Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra Syllabus and Class Expectations
Instructor Faith Allen
Textbooks: Algebra II
Course Description
This is the second in a sequence of mathematics courses designed to prepare students to take higher level mathematics courses during high school such as Advanced Placement Calculus AB and BC and Advanced Placement Statistics. Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra is a rigorous course covering material from Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Advanced Algebra, and it will require daily diligence by students on assignments and in class performance tasks.
Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra is a part of the new Georgia and National Common Core Standards. The first major change in the new standards is that the topics in high school math are arranged in a different order than in the old Algebra-Geometry-Pre-calculus sequence. The topics in Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra were formally taught as a part of Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-calculus, and Statistics. The second major change is that the new standards emphasize the ability to read, understand, apply, and communicate mathematics. I think this second difference has the greatest potential to benefit you by enabling you to be more mathematically savvy in your future academic and professional endeavors.
Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra Syllabus and Class Expectations
· Extending the Number System
· Applications of Probability
· Quadratic Functions
· Modeling Geometry
· Polynomial Functions
· Rational and Radical Relationships
· Exponential & Logarithms
· Mathematical Modeling
Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra Syllabus and Class Expectations
Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra Syllabus and Class Expectations
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
1 – Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2 – Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3 – Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4 – Model with mathematics.
5 – Use appropriate tools strategically.
6 – Attend to precision.
7 – Look for and make use of structure.
8 – Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Notebook and Supplies
You will be required to keep a notebook. At a minimum you need to have a 2-inch, 3-ring binder with 10 dividers. Instruction on the organization of the notebook will be given in the near future. Also, you will need pencil, loose leaf paper, graph paper, composition notebook, 3 dry erase markers, colored pencils, and calculator: scientific calculator, TI83 Plus, TI84 (graphing calculators are recommended for this course and are strongly encouraged for success). Please note that instruction for any other calculator will NOT be provided.
The course grade will be weighted as follows:
45% -- unit tests
25% -- cumulative activities
15% -- homework, daily quiz grades, projects
15% -- midterm, post-test
20% -- End-of-course-test
Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra has a state mandated end-of-course test. This test will count for 20% of the semester grade.
Performance Tasks
Performance Tasks will be done alone, in pairs, and in groups during each unit. These tasks will be used as a tool to help you acquire the math content in the course. You will be asked to present your work during class and will be given frequent quizzes to encourage you to use your time in class to the fullest and to help you determine what you have learned and what you need to study more.
Like the performance tasks, homework will be assigned as a tool to help you to acquire math content to help you develop confidence in problem solving and to help you develop your math skills. If you do not complete the assigned homework, do not expect to do well in this class. Usually, homework will be graded for accuracy.
Extra help
I am more than happy to meet with you and go over any difficulties you may have. Normally, extra help will be available Tuesday until 3:45 pm. You will be informed of school-wide tutoring after the semester begins.
Attendance and makeup work
Attendance is an extremely important part of this class. Your success depends on your being in class every day. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments that are missed. If you are absent you will follow the Walton County School District policy regarding makeup assignments. Missed tests can be made up after school by making prior arrangements with me.
Discipline policy
I have only one rule in my class. Act with respect-this includes respect for the teacher, your peers, the school’s property, and yourself. Any conduct that is not respectful will not be tolerated. The first offense will result in a warning. Continued disrespectful actions may result in removal from the immediate setting or detention. Detention will be assigned on the next available date regardless of the student’s extra-curricular activities. Please consider this before you choose to disrupt class. I will contact your parents if you choose to act in a manner that is not respectful on a regular basis. If you continue to act inappropriately or if you miss an assigned detention, a discipline referral will be made which could result in ISS. Events that could result in detention without further warning are: not having your book in class, not being silent during the moment of silence, tardy to class three times.
I believe it is extremely important for parents, teachers and students to communicate regularly. Students should feel free to stay after class or come by after school to discuss difficulties, concerns or get extra assistance. I want to help, let me know when it is needed.
I have read both pages of the syllabus.
I understand that the class average will be based on a weighted system.
I understand that students will be expected to be in class, on time, every day.
I understand that students will be expected to bring a writing utensil (pencil preferred), binder, workbook, textbook, and calculator to class everyday. Failure to be prepared for class results in an assigned detention.
I understand that students must work both in and out of class to maximize potential to achieve.
I understand that students will be expected to act with respect for the teacher, peers and the school’s property.
I understand that unit tests will be kept on file for the semester in Ms Allen’s room and may be viewed by students and/or parents any time during the semester, but they may not be removed from Ms Allen’s room.
I understand that late work will not be accepted (except in the case of absence as outlined in the student agenda).
I understand that I have 3 out-of-room passes unless I have medical documentation on file in the clinic. After I use 3 out-of-room passes I understand that if I need to leave the room again, I will be assigned detention.
I understand playing games on my calculator and/or IPAD is prohibited during class.
I understand that there will be no eating or drinking in class except water as outlined in the syllabus.
I understand that electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, Ipods, MP3 players, games, etc, shall not be visible and must be turned off during class, if not turned off, I understand that I will be assigned detention.
I understand that I must turn in my cell-phone and/or IPAD during tests and quizzes.
I have read the syllabus for the Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra course. I agree to abide by the rules set, and failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. I understand it is my responsibility to check my grades in Infinite Campus periodically and to ask for clarification if needed.
______________________________ ________________________________
student signature parent signature
Please fill out the following parent information on the back of this form.
mother: ______________________________________________
father: ______________________________________________
home phone mother: ________________________
father: ________________________
work phone mother: ________________________ Please give extention if applicable
father: ________________________
cell phone mother: ________________________
father: ________________________
mother: ________________________ Please give the one checked most often
father: ________________________