thesis: “Methodologies of analysis/synthesis of musical signal with additive techniques ”, with the guide of doctors-resarches G.Bertini and M. Magrini and it’s unwinded at: I.E.I.-C.N.U.C.E.-C.N.R. of Pisa in Sectember 1997-Dicember 1998 period.

Known Lenguage:

English: good level spoken e wroten (visit on foreign for studying reason: Cambridge, Bath, Edinburgh).

Brief abstract of thesis:

The thesis is of sperimental type and they’re been studyed the several methodologies of analysis/synthesis at the scope to can treat the musical signals above all with additive techniques. They’re, then, been implementated, with software, some procedures in MatLab Envirorment for Windows ’95 to process musical notes sounded with real instruments whose have been obtained some parameters that we can numerically codify. These last are been then used to make the synthesis and the optained issues are been compared with original sounds.

Projects realized during my universitary year relative to my study plane:

·  Distribuited system resource management composed by four Data Processing System having each a one’s own compute capacity. Each Data Processing System was linked to a set of terminals that generated processes to compute with a probabilistic decision of the scheduler. To exchange the informazion between the Data Processing System came used a L.A.N. of token ring type with the discipline di service GATED with the release of the anticipated token. With a simulation method, using the “SIMULA” lenguage, validing the issues with mathematic models it wish :

a)  to compute the time of trasferiment of the processes

b)  to compute the mean time of waiting state to compute the processes.

c)  to compute the time to complete the computing of the 90% of processes because the mean times of answers would be least.

·  Plaining of a costrint resolver using “PROLOG” language.

·  Management of archives using “PASCAL” language..

·  Management of archives using “GALILEI” language for the object orinted programming.

·  Combinatorial Optimization applicated to the problem solving.

Militar Service:

Performed call up obbligation.

Known Computer Science:

Optimal known theoric and pratic of technique of analysis and development Object Oriented and of concurrent programming.

OPERATIVE SYSTEMS: Windows 3.1, Windows ‘95(good level), Windows NT Administrator(good level), MSDOS(good level), UNIX(good level).

APPLICATIVES: Word(livello ottimo), Explorer(livello buono).

PROGRAMMING LENGUAGE(good level for each ones): Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Galileo(Not commercial), Galileino(Not commercial), Simula, S.Q.L., Basic, GwBasic, Vbscript,Dhtml,Html,QBasic, Visual Basic, Prolog, FrontPage, Business Object Tools,DbSee ,FoxPro per Windows, FoxPro per VisualStudio,Oarcle Developer,Microsoft InterDev, Access.


WORK ENVIRONMENT: MatLab(optimal level )

Personal Experience: Relational DataBase in TurboPascal.

Personal Goals:

·  Informative system management.

·  Design of software elaboration systems.

·  System Analist.

Working Esperiences :

From ’99 Genuary month to 2000 Genuary ones I’ve been pawned to carry out a program in the category of a collaboration of the I.N.P.E.(Institute of Neuropsichiatry in evolutive age (Istituto di Neuropsichiatria dell’età Evolutiva)) Pisa University at “Stella Maris” (Tirrenia-Pisa) in union with I.E.I.-C.N.R. of PISA. This work has beeen optained in Visual Basic and it has beeen used the Data Access Object (D.A.O.) strategy.

The design has been organized because the model foresees the use of tests usefull for the diagnostic for patients in evolutive age having neurologic issues.

From 2000 February month to 2000 April ones I’ve worked at the Migliarino Pisano(Pi) “TD-Group” as scholarship..

From 2000 May month to 2000 July ones I’ve worked at the Milan “Synergia” as programmer.

From 2000 July month to 2001 February ones I’ve worked at the Matera “Meridio Consulting” as analyst/programmer.

Form 2001 March month to 2001 Sectember ones I’ve worked as collaborator autonomous professional at the I.S.A. of Roma that, at its time, ,it has entrusted myself a consulence at the Titania S.p.a of Terni.. In this society I has worked with VisualBasic 6.0, Visual Fox Pro 6.0, Fox Pro per Windows 2.6.a, Business Object,SuperVisor, Designer, dBSee,Access,Microsoft Interdev. I have realized, also, sws that allow the automatic acquisition of documents of reports type of Business Object using Visual Basic and Access. Brief experience in A.S.P. during that I have realized some sw to manage db on server. In the end, I have realized a schedulator that automatizes the print processes and it sends themselves on several printers whether in local area or in net area.

Training Courses and Master
In the period in whose I was at “TD GROUP S.pA” I has frequented a training course linked to research project called: “HERMES” about system usefull to personilazated informations to the enterprise acquisition and the diffusion.

In the period in whose I was at “Meridio”, I has frequented a training course where Developer, Oracle, Visual Basic 6.0 have been treated.

From 2001 from October to February I’ve frequented a course as analyst/programmer in VisualBasic 6, Access, Sql,Sql Server at ‘MediaCon’ of Rome.

From 2002 February moth I’m frequenting a Master-in: Web Master,Web Designer, Web Architet in Rome.


To sonud synthetizers, to make several sports, to play with chess and read scientific books.

Dr. Emanuele Giordano

Terni ,

I authorize the treatment of my

personal data (Law 675/96).

Dr. Emanuele Giordano