Hillary Primary School

Curriculum Overview – year 5

Term / 1A / 1B / 2A / 2B / 3A / 3B
English / Greek Myths – Theseus and the Minotaur / Ice Palace / Oranges In No Mans’ Land / Friend or Foe
ClassBook / The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
By John Boyne / The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by
CS Lewis / Terry Pratchett
Mathematics / Please refer to the Maths No Problem Overview.
Science / Properties and changes in materials
Spellbound 2 – Welcome to Earth
How can we recognise solids, liquids and gases?
Spellbound 2 – Disappearing candles
What happens when a candle is burned? / Living things and their habitats
Spellbound 2 – The Ingobo tree
What conditions are required for plants to germinate? / Forces
Spellbound 2 – Bungee jumpers
Will we fall at different speeds? How can we slow down falling? / Animals, including humans / Earth and Space
Spellbound 2 – Day and Night
How are day and night formed?
Working Scientifically
Geography / The UK
(Human and Physical)
Topography and Land-use / Mountains
(Human and Physical) / Trade
UK – developed and developing nation.
(Human and Physical)
History / Ancient Greeks / Benin
Early African Civilisation / WW2 – Battle of Britain.
Art / Objects and Meaning / Containers / Talking Textiles
Cross Curriculum
Move onto DT and how to make the textile to be a useable blanket for warmth.
Computing / Coding / Spreadsheets / Game creator / Databases / Online Safety and 3 D modelling / Concept maps
Design Technology / Patchwork Blanket
Cross Curriculum.
Follow on after art on making it warm and purposeful. / Pasta dishes
Origin of ingredients / Model Solar System
Music / Creative composition and improvisation / Creative composition and improvisation / Creative composition and improvisation / Creative composition and improvisation / Creative composition and improvisation / Creative composition and improvisation
PE / Swimming
(moves term according to class) / Dance / Gymnastics / Games / Athletics / Outdoor/Adventurous
RE / Christian Aid and Islamic Relief – Can they change the world? SACRE / Commitments and Meaning- Christian, Hindu and Muslim.
SACRE / Respect for all: What will make Walsall a more respectful place?
SACRE / Belief in our community
Plan Bee / Muslims and Christians: Who is inspiring? Explore inspirational founders and leaders. SACRE / Sikhs and Hindus: Who is inspiring? Explore inspirational founders and leaders. SACRE
MFL / Numbers 20 – 60 / Clothes / Body / French Towns / Weather / Review and Assessment
British Values / Democracy
Government / Individual Liberty
Self-Esteem and Self-confidence / Mutual Respect
Debate / Tolerance
Prejudice / The rule of Law
Fair Trial / Faith
Through RE
Trip or memorable experience / Visit to Mandhir