Current Journal Articles (March 2001-March 2016)

Fifteen years ago this month, H-Disability launched as a listserv. One of the first posts was a listing of recent journal articles on disability history topics, modeled on a similar feature at H-Education (another H-Net listserv). Every month since March 2001, H-Disability has featured a list of recent journal articles on disability history topics, almost always on the 1st of the month, compiled with contributions from the community, and a lot of content alerts in my inbox.
To keep from duplications, I have kept a “master list” as a draft email, which I updated each month, alphabetical by year of publication. This master list was only for me; it was never intended for publication, and I didn’t fuss much about consistency. But over the years, I’ve sent it to a few colleagues—mainly because I wanted someone else to have it, in case my own file was ever lost. Recently, former H-Disability editor Dan Wilson suggested I post it to the H-Disability site, now at H-Net Commons. Our fifteenth anniversary as an online network seemed like a very good occasion for doing that.

The usual caveats apply; inclusion does not imply a recommendation; your definitions of disability and history may exclude some of the listed items, and include others; and the bibliography is heavily skewed toward English-language publications (though non-English-language citations are included). And a few more caveats, too: what follows is what was posted to H-Disability between March 2001 and March 2016; I’m sure there are many articles left out, some misspellings and other errors. I’m sharing it anyway, with all the errors and omissions. This is what we built together, for better or worse. Thank you all for fifteen years of scholarship (so far).

Finally: I don’t recommend printing this out on your home printer; it’s over 200 pages.
Penny L. Richards PhD
Center for Disability Studies, University at Buffalo
March 2016


Damamme, Aurélie, Emmanuelle Fillion, and Myriam Finance. “At the Crossroads of Care and Disability: Historical Variations and International Perspectives,” ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research 10(1)(January-March 2016): 1-9.

Doat, David. “Disability, Compassion, and Care: The Prehistoric and Controversial Grounds of a Long-Standing Issue,” ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research 10(1)(January-March 2016): 10-23.

McDonald, Kate. “The Woman’s Body as Compensation for the Disabled First World War Soldier,” Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 10(1)(2016): [no pages, sorry].

O’Connell, Noel Patrick. “A Tale of Two Schools: Educating Catholic Female Deaf Children in Ireland, 1846-1946,” History of Education 45(2) (March 2016): 188-205.

Pearl, Sharrona. “Victorian Blockbuster Bodies and the Freakish Pleasure of Looking,” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 38(2)(2016): 93-106.

Roper, Michael. “From the Shell-shocked Soldier to the Nervous Child: Psychoanalysis in the Aftermath of the First World War,” Psychoanalysis and History 18(1)(January 2016): 39-69.


Anastasiou, Dimitris, Sophia Iliadou-Tachou, and Antonia Harisi. “The Influence of the School Hygiene and Paedagogy Movement on the Early Development of Special Education in Greece, 1900-1940: The Leading Role of Emmanuel Lambadarios,” History of Education 44(4)(2015): 437-459.

Arnaud, Sabine. “Fashioning a Role for Medicine: Alexandre-Louis-Paul Blanchet and the Care of the Deaf in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France,” Social History of Medicine 28(2015): 288-307.

Baár, Monika. “Disability and Civil Courage under State Socialism: The Scandal over the Hungarian Guide-Dog School,” Past and Present 227(2015): 179-203.

Bair, Sarah. “Continuing to Pay the ‘Patriotic Debt’: The Establishment of the Pennsylvania Soldiers’ Orphans Industrial School, 1893-1912,” Pennsylvania History 82(Autumn 2015): 460-488.

Bakker, Nelleke. “Identifying the ‘Subnormal’ Child in an Age of Expansion for Special Education and Child Science in the Netherlands (c1945- 1965),” History of Education 44(4)(2015): 460-479.

Bakker, Nelleke. “Brain Disease and the Study of Learning Disabilities in the Netherlands (c1950-85),” Paedagogica Historica 51(3)(June 2015): 350-364.

Birdsall, Carolyn, et al. “Listening to the Mind: Tracing the Auditory History of Mental Illness in Archives and Exhibitions,” Public Historian 37(November 2015): 47-72.

Blok, Gemma. “‘Insane Emigrants’ in Transit: Psychiatric Patients’ Files as a Source for the History of Return Migration, c. 1910,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 889-901.

Borsay, Anne. “Disability in British Poetry of the First World War,” Disability & Society 30(4)(May 2015): 499-512.

Brunton, Warwick. “‘At Variance with the Most Elementary Principles’: The State of British Colonial Lunatic Asylums in 1863,” History of Psychiatry 26(2)(June 2015): 147-165.

Burghardt, Madeline. “‘He Was a Secret’: Family Narratives and the Institutionalization of People with Intellectual Disabilities,” Disability & Society 30(7)(2015): 1071-1086.

Cantor, David. “Finding Historical Records at the National Institutes of Health,” Social History of Medicine 28(2015): 617-637.

Correa Gómez, María José. “Historias de Locura e Incapacidad: Santiago y Valparaíso (1857-1900),” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades 18(2)(March 2015): online, open access, here [in Spanish]:

Cleall, Esme. “Deaf Connections and Global Conversations: Deafness and Education in and Beyond the British Empire, ca. 1800-1900,” Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 16(1)(Spring 2015): [no pages, sorry].

Cox, Catherine, and Hilary Marland. “‘A Burden on the County’: Madness, Institutions of Confinement, and the Irish Patient in Victorian Lancashire,” Social History of Medicine28(2015): 263-287.

Davidson, Michael. “The Rage of Caliban: Disabling Bodies in Modernist Aesthetics,” Modernism/modernity 22(4)(November 2015): 609-625.

Dayton, Cornelia H. “‘The Oddest Man that I Ever Saw’: Assessing Cognitive Disability on Eighteenth-Century Cape Cod,” Journal of Social History 49(1)(Fall 2015): 77-99.

De Veirman, Sofie. “Deaf and Disabled? (Un)Employment of Deaf People in Belgium: A Comparison of Eighteenth-Century and Nineteenth- Century Cohorts,” Disability & Society 30(3)(2015): 460-474.

Diedrich, Lisa. “Illness as Assemblage: The Case of Hystero-epilepsy,” Body & Society 21(3)(September 2015): 66-90.

Draycott, Jane. “Reconstructing the Lived Experience of Disability in Antiquity: A Case Study from Roman Egypt,” Greece & Rome 62(2) (October 2015): 189-205.

Drew, Rose. “Lives of Deprivation or Lives of Industry: Possible Cerebral Palsy on the Mary Rose,” Medieval History Journal 18(2015): 25-45.

Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. “‘Dear Father My Health Has Broken Down’: Writing Health in Irish Charity Letters, 1922-1940,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 849-868.

Garner, Stanton B. Jr. “In Search of Merrick: Kinesthetic Empathy, Able-Bodiedness, and Disability Representation,” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 29(2)(Spring 2015): 81-103.

Gordon-Smith, George. “Albion Tourgée and the Politics of Disability and Race in Reconstruction-era Literature,” Studies in American Fiction 42(1)(Spring 2015): 102-122.

Gramary, Adrián, Cláudia Lopes, and João Pedro Ribeiro, “Herculano Sá de Figueiredo (1911-74): A Sculptor in the Conde de Ferreira Hospital, Portugal,” History of Psychiatry 26(2)(June 2015): 200-213.

Grey, Daniel J. R. “Murder, Mental Illness, and the Question of Nursing ‘Character’ in Early Twentieth Century England,” History Workshop Journal 80(2015): 183-200.

Hamraie, Aimi. “Historical Epistemology as Disability Studies Methodology: From the Models Framework to Foucault’s Archaeology of Cure,” Foucault Studies 19(July 2015): 108-134.

Hart, Bradley W, and Richard Carr. “Sterilization and the British Conservative Party: Rethinking the Failure of the Eugenics Society’s Political Strategy in the Nineteen-Thirties,” Historical Research 88(242)(November 2015): 716-739.

Hash, Phillip M. “Music Education at the New York Institution for the Blind, 1832-1863,” Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 62 (January 2015): 362-388.

Hennefeid, Maggie. “Miniature Women, Acrobatic Maids, and Self-Amputating Domestics: Comediennes of the Trick Film,” Early Popular Visual Culture 13(2)(2015): 134-151.

Healey, Dan. “Lives in the Balance: Weak and Disabled Prisoners and the Biopolitics of the Gulag,” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 16(3)(Summer 2015): 527-556.

Hewitt, Jessie. “Women Working ‘Amidst the Mad’: Domesticity as Psychiatric Treatment in Nineteenth-Century Paris,” French Historical Studies 38(2)(April 2015): 105-137.

Huddleston, Samuel, and G. A. Russell. “Richard Dadd: The Patient, the Artist, and the ‘Face of Madness,’” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 24(3)(July-September 2015): 213-228.

Hughes, Bill. “Disabled People as Counterfeit Citizens: The Politics of Resentment Past and Present,” Disability & Society 30(7)(2015): 991- 1004.

Isaksson, Joakim, and Rafael Linqvist. “What is the Meaning of Special Education? Problem Representations in Swedish Policy Documents, late 1970s-2014,” European Journal of Special Needs Education 30(1)(February 2015): 122-137.

Jarrett, Simon. “The Meaning of ‘Community’ in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Historical Perspective,” International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 61(2)(April 2015): 107-112.

Katsui, Hisayo, and Mina C. Mojtahedi. "Intersection of Disability and Gender: Multi-Layered Experiences of Ethiopian Women with Disabilities." Development in Practice 25(4)(June 2015): 563-73.

Kelly, Brendan D. “Shell Shock in Ireland: The Richmond War Hospital, Dublin (1916-19),” History of Psychiatry 26(2015): 50-63.

Klausen, Susanne M., and Julie Parle. “‘Are We Going to Stand By and Let These Children Come Into the World?’: The Impact of the ‘Thalidomide Disaster’ in South Africa, 1960-1977,” Journal of Southern African Studies 41(4)(August 2015): 735-752.

Martinez-Pérez, José, and Mercedes Del Cura. “Bolstering the Greatness of the Homeland: Productivity, Disability, and Medicine in Franco’s Spain, 1938-1966,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 805-824.

McCarthy, Angela. “Migration and Madness at Sea: The Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Voyage to New Zealand,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 706-724.

McCauley, Karen, and Duncan Matheson. “Ontario’s Institutional Cycle: Considering the Relationship Between Fictional Narratives and Policy Discourses in the Construction of Mental Disability,” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 4(1)(2015):

Millward, Gareth. “Social Security Policy and the Early Disability Movement—Expertise, Disability, and the Government, 1965-77,” Twentieth Century British History 26(2015): 274-297.

Neufeld, Matthew, and Blaine Wickham. “The State, the People, and the Care of Sick and Injured Sailors in Late Stuart England,” Social History of Medicine 28(1)(2015): 45-63.

Oakley, Catherine. “‘Disruptive Energies’: Electrotherapy and Early Fiction Films in Europe and America, 1907-1911,” Journal of Literary & Cultural Studies 9(3)(October 2015): [no pages, sorry].

O’Dell, Emily Jane. “From Leprosy to The Willow Tree: Decoding Disability and Islamic Spirituality in Iranian Film,” Disability & Society 30(7) (2015): 1123-1126.

O’Donnell, Shane. “Changing Social and Scientific Discourses on Type 2 Diabetes between 1800 and 1950: A Socio-Historical Analysis” Sociology of Health & Illness 37(7)(September 2015): 110-1121.

Penrose, Walter D. Jr. “The Discourse of Disability in Ancient Greece,” Classical World 108(4)(Summer 2015): 499-523.

Rajpal, Shilpi. “Quotidian Madness: Time, Management and Asylums in Colonial North India, c1850-1947,” Studies in History 31(2)(August 2015): 206-234.

Ray-Barruel, Gillian. “Conflicting Models of Care for People with Mental Disabilities in Charles Dickens’s Fiction and Journalism,” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 9(1)(2015): 89-105.

Roberts, Charlotte A., and Marie-Catherine Bernard. “Tuberculosis: A Biosocial Study of Admissions to a Children’s Sanatorium (1936-1954) in Stannington, Northumberland, England,” Tuberculosis 95(Supplement 1)(June 2015): S105-S108.

Rosenshield, Gary. “Injury, Pain, and Change in War and Peace: The Cases of Nikolai Rostov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky,” The Russian Review 74(4)(October 2015): 642-664.

Rubery, Matthew. “From Shell Shock to Shellac: The Great War, Blindness, and Britain’s Talking Book Library,” Twentieth Century British History 26(1)(March 2015): 1-25.

Seeman, Mary V. “The Jewish Psychiatric Hospital, Zofiówka, in Otwock, Poland,” History of Psychiatry 26(2015): 98-104.

Sellevold, Kirsti. “Cognitive Deficits in Literary Fictions: Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury and Vesaas’ The Birds,” Comparative Critical Studies 12(1)(2015): 71-88.

Shah, Sonali, Mick Wallis, Fiona Conor, and Phillip Kiszely. “Bringing Disability History Alive in Schools: Promoting a New Understanding of Disability Through Performance Methods,” Research Papers in Education 30(3)(July 2015): 267-286.

Silva, Sónia. “Mobility and Immobility in the Life of an Amputee,” in Michael Jackson and Albert Piette, eds., What is Existential Anthropology? (Berghahn 2015): 125-154.

Søndenaa, Erik, Camilla Gudde, and Øyvind Thomassen. “Patients with Intellectual Disabilities in the Forensic Asylums, 1915-1982: Before Admission,” Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 17(1)(March 2015): 14-25.

Tremain, Shelley. “This is What a Historicist and Relativist Feminist Philosophy of Disability Looks Like,” Foucault Studies 19(July 2015): 7-42.

Tuft, Mia, Bergljot Gjelsvik, Karl O. Nakken. “Ian Curtis: Punk Rock, Epilepsy, and Suicide,” Epilepsy & Behavior 52(A)(November 2015): 218- 221.

van Drenth, Annemieke. “Sensorial Experiences and Childhood: Nineteenth-Century Care for Children with Idiocy,” Paedagogica Historica 51(5)(October 2015): 560-578.

van Gijn, Jan. “A Patient with Word Blindness in the Seventeenth Century,” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 24(4)(2015): 352-360.

Van Lommel, Korneel. “Heroes and Outcasts: Ambiguous Attitudes Towards Impaired and Disfigured Roman Veterans,” Classical World 109(1)(2015): 91-117.

Van Lommel, Korneel. "Invalide soldaten in het Romeinse leger: van verwonding tot ontslag” [Disabled Soldiers in the Roman Army: From Injury to Discharge], Kleio: tijdschrift voor oud talen en antieke cultuur 43(3)(2014): 133-143.

Waltz, Mitzi, Karin van den Bosch, Hannah Ebben, Lineke van Hal, and Alice Schippers, “Autism Self-Advocacy in the Netherlands: Past, Present, and Future,” Disability & Society 30(8)(September 2015): 1174-1191.

Wilson, Daniel J. “Basil O’Connor, the National Foundation for Infant Paralysis and the Reorganization of Polio Research in the United States, 1935-41,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 70(3)(July 2015): 394-424.

Yoshida, Karen K. and Fady Shanouda. “A Culture of Silence: Modes of Objectification and the Silencing of Disabled Bodies,” Disability & Society 30(3)(2015): 432-444.

Young, Hershini Bhana. “‘She’s Lost Control Again’: Representations of (dis)ability in Contemporary Performances of Spoek Mathambo and Die Antwoord,” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal (2015): [no pages, sorry].


Abrams, Thomas. "Boon or Bust? Heidegger, Disability Aesthetics, and the Thalidomide Memorial," Disability & Society 29(5)(2014): 751- 762.

Altschuler, Sari. "'Ain't One Limb Enough?' Historicizing Disability in the American Novel," American Literature 86(2)(2014): 245-274.

Ancell, Matthew. "Credo Ergo Sum: Faith, Blindness, and Pictorial Logic in Derrida's Memoirs of the Blind," Oxford Art Journal 37(2)(2014): 193-210.

Antić, Ana. "Heroes and Hysterics: 'Partisan Hysteria' and Communist State-building in Yugoslavia after 1945," Social History of Medicine 27(2)(2014): 349-271.

Arrington, Celeste L. "Leprosy, Legal Mobilization, and the Public Sphere in Japan and South Korea," Law & Society Review 48(3)(September 2014): 563-593.

Barclay, Jenifer. "'The Greatest Degree of Perfection': Disability and the Construction of Race in American Slave Law," in Rhondda Thomas and Angela Naimou, eds., "Locating African American Literature," South Carolina Review 46(2)(Spring 2014): 27-43.

Barclay, Jenifer L. "Mothering the ‘Useless': Black Motherhood, Disability, and Slavery,” Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2(2)(Fall 2014): 115-140.

Barsch, Sebastian. "Silent Stories of Exclusion – Teaching Deaf History," Yearbook - Jahrbuch - Annales of the International Society for the Didactics of History 35(September 2014): 253-261.

Bengtsson, Staffan. "On the Borderline: Representations of Disability in the Old Testament," Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 16(3)(September 2014): 280-292.

Black, William R. “Helen Keller Jokes, Body and Soul,” Journal of Popular Culture 47(6)(December 2014): 1167-1179.
Bourrier, Karen. "Orthopaedic Disability and the Nineteenth-Century Novel," Nineteenth-Century Contexts 36(1)(January 2014): 1-17.

Boyer, Jodie. "Religion, 'Moral Insanity,' and Psychology in Nineteenth-Century America," Religion and American Culture24(Winter 2014): 70- 99.

Brumlik, Kymberly C. “Lunacy for Profit: The Economic Gains of ‘Native-Only’ Lunatic Asylums in the Bengal Presidency, 1850s-1870s,” Journal of South Asian Studies 2(1)(2014): 1-10. Open access online here:

Burch, Susan. "'Dislocated Histories': The Canton Asylum for Insane Indians,” Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2(2)(Fall 2014): 141- 162.

Burdett, Emmeline. "Disability History: Voices and Sources, London Metropolitan Archives," Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 8(1)(2014): [no pages, sorry].

Byron, Lindsay. "Rewriting Elizabeth: A Life Lost (and Found) in the Annals of Bryce Mental Hospital," Southern Cultures 20(Summer 2014): 5-24.

Carmody, Todd. “In Spite of Handicaps: The Disability History of Racial Uplift,” American Literary History 26(4)(Winter 2014): [no pages, sorry].

Casey, John. "Marked by War: Demobilization, Disability, and the Trope of the Citizen-Soldier in Miss Ravenel's Conversion," Civil War History 60(2)(June 2014): 123-151.

Charland, Louis C. "John Locke on Madness: Redressing the Intellectualist Bias," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 137-153.

Charland, Louis C. "John Locke on Madness: Redressing the Intellectualist Bias," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 137-153.

Chiu, Tasing. "Braille, Amma, and Integration: The Hybrid Evolution of Education for the Blind in Taiwan, 1870s-1970s," Paedagogica Historica 50(1-2)(2014): 182-194.

Clark, Justin. "The Origins of Blind Autobiography in Visionary Antebellum New England," New England Quarterly 87(June 2014): 228-51.

Coleborne, Catharine. “White Men and Weak Masculinity: Men in the Public Asylums in Victoria, Australia, and New Zealand, 1860s-1900s,” History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 468-476.

Cooper, Rachel. "Shifting Boundaries Between the Normal and the Pathological: The Case of Mild Intellectual Disability," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 171-186.

Craig, Leigh Ann. "The History of Madness and Mental Illness in the Middle Ages: Directions and Questions," History Compass 12(9) (September 2014): 729-744.

Curtis, Ben, and Steven Thompson. “‘A Plentiful Crop of Cripples Made by All this Progress’: Disability, Artificial Limbs, and Working Class Mutualism in the South Wales Coalfield, 1890-1948,” Social History of Medicine 27(4)(November 2014): 708-727.

Dale, Pamela. "A Halifax Case Study that Offers an Alternative History of Care Provided by Local Authorities under the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act," British Journal of Learning Disabilities 42(2)(June 2014): 133-140.

De Ceglia, Francesco Paolo. "The Woman Who Gave Birth to a Dog: Monstrosity and Bestiality in Quaestiones Medico-Legales By Paolo Zacchia," Medicina Nei Secoli 26(1)(2014): 117-144.

Donoho, Emily. "The Madman amongst the Ruins: The Oral History and Folklore of Traditional Insanity Cures in the Scottish Highlands," Folklore 125(1)(January 2014): 22-39.

Durbach, Nadja. "'Skinless Wonders': Body Worlds and the Victorian Freak Show," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 69(1)(2014): 38-67.

Ellis, Jason A. "'All Methods--and Wedded to None': The Deaf Education Methods Debate and Progressive Educational Reform in Toronto, Canada, 1922-1945," Paedagogica Historica 50(3)(May 2014): 371-389.

Evans, Bonnie. "The Foundations of Autism: The Law Concerning Psychotic, Schizophrenic, and Autistic Children in 1950s and 1960s Britain," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 88(2)(Summer 2014): 253-285.

Fontes, Fernando. "The Portuguese Disabled People's Movement: Development, Demands and Outcomes," Disability & Society 29(9)(2014): 1398-1411.

Galer, Dustin. "'A Place to Work Like Any Other?' Sheltered Workshops in Canada, 1970-1985," Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 3(2) (2014):