Math SAC
Meeting Minutes
USD #374, Sublette
SAC: Math
Date: 11/4/08
Members Present: Becky Brungardt, Andy Short, Deanna Myers, Gwen Simmons, Katie Short, Linda Hoffman, Ellen Marlin, Rich Baker, Connie Myers, Risa Leonard Stevens
Secretary: Kay Williams
Members not attending: Leigh Bird, Cesar Pena
Minutes of previous meeting read? NO
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Baker the math chair.
Members were encouraged to bring teaching strategies for addressing ELL achievement. Differentiation in the classroom, at all levels, was the main topic of discussion. Risa asked members to share what they are doing in their classrooms to give extra opportunities for learning. All teachers shared many of the ways they are using the School Improvement plans interventions and strategies to reinforce those interventions. All teachers discussed ways to add enrichment activities for students whose progress is above grade level. The sac tabled discussion on how to best provide high achieving students the classroom opportunities for advancement. Course outcomes will need to be addressed along with student guidelines for advanced study. Members of the Math Sac will look at advanced options for students in future meetings.
Discussion was also extensive on making sure that struggling students have clear objectives both in writing and the use of visuals. Study buddies, Think, Pair and Share, partner work are all good examples of the use of cooperative learning within the classroom. Differentiated instruction encourages learning at all levels. Mr. Baker shared that he is entertaining the idea of putting some of the new concepts that he is teaching on the web page in video form so that more students can review from home. Risa will get information from Harcourt for the Elementary level supplementals that may be available for purchase in regard to test generators. Both Mr. Baker and Mrs. Hoffman are using a CD Rom that came with their series to generate extra opportunities to monitor student progress. Gwen Simmons and Becky Brungardt, along with high school teachers also highlighted some web sites that they are incorporating into their classrooms: Google search timezattack and Risa will also check with the Service Center on Cardopelli for the middle/high school use. In addition to giving students more skill practice, the Elementary school continues to use the Otter Creek program to reinforce facts and the processes that students will continue to need as they progress through school.
A short discussion was led by Risa on common assessments. Currently, teachers have designed grade level benchmark assessments that they are all using in their classrooms. These assessments will be used for topic of discussion as grade level teachers assess and monitor student progress.
Meeting adjourned 4:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Risa Leonard Stevens