Brief Biodata

Dr. Serge Savary

Senior Scientist, Internationally Recruited Staff, IRRI, Philippines

Professional preparation

1979: General Agronomy Certificate (MSc), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie, Montpellier, France (ENSAM) ;

1979: English First Certificate (Cambridge University, U.K.) ;

1980: Agronomy Engineer, ENSAM ; 1980: Certificate (DEA) in Phytopathology (Toulouse University, France) ;

1981: ORSTOM researcher certificate ;

1986: PhD, Phytopathology (Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands) ;

1993: Affiliation to French Universities to supervise PhD theses (HDR) , Orsay Paris XI University

1993: ResearchDirector, IRD (1993).


ORSTOM / IRD Scientist: 1979-2005

(1) Ivory Coast : 1980-1989 : researcher;

(2)WageningenUniversity, The Netherlands: 1990 (fellowship: International Agricultural Centre);

(3) International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, Philippines): internationally recruited staff: 1991- 1993;

(4) Montpellier: 1993- 1995 (IRRI-ORSTOM Research Shuttle Program)

(5) IRRI : internationally recruited staff 1995 -1999;

(6) Montpellier (CBGP) : researcher, April 1999 – March 2001;

(7) CATIE (Costa Rica) : researcher, 2001 - 2002;

(8) Ecole Natle Supre Agronomique, Rennes; France, professor of Plant Pathology, (2002 - 2005)

(9) INRA: Head, UMR Santé Végétale, Bordeaux (2005-2007)

(10) IRRI : Senior Scientist,internationally recruited staff(2008-present)

Publications related to project

  1. Savary, S., Teng, P.S., Willocquet, L. & Nutter, F.W., Jr., 2006. Quantification and modeling of crop losses: a review of purposes. Annual Review of Phytopathology 44: 89-112.
  2. Savary, S., Mille, B., Rolland, B. & Lucas, P., 2006. Patterns and management of crop multiple pathosystems. Special Issue: European Journal of Plant Pathology. S. Savary, B. M. Cooke (Eds.) European Journal of Plant Pathology 115(1): 123-138.
  3. Savary, S., Castilla, N.P., Elazegui, F.A. & Teng, P.S., 2005. Multiple effects of two drivers of agricultural change, labour shortage and water scarcity, on rice pest profiles in tropical Asia. Field Crops Research 91/2-3: 263-271.
  4. Willocquet, L., Elazegui, F. A., Castilla, N., Fernandez, L., Fischer, K. S., Peng, S., Teng, P. S., Srivastava, R. K., Singh, H. M., Zhu, D., and Savary, S., 2004. Research priorities for rice disease and pest management in tropical Asia: a simulation analysis of yield losses and management efficiencies. Phytopathology 94(7):672-682.
  5. Zeigler, R.S., Savary, S., 2009. Plant Diseaseand World Dependence on Rice. pp.3-9 In: The Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safety and Food Security. Strange, R. (Ed.) Chapter 1, in: R.N. Strange and M.L. Gullino (eds.), The Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safetyand Food Security, Plant Pathology in the 21st Century, Springer Science+Business.
  6. Savary S., Mila A., Willocquet L., Esker P.D., Carisse O., McRoberts N. 201-. Risk factors for crop health under global change and agricultural shifts: a framework of analyses using rice in tropical and subtropical Asia as a model.Phytopathology. Accepted.

Other publications

  1. McRoberts, N., Hughes, G. & Savary, S., 2003. Integrated approaches to understanding and control of diseases and pests in field crops. Australasian Plant Pathology 32: 167-180.
  2. Savary, S., Cooke, B.M. (Eds) 2006. Plant Disease Epidemiology: Facing Challenges of the 21st Century. Springer, Dordrecht.
  3. Savary, S., Madden, L.V., Zadoks, J.C. & Klein-Gebbinck, H.W., 1995. Use of categorical information and correspondence analysis in plant disease epidemiology. Advances in Botanical Research incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology. Vol 21: 213-240. Academic Press Ltd. London.
  4. Savary, S., 2007. Epidemics of Plant Diseases: Mechanisms, Dynamics and Management. Chapter 7, In: Encyclopaedia of Infectious Diseases, Tibayrenc, M., Ed., Wiley. London. pp 125-136.
  5. Willocquet, L., Aubertot, J.N., Lebard, S., Robert, C., Lannou, C., Savary, S. 2008. WHEATPEST, a production situation – based simulation model of yield losses caused by multiple injuries for wheat in Europe. Field Crops Research. 107:12-28.

Synergistic activities

-survey of crop diseases in Cote d’Ivoire (1979-1985) – African scientists trained.

-epidemiology of peanut rust in West Africa – application to disease management and host plant resistance breeding (1983-90)

-characterization of rice production situations and rice multiple disease, weed, and insect constraints, and application to (1) recommendation domains for IPM, and (2) rice research priorities in Asia (part of a Rockefeller project 1992-1997)

-part of the IPM Training Workshop team of IRRI (yearly trainings 1990-1998)

-Irrigated Rice Research Consortium and Cereal System Initiative for South Asia: Rice crop health assessment methodology: data collection, survey strategies, and data analysis – trainings (2008 – present)

Collaborators and other affiliations

Student supervision

-MSc: 6 students trained

-PhD: 4 students (ParisIX-OrsayUniversity: 2; Montpellier, France: 1; UPLB, the Philippines: 1).

Scientific associations; scientific responsibilities

-member : French Society of Plant Pathology, the British Society of Plant Pathology, the American Society of Plant Pathology (Tropical Plant pathology Committee Chair, 2003), International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP), Epidemiology Committee (ISPP).

-former member of the Advisory Board of the Plant Health and Environment Department of INRA, France; member of the Scientific Commission Biology, Population Dynamics and Agrosystems, INRA, France.

-Coordinator of the Ninth International Epidemiology Workshop, ISPP, France, April, 2005.

Summary of references

International refereed journals: 1st author: 47, co-author: 32;

International conferences: oral, invited, or keynote presentations: 1st author: 26, co-author: 10;

Books: 1, Book Editor: 2, Book Chapters (1st author): 3, Book Chapters (co-author: 2).