October 7, 2016


PRESENT: Gale Bigbee, Margaret Brewer for Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Shawn Schroeder, Laurie Oelslager, Jim Zwaschka, Deanne Schloesser, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Barb Embacher for Brad Schloesser, Stacy Tomhave, Lisa Lamor

ABSENT: Connie Miller, Pam Schweim, Jay Winters, Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Brad Schloesser,

GUESTS: Shayne Narjes, Britney Hayes (MSU,M internship in Student Affairs transfer area at SCC)

1.  Call to Order: Gale called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m. and roll call was taken.

2.  Additions to Agenda:

Ø  Add Biology CCO’s / 3 – Gale Bigbee

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Laurie Oelslager; Motion Passed Unanimously

3.  Approval of Minutes From Previous Meetings: (May 6 & September 2, 2016)

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Deann Schloesser; Motion Passed Unanimously


A.  WET – Manufacturing Foundations – Jon Morgan

1.  Manufacturing Foundations Certificate – E-Vote (see page 3)

B.  Nursing – Candy Mortenson-Klimpel

1.  PN CCO’s E-Vote (see page 3)

a.  NURS 1110 Foundation of Nursing

b.  NURS 1150 Clinical Foundation

c.  NURS 1175 Nursing Interventions

d.  NURS 1220 Pharmacology for Practical Nurses

e.  NURS 1275 Medication Administration

f.  NURS 1310 Application of Nursing

g.  NURS 1350 Clinical Application

h.  NURS 1375 Laboratory Application

i.  NURS 1410 Maternal Child Nursing

j.  NURS 1610 Psychosocial Nursing

2.  ASN CCO’s E-Vote (see page 3)

a.  NURS 2200 LPN to RN Role Transition

b.  NURS 2220 Semester 1 Fundamentals

c.  NURS 2230 Semester 1 Pharmacology

d.  NURS 2250 Semester 1 Clinical Practice

e.  NURS 2275 Semester 1 Skills Lab

f.  NURS 2320 Semester 2 Med Surg Basics

g.  NURS 2350 Semester 2 Clinical Practice

h.  NURS 2375 Semester 2 Skills Lab and Pharmacology

i.  NURS 2420 Semester 3 Maternal-Child Health

j.  NURS 2430 Semester 3 Mental Health

Curriculum Committee Meeting MINUTES

October 7, 2016

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k.  NURS 2450 Semester 3 Clinical Practice

l.  NURS 2520 Semester 4 Leadership

m.  NURS 2530 Med-Surg Acute

n.  NURS 2550 Semester 4 Clinical Practice


A.  AS-P Degree – Shayne Narjes (FYI)

1.  Business AS – Pathways

Ø  Per Legislature, Minnesota State 4 year colleges are designing degrees that will accept AS-P degrees from 2 year colleges

Ø  AS-P in Business is one of first group to be moved ahead, with approved AS-P program to be offered Fall 2017

Ø  Will be identified as AS-P

Ø  Four programs will be moved ahead this year, 12 next year and more the next year

Ø  At this time, this does not affect AAS degrees

Ø  MnSCU will require all CCO’s when applying for these degrees

Ø  Gale recommended CC review of these requests by the Committee as a whole rather than individually

FYI: Direct link to the templates of the approved ones:

The following is the link to the Transfer Pathways information:;

There’s also a link for FAQs from that page to this one:

B.  WET / Accounting – Dave Hammitt (MODIFY)

1.  ACCT 1835 Computerized Accounting II

Ø  Updating common course outline

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Deann Schloesser; Motion Passed Unanimously

C.  LAS / Biology – Sue Steck and Renee Guyer (MODIFY)

1.  BIOL 220 Human Anatomy

2.  BIOL 230 Human Physiology

3.  BIOL 270 Microbiology

Ø  Request is referred to AASC, outside of Curriculum Committee’s purview

Ø  Formula of 1 lab = 32 hours, Biology lab = 48 hours

Ø  Consideration for possible contractual issues

Ø  Riverland – 2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab

Ø  Some possible independent lab time?

Ø  Per Shawn Schroeder: consider content and amount of time it takes to teach a course

Ø  Some colleges have 4 hour lecture credits

Ø  About 1/3 of colleges have 3 hour labs

Ø  Current lecture/lab/internship calculations are created by SCC, not Minnesota State

Ø  If approved by AASC, Curriculum Committee may consider changing guidelines to include this change, for transparency

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D.  WET / Graphics – Kevin McLaughlin (MODIFY)

1.  GCC 1210 Drawing for Graphic Design

Ø  Revised for more emphasis on basic skills and less on advanced skills

Ø  Main focus will be on planning and digital illustration skills

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Stacy Tomhave; Motion Passed Unanimously

E.  LAS / Philosophy – Kurt Dershem

1.  PHIL 100 Ethics in Society (MODIFY)

Ø  Competencies changes to reflect changes in how course is taught

Ø  Change from Goal Area 6 to Goal Area 7

2.  PHIL 150 Medical Ethics (MODIFY)

Ø  Competencies changes to reflect changes in how course is taught

Ø  Change from Goal Area 6 to Goal Area 2

Motion to Endorse: Stacy Tomhave; Motion Seconded: Laurie Oelslager; Motion Passed Unanimously

3.  PHIL 115 Global Philosophies: Perspectives on Living Well (NEW)

Ø  New course, no current Intro to Philosophy course

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Stacy Tomhave; Motion Passed Unanimously

F.  Nursing – Candence Mortenson-Klimpel (EXPIRE)

1.  NURS 1210 Pharmacology for Practical Nurses

2.  NURS 2210 Semester 1 Theory

3.  NURS 2310 Semester 2 Theory

4.  NURS 2410 Semester 3 Theory

5.  NURS 2510 Semester 4 Theory

Ø  Due to previous course modifications

Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Deann Schloesser; Motion Passed Unanimously

G.  Agribusiness – Peter Neigebauer (NEW FROM EXISTING)

1.  FBM AgSpark Certificate (14 Credits)

Ø  Provides opportunity for beginning or new farmers to earn a certificate

Ø  Will support Veteran students financially

Ø  New from existing, from Farm Business Management AAS

Ø  Will require MN State approval, via Program Navigator

2.  AgSpark Agronomy Cert. (13 Credits) (NEW FROM EXISTING)

Ø  Provides opportunity for individuals to enter agribusiness careers with short term training needs

Ø  Will support Veteran students financially

Ø  New from existing, from Agribusiness Service and Management Diploma

Ø  Will require MN State approval, via Program Navigator

Motion to Endorse: Deann Schloesser; Motion Seconded: Jim Zwaschka; Motion Passed Unanimously

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October 7, 2016

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H.  Curriculum Committee Quality Improvement Questionnaire – Gale Bigbee

Ø  Survey results were shared

Ø  Like online review process

Ø  Concern on amount of paperwork and required signatures (will be reduced with new process being put into place)

I.  Other Information

Ø  Working to create all CC forms in Image Now for spring semester, 2017

Ø  Need to consider Intentions and Mach Forms integration

Ø  Working to clean up SCC web site listings for faster, easier viewing

o  Looking at current documents to determine if they need to be updated or removed

Ø  Question’s on CIP code for courses – Lisa will add to WIDS field to be completed when processed / work on process when moving ahead and how to document what is currently documented

Ø  NO NOVEMBER MEETING - Consider a meeting on October 28, due to scheduling conflicts with November 4 meeting date


October 28, 2016


PRESENT: Gale Bigbee, Brad Schloesser, Stacy Tomhave, Lisa Melchior, Pam Schweim, Jay Stencel, Jay Winters, Stacy Tomhave

ABSENT: Lisa Lamor, Connie Miller, Deanne Schloesser, Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Shawn Schroeder, Laurie Oelslager, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Jim Zwaschka

GUEST: Shayne Narjes

1.  Call to Order: Gale called the meeting to order at 11:02 a.m. and roll call was taken.


A.  WET / Business Management A.S.-P

Ø  Is this request through Program Navigator a ‘Notice of Intent’ for a new program or is it ‘New From Existing?’ Mary will ask for clarification from Marta Mohr at Minnesota State

Ø  Per Legislative mandate, all Minnesota State Colleges must accept transfer of 2-year A.S.-P approved programs

Ø  Minnesota State Transfer Pathways Campus Implementation Toolkit is available at the following web sites:

o  The main site for the pathways is:

o  The pathways toolkit is at:

Ø  A.S.-P approved programs must meet all of the objectives that are offered at 4-year colleges

Ø  It was determined that individuals courses in this degree will not be accepted, only the entire degree program

Ø  A concern was shared about the effect on AAS degree programs

Ø  Articulation agreements are not required for transfer of these degrees

Ø  A concern was shared regarding programs that received a waiver to offer 72 credit programs, will they be required to reduce credits to 60

Ø  This degree will be offered starting fall, 2017-2018

Motion to Endorse: Pam Schweim; Motion Seconded: Jay Stencel; Motion Passed Unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.