In St Mary’s, we have carefully considered and analysed the impact of this policy on equality and the possible implications for pupils with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public-Sector Equality Duty requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relationships.


In Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all of our children are important. We encourage all our children to achieve the highest possible standards. We do this through taking account of each child’s life experiences and needs.

The school recognises that minority ethnic/EAL pupils will fully access school life whilst retaining their own culture.

The school supports the entitlement of EAL learners both to learn and achieve in English whilst maintaining and developing their first language.

We promote academic achievement by grouping EAL pupils according to their cognitive level rather than English Level and believe this to be of paramount importance.

In our school, we identify language outcomes for all curriculum areas and include these in our medium and weekly term planning.

At Saint Mary’s, bi-lingual pupils follow the same programme of study as their peers and tasks are differentiated, so there is extra language support, additional oral activities and time given to listen and absorb the language in order to enable them to access the mainstream curriculum.

We aim to facilitate parents’ access to school life by providing dual language information and bilingual support especially for parents’ evenings, school events and workshops where possible.

Aims and Objectives

The National Curriculum secures entitlement for all children to a number of areas of learning and gives them the opportunity to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that are necessary for their self-fulfilment and development as responsible citizens. We promote the principles of fairness and justice for all through the education that we provide in school.

The aim of this policy is to help and ensure that we meet the full range of needs of those children who are learning English as and Additional Language. This is in line with the requirements of the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000.

Curriculum Access

The Head teacher and Class teachers liaise with the EAL Service in the Local Education Authority to ensure an appropriate level of curriculum is offered and correct support is accessed. Ruth Williams (ALNCo) works collaboratively and seeks advice from the EAL Service.

All pupils in Saint Mary’s follow the requirements of the desirable outcomes for the Foundation Phase and National Curriculum.

Pupils requiring English Language support are fully integrated into the mainstream classroom with opportunities by the EAL Service for small group language support through withdrawal or in class support.

School liaise with the EAL Service, working in collaboration when planning activities and topics for the curriculum.


All minority ethnic/EAL pupils will be referred to the EAL Service on arrival for assessment. For pupils requiring English Language support appropriate provision will be implemented with a focus on following criteria.

Continuous assessment of progress will be in line with the whole school assessment policies, record keeping and monitoring of achievement.

Progress in English Language competence will be informed by the Welsh Assembly Government’s language stages (A-E). All EAL pupils are assessed against WAG levels.

If necessary and where appropriate, the statutory assessment arrangements of the National Curriculum enable the school to make special arrangements for pupils who are learning English as an Additional Language.

In our school, EAL pupils will not be placed on the ALN register simply because of a lack of fluency in English. This will only happen if a pupil has an identified additional need and we work in partnership with the EAL Service to establish SEN following the correct referral process.

Teaching and Learning Style

In our school teachers are informed about and recognise the value of pupil’s language and culture.

Teacher’s take action to help children who are learning English as an Additional Language using various strategies. These include:

  • Building on previous experience and activating prior knowledge.
  • Creating shared experiences.
  • Using a range of bi-lingual strategies.
  • Scaffolding language and learning through the use of modelling, using frames and prompts and graphic organisers.
  • Focusing on the print environment.
  • Encouraging children to transfer their knowledge, skills and understanding of one language to another.

We ensure access to the curriculum and to achievement and assessment by:

  • Using accessible texts and materials that suit children’s levels of learning and are age related.
  • Provide support through ICT support, video or audio materials and dictionaries.
  • Provide translators, readers and amanuenses where available.

Written with advice and in conjunction with a model policy from the EAL Service (Wrexham)