Timber Framing Courses at Harcourt Arboretum
The arboretum at Nuneham Courtney will be building a craft shelter in their coppice woodland, incorporating a beautiful “Cruck” design with its elegant sweeping arches.
The build will be conducted as a series of courses taught by renown timber frame historian, practitioner, and instructor; Henry Russell of the Carpenters’ Fellowship. They are suitable for anyone who is reasonably fit: Beginners need no experience just a willingness to have a go, and Improvers will get the experience of a cruck frame, broaden their repertoire of timber species, plus hand conversion (converting the timber from round log/milled out slab, into squared up timber) techniques; hewing and frame sawing.
Part One: 6th - 10th May, repeated 13th - 17th May: Walls, Cross frames and Crucks.
Part two: 20th - 24th May: Roofing
Raising: 29th and 30th June
The cost for each week is £375, which includes daily lunch and refreshments, and free camping on site at Harcourt. Come along and learn a new skill, improve your abilities, or just spend some time in the woods getting back to nature. Good fun and great atmosphere guaranteed! Building shelter and working with our hands are the fundamentals of life, and joining in with this community project will leave you with a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and with the basic carpentry skills and inspiration to build something of your own!
For further information, or if you have any questions, please contact the course administrator, Barbara Czoch: ,
or call on: 07971 629916