Salem PTO Minutes

Salem School PTO Minutes

Wednesday, September 13, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm.

In attendance (17)

Minutes recorded by Shannon D’aquila Haynes


Salem PTO Minutes

1.  Christina Grillo

2.  Amanda Lawrence

3.  Kimberly Kreft

4.  Michelle Guertin

5.  Judy Butterworth

6.  Jessica Fletcher

7.  Kathy Maier

8.  Shannon D’Aquila Haynes

9.  Cammie Lumpkin

10.  Joan Phillips

11.  Mary Jean (MJ) Blezard

12.  Jen Little

13.  Bonnie Cummings

14.  Michelle Cholewa

15.  Kristie Scott

16.  Michelle Williamson

17.  Athena Sartori

18.  Cari Thibodeau

19.  Jen Kenney

20.  Denise Orsini

Minutes recorded by Shannon D’aquila Haynes


Salem PTO Minutes

1.  PTO Mission Statement read and reviewed

2.  New officer’s Introduced. No reports given.

a.  Secretary- Shannon D’Aquila Haynes

b.  Treasurer- MJ Blezard

·  MJ presented 2016-2017 budget

c.  Kimberly Kreft- Vice President

·  Discussed how she has been writing letters requesting for donations to the PTO to local businesses. She requested for anyone to let her know of any local business that may be willing to make donations.

d.  Christina Grillo- President

3.  Update/News from Administration (Ms. Phillips)

·  Introduction and notification of Open House for this Thursday September 15 at 6pm where students and parents are welcome. Teachers are not doing presentations this year, but families are invited to visit the classrooms.

4.  Liaison Judy Butterworth introduced.

5.  Current fundraisers introduced

·  Jay Schwartz from Nutmeg Fundraising.

a)  PIE SALE-Jay organizes pie sale. Pies arrive frozen. Need person to coordinate sale and only a few volunteers to help distribute pies on pick up day and distribute and collect order forms and money. Profit 40%. Sales prizes run by him for top sellers. In order for pies to arrive for Thanksgiving, orders are due Friday October 21st. Orders will be ready for pickup on Monday November 21st 3-6pm.

b)  CHOCOLATE SALE-Can have personalized chocolate bars made. Each box contains 60 bars-$1/bar in 5 varieties per box, 50% profit. Will also need coordinator of sale and volunteers to help distribute chocolate and forms as well as collect money.

·  Square 1 art fundraiser will be headed up by Amy Richter. Mrs Miller completes the art project with grades K-4. Mrs. Roth will be completing the art project with pre-k. Kids in 5-8th grade are allowed to participate in the fundraiser, they only need to make their artwork on their own. The Mrs. Miller will not facilitate their projects for this. The art projects can be put into various items like stickers, mugs, bags and framed works to name a few. These can be ordered and received in time for holiday gifts.

c)  On-going passive fundraisers

·  Stop and Shop- MJ Blezard spoke about the need to re-register your card with Salem School every year. Will have written info available at Open House.

·  Shoparoo. Amanda Lawrence spoke about what it is. Need to download ap to be able to take pictures of your receipts and a check will be cut to the school based on the money spent. Mostly grocery, and all stores that sell groceries, will be accepted.

·  Amazon smiles- register on and shop via that website for all amazon purchases. They give .5% back in cash to Salem PTO.

·  Boxtop fundraiser- Jocelyn Glidewell is currently the chair of this fundraiser. She is looking for a Co-chair for this committee to help brainstorm and run incentive programs for the kids to collect them.

·  Michelle Williamson mentioned it would be good to tell Salem Seniors about these passive fundraisers.

d)  Book Fair

·  PTO is running Fall Book Fair this Thursday 9/15- Wednesday 9/21. It will be open during school hours every day and Thursday evening 9/15 during open house.

·  Athena Sartori recommended that we take money in scholastic dollars and not cash. She said used to give Salem town library $1.000 worth of books, but haven’t in a few years.

·  It was brought up that we have $4,400 in scholastic dollars right now. It is thought that we will use the money for one fair and scholastic dollars for the other. Librarian has requested emoji keychain chachki for students that participate in Reading Hall of Fame this year. It was brought up that she may be able to pick out prizes in the Scholastic resource catalog using scholastic dollars.

e)  Upcoming Fall Fundraisers

·  Basket Raffle – will need volunteers to coordinate each homeroom’s basket. Basket Raffle classroom coordinator and committee sign up sheet was passed around..

f)  Family Fun Committee- sign up sheet passed around looking for members.

g)  PTO Facebook page –Amanda Lawrence coordinates this page and updates it regularly.

h)  PTO Website via Salem School- Shannon D’Aquila Haynes will update this.

i)  Newsletter- Michelle Guertin has written this in the past. We are looking for someone to take this over in the future.

Next Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Motioned by Michelle Guertin and seconded by Michelle Williamson.

Minutes recorded by Shannon D’aquila Haynes