Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae: Leon Cremonini

1. Personal Details

Date of Birth: 03 May 1975

Nationality: Dutch

2. Contact Information CHEPS (Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies)

Research Associate

CHEPS (Center for Higher Education Policy Studies)

University of Twente

P.O. Box 217

7500 AE Enschede

The Netherlands

Telephone: +31.53.489.3807

Fax: +31.53.434.0392


3. Key qualifications / Fields of expertise

Leon Cremonini has a Laurea in International Political Science (with a concentration in European integration) from the University of Bologna (Italy). He also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in project Management and EU policies, from the ‘Profingest School of Management’, Bologna, Italy. Leon’s particular interests lie in quality assessment at the institutional and programme level, and accreditation. He has several years experience in higher education reform, policy formulation and implementation in several countries around the world.

4. Summary of work experience

Before joining CHEPS, Leon has been employed at the RAND Corporation, first in Leiden, The Netherlands (RAND Europe: 2001-2003), and then at the U.S. headquarters located in Santa Monica, California (2003-2005). At RAND, Leon participated in the creation of a new Higher Education Institute for the state of Qatar. His work focussed to a large extent on the assessment of institutional and programme quality in Qatar and worldwide. Leon also participated in the design and implementation of advising services to students transitioning from secondary to post-secondary education and to work, collaborated in the dissemination plan for the HEI and its services to Qatari society, and was responsible for the general management of the project. At RAND Europe, Leon conducted research on the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on society, with a focus on the impact of new technologies on work, quality of working life, education and skill development. At RAND Europe, Leon also participated in an assessment of Higher Education financing and scholarship systems in Europe. Leon joined CHEPS in 2006. Since then he has been involved in a number of capacity building and training projects in Africa (Mozambique, Uganda), the Middle East (Yemen), and Vietnam, with a focus on developing standards and framework documents for national Quality Assurance and accreditation system, the general restructuring and strengthening of the ministry of higher education (in Yemen), and training institutional management staff on quality issues regarding the theory and practice of quality assurance. Most recently, Leon has coordinated and (co)-conducted the project “Training of internal evaluators for the implementation of the Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework in Mozambique (CNAQ)”. He also conducts Master level modules on these topics at UT and abroad.

5. Regional expertise

Europe, Ethiopia, Qatar, Russia, Lithuania, Uganda, Mozambique, United States, Yemen, Vietnam,

6. Languages

Italian: excellent (native). English: excellent. French: good. Dutch: good

7. Educational record

Post Graduate Diploma in project Management and EU policies, Profingest School of Management, Bologna, Italy

Laurea in International Political Science (thesis in European Integration) University of Bologna, Italy, 2000

8. Key publications

Westerheijden, D.F, Soo-Beerkens M. and Cremonini L. (forthcoming). Excellence goes International: Piloting the CHE ranking of study programmes in Flanders and the Netherlands. In Rostan, M. and Vaira, M. (Eds.). Questioning Excellence in Higher Education. Policies, Experiences and Challenges in National and Comparative Perspective. Sense Publisher.

Westerheijden, D.F., Cremonini, L., and van Empel, R. (2010). Accreditation in Vietnam’s Higher Education System. In Harman, G., Hayden, M, and Nghi, P.T. (Eds.). Reforming Higher Education in Vietnam. Challenges and Priorities. Higher Education Dynamics, Vol. 29, 2010. Springer: pp. 183-195

Cremonini, L. and Antonowitcz, D. (2009). In The Eye of the Beholder? Conceptualizing Academic Attraction in the Global Higher Education Market. European Education, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk NY, 41(2): 52-74

Belyakov, A., Cremonini, L., Mfusi, M.X., and Rippner Buck, J. (2009). The Effect Of Transitions On Access To Higher Education. Issue Brief, March 2009 edition. Washington D.C.: Institute for Higher Education Policy. At:

Cremonini, L. Westerheijden, D. F. (2008), Beauty and Brains: Student Information Tools and Attracting International Students to European Higher Education, in Vlăsceanu, L. and Grünberg, L. (Eds.), Demographics and Higher Education In Europe – Institutional perspectives, UNESCO-CEPES, Bucharest

Cremonini, L., Westerheijden, D. F., and Enders J. (2008). Disseminating the Right Information to the Right Audience –Cultural Determinants in the Use (and Misuse) of Rankings. Higher Education, Springer Netherlands, 55:373-385 (September, 2007)

Leon Cremonini


14 October 2010