Curriculum Information Autumn 2016 Year 1
English / All children will have daily phonic sessions where they will learn, practise and apply their letters and sounds knowledge through reading and writing words. This is an essential part of learning to read and write and can be practised at home through the spelling and reading homework.In Year 1 the children will be developing their speaking and listening skills through partner and group discussions, retelling stories, role-play and drama. In the first half term we will look at ‘Stories with a familiar setting’ using a variety of books by Anthony Browne and during the second half term we will look at stories from different cultures. Through these units the children will be learning about imaginary settings and writing a complete story with a beginning, middle and end. They will also be learning to write labels, lists, captions, instructions diaries and character descriptions.
Maths / Throughout the term the children will be developing their understanding of number, ordering, sorting and comparing. They will develop their mental methods for adding and subtracting one digit to and from one and two digit numbers. They will learn all the number pairs up to 10 so that they can quickly recall and begin to use these facts for addition and subtraction as well as problem solving.
They will look at patterns and relationshipswith and betweenshapes and numbers. They will learn to identify a range of 2-D and 3-D shapes, including sorting shapes into groups. The children will organise information in lists, simple tables and pictograms. They will begin to look at measuring with non-standard and standard units.
Information Technology / Throughout the term the children will use the internet and word processing programs to research and present their work. The children will have e-safety lesson ensuring they are using the internet safely and responsibly.
Computing / This year the children will begin computing which begins to teach them about programming computers. The topic for this term is ’We are treasure hunters’ the children will use ‘Bee-bots’ to find treasure and debug simple programmes. Then we will move onto ‘We are celebrating’ topic, the children create a digital card.
Topic –
Geography / Technology/Art / ICT / This term the children will be focussing on ‘Fire and Heat’.As Historians the children will investigate The Great Fire of London and understand the concept of present and past and chronology. The children will look at photos, books and eyewitness accounts for example extracts from the diary of Samuel Pepys. As Geographers they will use a map to locate London and Coventry. They will use globes and atlases to locate hot countries. As Artists the children will develop their drawing and painting skills. They will create fire images using collage and paints. As Designers the children will design and make a London building in the style of those in London at the time of The Great Fire of London.
Science / Year One will begin the term looking at seasons and how our world changes throughout the year. We will revisit this at the end of the term to observe the changes from autumn towards winter. We will also learn about ‘Materials’ looking at their properties.
RE / This half term the children will be working on a unit about ‘Myself’, finding out about how people are similar and different; their different religious beliefs and feelings about different things.In the second half term they will be learning about different religious ‘Celebrations’.
Music / The children will be singing, playing, and composing music using their voices, body percussion and instruments to learn about sounds and expression in music.
Physical Education / PE will be on the following days:
Wednesdays and Fridays
Children will need a named PE kit for each lesson – this includes a white t-shirt and black or navy shorts. Some lessons will be outside, so appropriate clothing (tracksuit bottoms) and trainers should also be provided.
Personal, Social and Health Education / This term the children will learn about ‘Taking Responsibility and New Beginnings’.They will learn about rules, responsibility and belonging in a class /school community. After half term the children will learn about ‘Healthy Lifestyles’, thinking about how they can keep themselves healthy.
Homework / Homework will be as follows: Mondays- Spellings, Tuesday-Reading Book, Wednesday- Maths, Thursday- English and Friday- Reading Book. However,Year One will initially focus on Reading and Spelling homework. This should be practised at home on a regular basis as this will support your child with their learning in school. When this is fully embedded we will introduce English and Maths homework later in the year.Monday’s spellings homework is linked to the daily phonic lessons and should be returned on Friday when the children will be tested on their spellings.
There will be Year 1 Curriculum Meeting later this term; the date for this is Tuesday 27th September 5:45pm.
Mrs N Jarvis (KS1 Standards Leader) Mrs S Sawbridge - 1A (Class teacher).
Mrs T Van Spelde (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs L Rawlings & Mrs E Burden – 1B (Class teachers)
Miss G Harper (Teaching Assistant)