Bike Committee Weekly Meeting Minutes
Associated Students
October 19, 2016 3:30pm
AS Nati Conference Room
A-1. Roll Call
Name / Note:absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name) / Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name)
Kevin Jin
Chair / Present / TBD
Educational Officer
Annie Golay
Vice Chair / Present / Angela Ho
Associate Officer / absence
Tiffany Yeh
Project Manager / Absent / Daniel Kolosta
Associate Officer / Present
Finance Manager / Ngoc Hoang
Associate Officer / Present
Lianna Nakashima
Media Coordinator / Present / Navpreet Khabra
Associate Officer / Absent
Jorge Sandoval
Admin Coordinator / Present / Sarah Siedschlag
Advisor / Present
A-2. Acceptance of Excused Absences and Proxies
MOTION/SECOND: Jin/Nakashima
I Motion to accept the excused absenses and proxies. There will be excused absences for Navpreet
ACTION: Vote: Consent
a. General Announcements
b. Appreciations/Concerns
c. Request to have item added to today’s agenda
B. Committee Business
C-1. Advisor Report
a. Talked to Maricella with the design committee for the new building and we need to voice our opinions for the bike racks to be put near there.
b. Feel free to use the bike comm office to study but never leave your friends alone in the room
c. Make sure to tell Sarah when to reserve the Bike Comm Office from Coastal fund
d. With EAB, last year no one from bike committee went to the bike ride to grocery store
C-2. Associate Officer(s) Report
C-3. Administrative Officer Report
a. Ride out with dennis will be sent out tomorrow
b. Send times to Marck Fisher
C-4. Education Officer Report
C-5. Project Manager Report
C-6. Media Coordinator Report
a. Do your bios
C-7. Finance Manager Report
C-8. Vice-Chair Report
a. Invite to the Open Forum for the Climate Action Plan
b. Bike comm needs an advocate to support our ideas at the open forum
C-9. Chair Report
a. Meeting with Gerald from CSO to talk about the Bike Share Program
E. Old Business
F. New Business
1. Education Efforts with RHA
a. Wait for Navpreet, next week
a. App to report things to improve around campus and IV
b. How can we use this and promote it
i. Table by the arbor and encourage them to download
ii. Spinny thing to give stuff away at the arbor
iii. Use facebook to promote event
iv. Lianna will publicize the app
v. Kevin will reach out to Jamie regarding the facebook page
3. Bike Gripes Event
a. Put a huge map and have students label different things such as where accidents happen, potholes and such
b. Gave out free stuff
c. Jorge to give out doodle for tabling
i. For week 6-7, like 11am-3pm
d. We need to come up with a new name
4. Social Media Plan
a. What can we post on facebook to get more involved
i. post our bike path improvements with pictures
1. This is your fees at work
b. Post bike related news articles
c. Post future improvement plans
d. Take pictures of current improvements to show progress
e. Cycling and triathlon posts on fb
f. Info about AS Bike Shop and CSO Bikes
i. We will assign one officer each week to make two posts on facebook
g. Bike Comm Website got updated
i. Add pictures and office hours
ii. Issues tab to concerns, maybe
iii. Danny will help Kevin to work on the website
5. Stop for Cookies
a. Wait for next week for tiffany
6. Priorities list
a. Wait for tiffany next week
7. Interviews for vacant Officer Positions
a. Interviews for positions on Friday 4-6pm
b. And 12:30-1pm
MOTION/SECOND: Jin/Nakashima
Motion to adjourn this meeting at 4:28
ACTION: Vote: Consent
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