If calling or telephoning please ask for:
Julie McGarry, Direct Dial: 01563 576147
To:All Elected Members
4 December 2015
Dear Councillor
You are requested to attend a meeting of the COUNCIL to be held on THURSDAY 10DECEMBER2015 at 1000 HRS in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK, in order to consider the undernoted business.
Yours sincerely
David Mitchell
Chief Governance Officer
1.PREVIOUS MINUTES - Submit, for approval as correct records, Minutes of Council Meeting of 22 October 2015 (pages 1460-1466) (copy enclosed).
2.CABINET/COMMITTEE MINUTES - Submit, for approval as correct records and approval of any recommendations contained therein (with the exception of the Minutes of the Governance and Scrutiny Committeewhich are here for noting only) the Minutes of the undernoted Meetings, viz:-
2.1LOCAL REVIEW BODY OF 21 OCTOBER 2015 (pages 1458-1459) (copy enclosed)
2.2RECRUITMENT PANEL OF 22 OCTOBER 2015 (pages 1467)(copy enclosed)
2.3PLANNING COMMITTEE OF 23 OCTOBER 2015 (pages 1468-1469)(copy enclosed)
2.4CABINET OF 28 OCTOBER 2015 (pages 1470-1471)(copy enclosed)
2.5 SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE OF 5 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1472-1475)(copy enclosed)
2.6POLICE AND FIRE AND RESCUE COMMITTEE OF 10 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1476-1479)(copy enclosed)
2.7CABINET OF 11 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1480-1482)(copy enclosed)
2.8GRANTS COMMITTEE OF 12 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1483-1487)(copy enclosed)
2.9RECRUITMENT PANEL OF 16 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1488-1489)(copy enclosed)
2.10LOCAL REVIEW BODY OF 18 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1490-1491)(copy enclosed)
2.11GOVERNANCE AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE OF 19 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1492-1494)(copy enclosed)
2.12LOCAL GOVERNMENT LICENSING PANEL OF 19 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1495-1497)(copy enclosed)
2.13PLANNING COMMITTEE OF 20 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1498-1500)(copy enclosed)
2.14CABINET OF 25 NOVEMBER 2015 (pages 1501-1507)(copy enclosed)
3.REQUEST FROM COALITION - VARIOUS APPOINTMENTS - Following a request from the Coalition, recommend that Councillor Elena Whitham be appointed to fill the vacancy on:-
(i)Mair Bequest;
(ii)Bessie C Roxburgh Bequest;
(iii)Galston Regeneration Partnership; and
(iv)Irvine Valley Local Regeneration Partnership.
4.APPOINTMENT TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATION (pages 1-3) - Submit report dated 1 December 2015 (copy enclosed) by the Chief Governance Officer to advise Council that the Chief Executive's term as Trustee of the Great Steward of Scotland's Dumfries House Trust has expired and to seek agreement for the Chief Executive to accept a request from the Chair of the Trust to serve as Chairperson of an Advisory Board, which will provide expertise and advice to the Great Steward of Scotland's Dumfries House Trust.
5.AYRSHIRE CIVIL CONTINGENCIES TEAM (pages 4-6) - Submit report dated 25 November 2015 (copy enclosed) by the Depute Chief Executive: Safer Communities to propose the delegation of specific functions relating to the Ayrshire Civil Contingencies Team to Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee, said functions to be carried out by South Ayrshire Council as lead authority; and to seek approval for the developmentof the related Service Agreement for the shared Civil Contingencies Service.
6.MOTION BY COUNCILLOR JOHN MCGHEE - "I propose that East Ayrshire Council oppose and refuse to co-operate with the Conservative government's proposed Trade Union Bill and that Council notes the Conservative Government are proposing a Trade Union Bill that will restrict the ability of this Council to engage in good industrial relations practices with our workforce and their representatives. Council believes the collection of union dues through the check-off arrangement, from which the Council receives income, is part of our collective and contractual arrangements with the trades unions and one which we will defend and support. Council commits not to use agency staff to break or weaken industrial action and to continue to support arrangements that afford trade union representatives sufficient resources to enable them to carry out their functions to ensure the continuation of good industrial relations. The Leader of the Council commits to writing to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, stating Council's opposition to this Bill and our resolve not to co-operate with any attacks on facility time or check off and to write to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon calling on the Scottish Government to stand with East Ayrshire Council and other local authorities in opposing the proposals in this Bill."