We adhere to the philosophy of heterogeneous grouping in all of our classrooms. This means children of all ability levels share the educational experience together. In the upper grades, students may be grouped by ability in Mathematics; or they may switch classes for various subjects to prepare them for the transition to Junior High. The curriculum at Ardmore Avenue has been established by the William Penn School District and is used at all Elementary schools in compliance with state standards. Teachers are encouraged and commended for trying new techniques based on research and we are working hard to make our instruction standards-based. Staff meetings are devoted to discussing instructional issues and the building professional development committee receives input from teachers on topics of need or interest. In-service training for staff is usually based on Principal or staff-identified instructional concerns.


Although the state mandated PSSA tests seem to be the most popular measure for assessing student progress, assessment takes many other forms at Ardmore Avenue. Every student is required to have at least three Performance Tasks in Reading per year, in which, students must respond in writing. Students are required to show all of their work in Math and summarize, in writing, the steps taken to solve problems. Standardized achievement tests(Terra Nova, PSSA) are given in grades 2-6 on an annual basis.


Teachers use various forms of assessments to determine student progress. In addition to the traditional tools, such as quizzes and tests, teachers use a wide variety of newer techniques that involve student participation. These include portfolios, rubrics and student checklists. Teachers encourage and guide students with self-assessment and goal setting conferences thus allowing the student to be an active participant in the educational process.


Every student is required to be well informed of the kinds of items that are presented on standardized tests well in advance of the testing dates. Ample practice opportunities are scheduled by teachers.


Every teacher and the Principal is a member of a building learning team. We are studying various forms of assessment for the purpose of re-designing instruction.

6. Parent Involvement: An Active Home and School Association

What is it that makes a school special? In addition to a committed staff, we have active parent volunteers that serve in a variety of ways. They conduct an annual fund-raiser that has contributed many special things to our schools, including computers. Our Home and School Association has established a building –wide theme of “Arts and Technology” for our school. Various school-wide theme activities including assemblies and dramatic/musical performances are planned annually. Many of the special events planned by parents are traditional and therefore remembered by students who have attended our school. Ardmore Avenue Kidlympics is our annual school program to celebrate the closing of another school year. Students participate in athletic games on the field and have a day of fun and enjoyment after a year of hard work in school. Ardmore Cares is an annual event planned during the December holidays to help provide needy families with some food and gifts.


Because technology has far reaching ramifications for our youngsters in the 21st Century, we recognize at Ardmore Avenue that an early introduction to the world of computers is essential to their education. Due to vigorous fund raising by our Home and School Association and with help from the state through a grant from the Department of Economic and Community Development, we have managed to install at least one computer in each classroom. About 85% of these computers are currently connected to the internet through our state of the art fiber optic network installed by the district over the summer.

Some staff members in first, second, fifth and sixth grades were trained over the summer through the Keystone Science Network and have learned how to implement the use of technology into the science curriculum. Through this grant, these classrooms have two computers that have been purchased by the district. Our third graders are exposed to basic word processing which helps to enhance their writing and editing skills as well as their eye-hand coordination and basic computer skills. In Library, students are exposed to a variety of computer related activities including accessing databases and the internet for research.

Educational research shows that there should be six students to every one computer and we are striving to obtain this goal. Teachers are becoming more computer savvy and thinking of innovative ways to incorporate technology as a learning tool into the classroom experience.


The mission of the Shared Decision Committee is to improve our school by making decisions that are in the best interest of the students. Decisions are made by consensus in a collaborative and inclusive environment. Teachers, parents, Administrative staff and Support staff are invited to participate in the process. After several meetings and much discussion, participants have developed a process to make decisions. The Cafeteria Committee met to determine a more effective schedule and to establish better traffic patterns. In addition, a new exit door was added and acoustical tiles were installed to help with noise reduction. This effort resulted in a more pleasant place for students to eat their lunch and a safer environment in the event of an emergency. This March, the Shared Decision Making team held Family Math Night for parents and students in third and fourth grades. With the help of our LaSalle tutors, the teachers planned various activities using Math. Each attendee took home a “mystery bag” filled with tools and activities to be used at home. This event is being considered for next year. The team meets once a month. All are welcome to attend. This year the focus is on improving parent-school relationships.


You will be contacted to meet with your child’s teacher twice a year (December and March). Your child’s report card will be reviewed personally with you. Please do not hesitate to contact the teacher for a conference at other times during the year when mutually convenient. Sometimes it is helpful for your child to attend a parent-teacher conference.


One Grade Level field trip is encouraged per year. Additional trips are planned by individual classes if approved by the Principal. You must give us permission in writing for your child to attend a field trip The teachers will contact you if chaperones are needed. The Principal reserves the right to deny any students attendance on a field trip because of inappropriate behavior. Parents must be given prior notification of such action. Children not attending a field trip must come to school and be reassigned to another classroom for the duration of the trip.



A container for lost items is located across from the main office. The school cannot be responsible for lost items that are not claimed by students or parents/guardians within three days. Please feel free to check the lost and found in person.


We cannot give your child prescription medication at school unless:

  • We have a signed permission form from the parent/guardian
  • We have a signed medical form completed by the Doctor
  • We have the original medication bottle issued by the pharmacy with the name of the medication, the dosage and the time of dosage clearly visible on the label.
  • The parent/guardian personally delivers the medication to the Nurse, or to the Office.

Any deviation from this policy will result in a delay in giving the medication to your child. All forms are available in the Nurse’s Office or the Main Office.


State Law mandates the following medical tests for all schools in Pennsylvania:

  • Physical examinations for all sixth graders and students entering school for the first time are required. You are strongly urged to have your family Doctor/Pediatrician do the examination. Otherwise, it has to be done here at school by the school Doctor. The Nurse will send home a form for you to complete and return to school. We must have the form back to verify that you have complied with the State Law.
  • Vision screenings are performed by the Nurse for all students annually.
  • Hearing screenings are performed by the Nurse in grades Kindergarten, first, second and third annually.
  • Dental screenings are performed by the school Dentist for students in Kindergarten and third grade.

Any problems in these areas will be reported to parents/guardians for further attention by the family Doctor/Pediatrician.


We often have a congested traffic situation on the streets surrounding the school. The safety of the children must always be the priority. Essex Avenue is a one-way street from 8AM until 4PM so that school buses have curb access when arriving with our students or departing with our students. We have clearly marked areas designated for school bus parking only. Unfortunately, many parents who drop off or pick up children have ignored the signs and street markings, instead choosing to park in the designated bus areas. This has created a potentially dangerous situation for the children. The local police will be regularly patrolling the streets adjacent to our school, and those in violation of the no parking street signs and markings will be ticketed.


Unfortunately, some of your child’s favorite toys may be disruptive if present at school. The primary role of the teacher is to educate your child. In order to do so, your child’s full attention is required and expected. Items, such as Pokemon cards, CD or tape players and the like will not be permitted in school. Nuisance items will be confiscated and placed in the Principal’s office for safekeeping. Parents may come to school and pick the items up.


The school uniform for students in grades kindergarten through sixth, commencing with the first day of classes of the 2002-2003 school year, shall be as follows:

Boy Student Bottoms: Solid color uniform or dress slacks or shorts of the appropriate size for the student. Shorts should be at the knee or no more than one inch above the knees. No baggy or cargo-type pants/short will be permitted.

Girl Students Bottoms: Uniform pants, jumper shorts, skorts or skirts of the appropriate size for the girl student . Skirts, shorts, skorts and jumpers should not be more than one inch above the knees. No baggy or cargo-type pants/shorts will be permitted.

Tops for Girls & Boys: Solid color shirt with collar, either short or long sleeve. In cold weather, a solid colored pullover vest or cardigan sweater may also be worn. Solid colored turtlenecks/mock may also be worn. No logos on shirts. No sweatshirts, fleece or hoodies will be permitted.

Foot Apparel for Girls & Boys: Enclosed shoes will be permitted only, black in color. Athletic shoes will only be permitted to be brought in (and worn) on gym days. Socks must be worn. All laces must be tied.

Clothing Colors: Slacks, skirts or shorts must be navy blue. Tops must be white, light (baby) blue or maroon (deep red).


Your child should be bringing home homework on a regular basis. If he/she tells you they have no homework, something is wrong. Call the teacher right away. (610-623-7900)


A cumulative folder is kept for each child in accordance with William Penn School District Policy. This folder is passed on from year to year and contains the academic record of the child in addition to registration information. Also, any standardized achievement results are kept in this folder. Parents and students may review the content of the cumulative folder by making an appointment with the Principal.


William Penn School District has a detailed discipline code. All parents and students receive a copy of the code and must sign that they have read and understood it. Students are tested on their knowledge of the code shortly after the opening of school. The Principal maintains a file of disciplinary incidents involving each child. Parents and students may review the content of the discipline file by making an appointment with the Principal.


The Registration Department assigns students to the schools. Class size in the different schools is the primary determining factor. When the Registration Department informs the Principal that your child is to be placed on a class list at Ardmore Avenue, you will automatically receive a mailing with all of the information you will need about the opening of school.


The great majority of our students purchase lunch daily in our cafeteria. Choices include a hot entrée, cheeseburger, hamburger and peanut butter and jelly, along with fruit, salad or vegetable, white or chocolate milk and dessert. The cost is $1.60 daily, however, parents/guardians may choose a weekly payment plan at $7.75. Children who require special dietary substitutions or restrictions should bring a note from home in an envelope addressed to “Cafeteria Manager”. Children may also bring lunch from home if parents/guardians so desire. Snacks, ice cream and juice are available for an additional $0.50-$0.75. Breakfast is also served in cafeteria from 8:15-8:30 daily. The cost is $0.80, and a separate menu will be sent home monthly with your child. Your child will bring home a form for you to determine if you qualify for free or reduced price lunch and breakfast under federal guidelines.


We must be able to reach you quickly in event of an accident, medical or other emergency. Emergency cards will be sent home with your child the first week of school. Please complete the card in detail and send it to your child’s teacher. If changes of address, secondary contact person or phone number occur after the opening of school, you must provide us with the new information so we can update the emergency card. Cell phone numbers and/or beeper numbers should be included on the Emergency Card if you have them.


If the Ardmore Avenue School needs to be evacuated due to an unusual emergency, the students will be transported to a safe location rather than sent home. This procedure will allow time for parent notification that an emergency exists. Penn Wood High School will accommodate grades K-6. In the unlikely event that Penn Wood High School is evacuated on the same day, students in grades K-6 will be transported to Lansdowne Presbyterian Church. When you are notified via the media or telephone that an emergency exists you are invited to come to the alternate location to pick your child up if you are frightened. If you are unable to do so, rest assured that your child is safe and under the direct supervision of his/her teacher until dismissal time.


The Community YMCA of Eastern Delaware County provides our school with computer skills trained staff to provide before and after care. The program offers time for supervised play activities, homework clinic, and games. We serve approximately fifty families. Registration and fees are required. Contact the “Y” at 610-259-1661.


Exterior doors will be locked to prohibit entrance to the building once school has begun for the day. During school hours, enter the building via the Ardmore Avenue doors. Security cameras are located in the main and Berkley entrances and are monitored in the main office.


Please make an appointment with your child’s teacher if you wish to visit your child’s classroom. All visitors must come to the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Visitors return the pass to the office upon leaving the school.


Parents are invited to visit their child’s classroom between 9 and 10AM on Tuesdays all year long. Visitors must stop by the office to get a visitor’s button. Children are pleased when they can see that their parents are involved at school.


Children must be in school every day to fully benefit from instruction. In Pennsylvania, legal excuses are for illness, death in the immediate family or religious observances. Trips, vacations and other absences when school is normally in session are not legal. All absences must be clearly explained with a specific reason. Please send a note to your child’s teacher on the first day your child returns to school.


Parents are invited to call the school to report a child’s absence at 610-623-7901. However, a written note must be sent in to school with your child upon their return.