Curriculum Overview for Years 4-6 KS”HW Class
Play- scripts of well- known fairy tales and linked to witches e.g. Macbeth scene 1 & 4
Labels, captions, information texts:
See Spelling Bank per year group
See Grammar Spine per year group
Author: Roald Dahl- Georges marvellous . medicine
The Witches
Paula Brackston -The Witches daughter
Shakespeare –Macbeth- scenes 1 & 4 witches / Literacy
Who’s a bully then?
Why the whales came? Kensuke'sKingdom
See Spelling Bank
See Grammar Spine
Author: Michael Morpurgo / Summer
The Wizard Of Oz
The boy who cried wolf
The Wolf Who Cried Boy
See Spelling Bank
See Grammar Spine
Author Frank. L. Baum/ Aesop’s fables / Art & Design Technology
DT Models of different scene settings-play-scripts
DT b-collage pictures using natural material e.g. characters from witches story
DT Interior artefacts e.g. clay work – homes / pots / picture frames
Can you Reproduce seed drill and then improve design?
Can you make your own Stephenson’s rocket?
Can you make your own island?
Design create and market your own product design
Can you design your own Wizard of Oz board game?
Animal adaptions – clay models / Computing
What keeps us safe on the internet? (E Safety)
How do search engines help us with our research? (IT)
Design program- Homes
Google maps /directions
We are artists (DC)
We are web developers (IT)
We are game developers (CS)
We are Cryptographers (CS)
We are bloggers (DL)
We are architects (DH)
Apollo Arts –yr 6 street dance to pop music
Music specialists - per year group:
Exploring the sound an instrument can make
How can we perform using instruments?
Music specialists - per year group:
Changing the sound an instrument can make
Reading musical notation for specific instruments?
How can we perform with confidence?
Music specialists - per year group:
Reading musical notation and performing for specific instruments?
Performing for others / PSHCE/RE
What is PHSCE?
Where do I belong? My family, friends, community
Making & breaking friends
Health education & keeping safe
How did Jesus use stories to teach? What can we learn from religious stories?
How do Christians celebrate Lent and Easter?
Spring time religious festivals in other faiths
Why is it important to have personal heroes?
What rules do I follow and why are they important?
Which religion is followed in different countries?
Dyslexia Time tables – recognising
number patterns Time- hours , half hours, quarter
2D & 3D Shapes- recognition
Position & directions
Measurement :length, area & perimeter
Place value and mental calculation
Mental & Written addition & subtraction
Counting, written and mental Multiplication tables (1x 2x 5x 10x 3x, 4x) / Mathematics
Time: to nearest 5 minutes/ roman clock
3D shape- properties
Volume, capacity and Mass
Place value – decimals
Written addition and subtraction (problems and inverse)
Addition and subtraction written in measures & statistics
Mental multiplication incl. 3X 6x and 9x 12X tables
Multiplication and division (measures
Fractions & Decimals
Money :Addition and subtraction / Summer
Time; Comparison/ conversion and statistics
2D & 3D shape Comparison – pattern & position
Volume, capacity and Mass
Place value – decimals
Written addition and subtraction (problems and inverse)
Addition and subtraction written in measures & statistics
Mental multiplication incl. 2X 4x and 8x tables
Multiplication and division measures in statistics
Fractions & Decimals
Money: Multiplication & division
Linked to PHSCE – A healthy body & A Healthy mind
Keeping ourselves safe & Dangers in health e.g. smoking , drug & . sexual health
Health in the Community – doctors , hospitals dentists etc.
Materials & their properties – testing strength water . Spring: . New inventions and inventors . Can I be an inventor? Apprentice
Scientists: e.g. Galileo- telescope,compass, thermometer
Jethro Tull / Richard Arkwright- industrial revolution
George Stevenson- steam engine
Alexander Bell- telephone
Thomas Edison- lightbulb
Logie Baird – TV Science
Explaining the unexplainable:
Scientific discovery:
Archimedes principle
Robert Hook – elasticity
William Gilbert – magnetism & electricity
Gregory Mendal – genetics
Charles Darwin – Adaption / PE
Year Group sports experts :
Team ball skills e.g. Rugby
How can we develop our skills and improve our performance? Dance and gymnastics
Year Group sports experts :
How can we develop our skills and improve our performance?
Are we team players?- Ball skills & team games
Year Group sports experts :
How can we develop our skills and improve our performance?
Modern Languages
Rigolo Lessons 1 -8
Bonjour! Ways to say hello
Les jours de la semaine- days of the week
Les nombres – numbers
Les couleurs- colours
Les animaux – animals
Les Fruits-frouts
Les legumes -Vegetables
Summer: Rigalo
Le corps – body parts Levisage- facial features
Local maps- locating our homes & local community features
Locating places we visit in North –East Britain
UK & World maps Holiday destinations
Difference between home and abroad holiday destinations e.g. climate/physical features
Changes in the use of our land – hunting / farming / industrial/ leisure
Journeys across and around the world
Finding places around the world
Famous landmarks / History
Setting – e.g. Homes designs throughout the ages- stone age, iron age, Romans , Normans, Tudors, Stewarts, Georgian Victorian, Edwardian, 20th century homes, future
Home artefacts throughout the ages
Famous inventors through the ages – finding out about our world / From farming to industrial revolution / inventions that we use in our homes each day
How do influences from the past still have an influence today? E.g what can we learn from the Romans? Victorians? Space exploration etc.
How can we move history forward – The Apprentice
Template created by Michael Tidd 2013