Current Events Quiz #3 9/5/14

  1. ISIS has beheaded another U.S. Journalist, Steven Sotloff, despite his mother’s video appeal. In the video of his beheading, what reason did Sotloff give for WHY ISIS was going to behead him?
  2. The U.S. Secretary of State stated that ISIS is a “cancer that must be stamped out”, Who is the current Sec. of State?
  3. The Prime Minister of Britain has taken a similar stance against ISIS and raised the country’s terror alert to “Severe”. He also stated that he would “seize Jihadists’ passports”. Who is the current Prime Minister of Britain? BONUS: What is a “jihadist”?
  4. What famous actress and comedian died yesterday at the age of 81? BONUS: What was her TV show called where she made fun of celebrities’ clothing choices with Kelly Osborne?
  5. Name three of the five countries now effected by the Ebola virus?
  6. What organization has suggested that the estimated number of deaths possible in this Ebola Epidemic could top out at over 20,000 deaths? BONUS: what does CDC or WHO stand for?
  7. During the Labor Day holiday, gas prices were at an all time low since 2010. Approximately what was the national average for a tank of gas over the holiday weekend according to AAA?
  8. On Labor Day, the U.S. conducted a Drone Strike against leaders of the Al Shabaab extremist group in what African Nation? BONUS: What is the capital of Somalia? BONUS on a BONUS: What is a Drone?
  9. The UN reported that over 1 million people have been displaced by the conflict in Ukraine, despite the recent ceasefire. The EU is considering additional sanctions against Russia and President Obama is meeting with NATO right now regarding the Ukraine crisis. What does UN, EU and NATO stand for?

BONUS: What year was the UN and NATO created? 1945/1949

  1. Which Middle Eastern nation has arrested 88 terrorist who they believe were planning terrorist attacks both in that country and abroad? BONUS: What is the capital of SA?
  2. Which U.S. political figure said that…“We will follow them to the gates of hell” in a speech about ISIS?
  3. What day is the new iPhone 6 going to be available for purchase?
  4. In what Asian nation is three Americans being detained? All three appealed to U.S. officials for help in their release in a recent and rare interview?
  5. Hackers were able to obtain nude photos of what popular young actress?
  6. Burger King is buying Tim Hortan’s for approximately $11 Billion and will become the third largest fast food chain. Burger King is included in the fast food restaurants where workers are planning a strike. The other restaurants are McDonalds, Wendy’s and KFC. What are the workers asking for?
  7. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting…According to the Federal Reserve, the top 10% of American earners income increased 2% in the last three years and the median income of the Middle Class decreased or increased by 4% percent?
  8. Which southern state was the first state to have a federal judge actually UPHOLD the ban on gay/lesbian marriage – bucking the trend of 18 other states in which the ban on gay/lesbian marriages was declared unconstitutional?
  9. At the NATO summit in Wales, the Secretary General of NATO has stated that no one wants conflict with Russia but the annexation of Crimea and the continued destabilization of Ukraine needs to be addressed. Who is the Sec. General (the big toe) of NATO?
  10. A US Judge has ruled that what oil company was “grossly negligent” subsequent “willful misconduct” in the lead-up and aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The ruling could cost this oil company billions in compensation payments.
  11. What world leader said, “The world has always been messy” in regards to the ISIS crisis?

BONUS: What does ISIS stand for? BONUS on a BONUS: What is the capital of Iraq and Syria?