Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Attendees: Michelle Stobnicke, Lou Schreiber, Margaret Peters, Isabella Bornet, Terry Wilson, Douglas Brenner, Gordon Fluke, Chantel Reynolds, and Jeremy Mier, Robert Salazar, Carla Slentz (Presenters), Siegfried Halus, Julie Good, Susan Dugan (Recorder).

The following members were present only during the Achieve the Dream presentation: Dan Primozic, Meredith Machen, Al Reed, Richard Marchese and Barbara Tucci.

1. Presentation and discussion with the Achieve the Dream project coaches, Drs. Tom Gonzales and Ed Morante.

2. AAS Drafting and Engineering Technology – presenters Robert Salazar, Jeremy Mier, Carla Slentz - Existing degree, changes proposed. Committee approved proposed changes as follows: degree narrative to now read, “This degree provides students with the skills necessary to enter the workplace as competent drafting and engineering technicians able to make graphic-layout decisions. This program combines computer-based modeling with conventional methods in engineering graphics communication to solve drafting and basic design-related problems.” Move ARTS 116L from Humanities to Approved Electives; add “[or] HPER 155” to the Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance requirements; change Concentrated Elective heading to Approved Electives. Suggested Sequence of Required Courses is needed.

3. AAS Computer and Information Technology – presenters Robert Salazar, Jeremy Mier, Carla Slentz – Existing degree, changes proposed. Committee approved proposed changes with the following edits: degree narrative to now read, “This degree provides students with the skills necessary to enter the workplace with technical competency in the fields of computers and technology. It combines theoretical learning and industry certification preparation with the benefits of hands-on training and exercises to provide a breadth of knowledge in the computer information technology field.” Remove the wording, “It is strongly” from under Humanities requirements; under MATH requirements list MATH 121L [or] MATH 150; change “Concentrated” Electives to “Approved” Electives. Add “[or] HPER 155” to Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance requirements. Suggested Sequence of Required Courses is needed.

4. New Course Proposal CITC 112 Hardware/Software Fundamentals – presented by Robert Salazar, Jeremy Mier, Carla Slentz – Approved as proposed. New course combines old CISC 121 and 122.

5. New Course Proposal CITC 227 Information Technology Applications – presented by Robert Salazar, Jeremy Mier, Carla Slentz – New capstone course. Approved with one spelling edit to narrative: “begin” instead of beginning. Change title to Information Technology Applications.

The LOQs for Nurse Aide and Dental Practice Management rescheduled for November 30th meeting. No C&AC meeting next week, November 23rd.