Curriculum overview Y2 – 2014



·  Develop phonics until decoding secure.

·  Read common suffixes

·  Read and comment on appropriate books.

·  Know the difference between fiction and non-fiction

·  Understand what is meant by a Traditional Tale.

·  Enjoy a selection of poetry complementing themes in classroom. e.g. Autumn, Chanukah.


·  Spell by segmenting into phonemes

·  Learn to spell common “exception” words

·  Spell using common suffixes, etc.

·  Use appropriate size letters and spaces

·  Develop stamina for writing

·  Begin to plan ideas for writing

·  Make simple additions and changes after proof reading.


·  Use . ! ? , and “ “.

·  Simple conjunctions

·  Begin to expand noun phrases

·  Use some features of standard English.

Speaking and Listening.

·  Me Bags


Number/ Calculation

·  Know 2x, 5x, 10x tables

·  Begin to use and understand place value

·  Compare/order numbers including < > =

·  Write numbers to 100

·  Use x and division symbols

·  Geometry and Measures

·  Know and use standard measures

·  Read scales to the nearest whole unit

·  Use symbols of £and p and add/subtract simple sums of less than £1.

·  Identify and sort 2d and 3d shapes

·  Identify 2d shapes on 3d surfaces


·  Understand ½

Religious Studies

·  Daily act of worship: The girls pray together as group each morning and learn meaning of additional prayers.

·  Hebrew reading. Additional rules are learnt and focus is placed on the fluency.

·  Jewish Festivals and Jewish year: learn about the festivals to include customs.

·  Jewish General Knowledge.

·  Bible skills: - concept of roots of words, prefixes and suffixes,

·  Writing - Girls learn Hebrew script.



·  Living Things and their habitats.

·  Micro habitats.

·  Food chains and Life Cycles of animals complementing class topics.

·  Plants: observing seeds and bulbs.

·  Growing conditions for healthy plants.

Class Adoptions: Holly, Seagull, Sheep, Geranium, Cod.


·  Name and locate 7 continents and 5 oceans

·  Know the countries within the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas.

·  Locate hot/cold areas of the world: Equator, North and South Poles.


(Spring term - main focus is on History) – further detail to follow


·  Organise, store, retrieve and manipulate data.

·  Recognise use of IT outside school.

Art & Design

·  Use a range of materials

·  Use drawing and painting and sculpture

·  Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

Design & technology

·  Design purposeful and appealing products

·  Use a range of tools and materials to complete practical tasks

·  Evaluate products and own ideas

·  Understand where food comes from

Physical education

·  Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching.

·  Develop balance, agility and coordination.

·  Participate in team games.

·  Perform dances.


·  Composing (using sound creatively)

·  Performing (singing and playing simple instruments)

·  Listening and Responding (to their own and others’ music-making)