Houservile/Lemont PTO Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2012
Call to Order: Michelle Cook called the March 21, 2012 PTO meeting to order at 7:05PM. Attending the meeting was: Michelle Cook, Ann LaMotte, Melanie Zajac, Scott DeShong, Kathy Staab, Emily Wilkins, Stu Leitzell, Wendy Wilson, Laurie Pagnotto, Jen Conklin, Sandy Constable, Mardi Frye and Gretchen Fetterolf.
Approval of Minutes: Ann LaMotte introduced the minutes from the February 15, 2012 PTO meeting and Kathy Staab moved to approve. Melanie Zajac seconded the motion.
Treasurer’s Report: Michelle Cook presented the summary of the activity on behalf of Bruce Aungst. Bruce’s report states the PTO expenses since last month were for Spring Madness, printing and the 5th grade class trip to see The Lorax. Our income total was $7347.15 from Spring Madness and an additional $40.00 from cookie dough sales. The upcoming expenses will be for the field trip to see a performance of The Magic School Bus, 5th grade Gettysburg trip and a Hospitality Team event. Michelle explained how the PTO also had to establish a separate savings account to hold ticket/raffle income in accordance with a new PA tax law.
Principal Report: Scott DeShong commented on the huge success of the Spring Madness. Wondered if maybe attendance was down a little bit from last year but still impressed with the turnout.
Scott also reported that Houserville is wrapping up the PSSA testing and had to say how well the students seemed to handle the test week. Students were very respectful of the other classrooms that were taking the tests.
Division Highlights
Junior Primary: Jen Conklin started her report also stating how great the Spring Madness was. She also thanked the PTO for funding the trip to see the Magic School Bus in April. Jen stated that in the future there may be afternoon matinees available rather than just morning performances which can get cancelled due to school delays. The current unit for Kindergarten is “Bunnies on the Go” and the classes will be visiting Millbrook Marsh on May 2. Also planned is an outing to Central Parklet on Earth Day to participate in activities.
Primary: Wendy Wilson informed us that the primary division is currently finishing up the Going Green unit and will begin the Community Playground module next. This will include visiting the Penn State tree farm and also attending the activities at Central Parklet on Earth Day, April 25th. Wendy also thanked the PTO for the books the children received.
Intermediate: Stu Leitzell commented on Spring Madness and said he had a great time at the event. He also thanked the PTO for the books. The classes will be attending The Magic School Bus April 2nd. Members of the Penn State community are planned to come into the classrooms to talk to the students about how to save money and Penn State students will be discussing environmental issues with the students. They have started on the Festival of the Arts unit along with the Energy and Electricity unit. A visit to Shavers Creek is planned for the future.
Upper Intermediate: Gretchen Fetterolf thanked the PTO for the outing for the 5th grade to go see the Lorax. The movie was awesome and the students were well behaved! Gretchen also expressed her thanks for the snacks the PTO provided for the students during the PSSA testing! They were greatly appreciated. Their current unit is Westward Ho and next will be Classification of Animals. Upcoming events include the visit to Mt Nittany Middle School on May 17th, the Gettysburg field trip on May 25th and the Human Development discussions.
Library News: Mardi Frye reported on the success of Read Across America week! The members of the State High boy’s basketball team and the Little Lion were part of an assembly to wrap up the week. They put on a spectacular show for the students and shared with them what their favorite books are. Both the Houserville/Lemont students and the high school students thoroughly enjoyed the assembly!
Mardi also stated there will be a questionnaire sent home for parents regarding the recent Books and Basketball read at home project. She is also trying to plan a “family literacy night” for an evening in May which will be used as a springboard to promote the summer library program. The PTO was planning on an ice cream social for May so we are tying the two events together.
PTO Housekeeping
Spring Madness: Michelle recapped the success of this year’s Spring Madness and the committee will be meeting to review a few items for next year.
Yearbook: Emily Wilkins gave an update on this year’s yearbook. There was an initial order placed and from that order we currently have 55 yearbooks available for purchase. Emily reported that she is still working on how to handle the donated books.
Teacher Requests: Sandy Constable asked it the PTO could donate some gift cards for the district wide Biking Month in May. She also asked about donations for the annual Field Day, which usually is held the beginning of June.
Book Fair: The book fair will be held in the All Purpose room at Houserville and Lemont for 2 hours during the Family Picnic in May. Liz Sheaffer and Brooke Rapine will be co-chairing the book fair.
EASE: Kathy Staab gave her update on the upcoming EASE event to be held March 28, 2012 at Houserville. She said there are 60 participants and additional help lined up during the evening for refreshments and greeting the families. She was able to get the printing costs donated as well as a variety of refreshments. We will be providing a ribbon to all participants.
BMX Update: The BMX show is planned for April 25th at 1:15. There was some concern due to the day being the same as previously scheduled field trips to Central Parklet for some of the classes but it was determined it would not interfere with the trips.
Emily Wilkins moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10PM and Kathy Staab seconded the motion.
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2012 at 7:00PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann LaMotte
Recording Secretary