Curricular Activities


3:30 – 5:00 PM
B 5
Attendees / Wendy Ansley; Pilar Agudelo; Zerryl Becker; Jim Berg; Nathan Church; Joana Ciurash; Dustin Culhan; Marc Drescher; Linda Emerson; Carl Farmer; Chris Farmer; David George; Mike Gladych
Ellen Hardy; Rebecca Hertsgaard; Alex Jazan; Lorraine Lyon; Chris Madigan; Laura Ortega; Joseph Pradetto; Rick Rawnsley; Vida Rossi; Wendy Sanders; Avante Simmons; Michael Smith; Lisa Soccio; Sally Tiaga; Roz Weissmann

Agenda topics

1.Welcome & introduction of new members
tony disalvo
Discussion / Welcome. There will be a discussion of Think Tank direction and we will break down into task forces. Joseph Pradetto, representative from John Benoit’s office, arrived and introduced himself to the team. Mr. Pradetto will be participating in our Think Tank sessions.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
  1. None.

2. Minutes of 9/21 meeting & PRU’s
discussion / Minutes were approved without changes.
Discussion ensued regarding the review of PRUs. Recommendations should be discussed personally with constituents. It was a good exercise, but there is difficulty making comparative analysis without more quantitative information. Culinary Arts was a program used as an example that could be larger if there was more physical space to facilitate expansion. Additional research is needed beyond the PRUs and personal interpretation of the information attained is necessary.
Sequential programs - problem of low enrollments exists in virtually all sequential programs; higher levels are often low-enrolled. Must look at the entire program.
COD has a large number of basic skills/remedial courses. This is viewed as a statewide problem that originates at the K – 12 level. Community college is open to all persons. Many college-prep students go to 4 year institutions. Educational goals of students beginning in basic skills classes vary. Some wish to transfer; others need the courses to qualify for a certificate program (Example: nursing; PSA).
Tony asked the group to consider if each took two (2) minutes to reflect on their programs, what could be cut, improved or done to make the program more efficient. Tony said his personal response is that perhaps we should look at programs that may not be leading students into gainful employment.
ESLN switched to Fee Based and is cost neutral. It also allows for FTES to be utilized in other areas of the college.
CDC is funded by the state.
conclusions / Look at programs that can be quickly developed into a fee based structure. Brainstorm ways to generate new fee based courses. Consider if there is a different, more appropriate way to deliver instruction to students (possibly broadcasting to other campuses). Examine possibility of modules for students struggling with a particular task in math or writing. Look at a macro level to achieve substantial savings if the budget situation materializes as predicted.
action items / person responsible / deadline
  1. None

3.short review of state task force document
zerryl becker
discussion / State Task Force Document is available on the Portal. It was projected in the classroom and Zerryl Becker reviewed its content. About a year ago a senate bill was passed that stipulates community colleges will be funded based on student outcomes. A second Census will occur at the end of the semester and FTES paid based upon the number of students present at the end of the term.
There will be a common assessment test and it will be based upon the state high school exit exam. Every student will need to declare a major in the second semester and each student will also need to file a student education plan. Students will only be granted in-state tuition fees if they take courses that are part of their filed plan.
Students will not be allowed to repeat a course more than three (3) times – effective Spring, 2012. A & R in conjunction with Administration need to strategize about how to best implement and communicate these changes to students.
The state is essentially saying that funds are going to be reduced and they are telling us how the money is to be spent. The state will push for full time students. This is an entirely new statement regarding community college in the state of California.
action items / person responsible / deadline
  1. None

4. direction of curricular think tank/Task Forces
discussion / Tony DiSalvo suggested 4 task forces – Basic Skills, Transfer, CTE and Fee-Based. The groups should be diverse in their compilation. There was discussion that the group already seems to have diminished in numbers. A suggestion was made to have 2 task forces. Further discussion that the goal is not to focus specifically on individual programs by cutting sections. We need to build a business model that allows us to survive the legislative mandates. Suggestion made to build the college from a zero based perspective, cutting each area by 20%. What is the balance we need between all the courses in order to have a transfer program? If each area takes 20%, take a global look at how we can do this.
conclusions / A decision was made to have three (3) task forces groups (Basic Skills – led by Mike Gladych; CTE – led by Tony DiSalvo and Transfer - led by Zerryl Becker). Everyone should consider programs within their area for fee based. Courses moved to fee based are considered a cut and in some cases can be income producers and not cost neutral.
action items / person responsible / deadline
  1. Create a list of committee members for each task force group. Individuals noted their preferences on the sign in sheet.
/ Tony DiSalvo / 10/19/2011
Adjourned at: 5:00 pm
Next Meeting: Oct. 19, 2011 - 3:30 pm, B5