Team 3 already seated in first row, leaving second row open for Team 3 men.

Bible Enthronement

·  Team 3 processes in with T/3 candle and Bible for enthronement Tim Rosa will recruit.

·  ALL sing Opening Song “The Summons”

Opening prayer/Welcome/What is tonight about? – Jim Ollinger

Meaning of “Agape” – Doug Hettinger

Scripture Reading

·  Team 3 reflection, Jer 29:11 – Adrian O’Hara

·  Team 4 reflection, Phil 1:6 - Matt Weger

Previous retreat comment cards – Ted Noravong, Mike Crosthwait, Doug Leikam, Ryan O’Donnell

Introduce Team 4 men and call forward Tim Rosa

Intro of Team 3 – John Errante, all line up in front and face the congregation

Jody Sheehan introduces and calls forward T/3 - match up with T/2, facing counterpart, back to congregation

Sign the Senses – Jody Sheehan

Reflection on Christ Candle and passing on the flame – Sean Keenan

Announce new CSD (Brian Weaver) - present new Christ Candle, light it from T/3 candle – Jody Sheehan

Ask for prayers for invitees - Read names one-by-one - Jim Wedeking

ALL – Holy Spirit prayer

Closing Prayer Deacon Stuart

T/4, led by Christ Candle and Gabe Lyssy & Rich King - process out

ALL sing Closing Song - “Amazing Grace” (Sung to the theme song of Gilligan’s Island)

Team 4 / Ministry / Team 3
Burchard, Pat / Table Leader / Weger, Matt
Charlton, Mark / Invitations Coordinator, Table Leader / O'Hara, Adrian
Khan, Dave / Table Leader / Hettinger, Doug
King, Rich / Lay Director / Rosa, Tim
Leonard, Aaron / Sacristan
Liturgist / Brown, Jake *
Olsen, Jeff *
Wedeking, Jim
Looman, Bob / Christian Awareness Witness / Noravong, Ted
Lyssy, Gabe / Co-Spiritual Director / Errante, John
Marsha, Todd / Spirituality Witness / Crosthwait, Mike
Melchior, Dan / Christian Community Witness / Nill, Stan
Morgan, Cory / Father's Loving Care Witness / Leikam, Sr., Doug
Murrow, Rod / Scripture Witness / Sieve, Larry #
Sovereign, Josh / Table Leader / O'Donnell, Ryan
Strathman, Eric / HELP Coordinator, Table Leader / Keenan, Sean
Taylor, JT / Renewal Witness / Vera, Eddie #
Turnis, Nathan / Table Leader / Horine, Don #
Olinger, Jim
Ward, Brian / Kitchen Coordinator / Ibarra, Carlos *
Luck-Smith, Jesse *
Sheehan, Jody *
Zetzman, Wayne / Weekend Facilitator / Lanter, Rick #
Eucharist Witness / Weger, Dan

* Not a member of Team 3, but a CRHP brother who said “Yes” … again!

# Unable to be present tonight, but locked in prayer.