Current and accurate as of October 9, 2018


Associate Professor,

Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture

College of Education


4232 TAMU9498 Grassbur Road

College Station, TX77843Bryan, TX 77808


Social studies education, history of education, international education, curriculum development and evaluation, computers in education, science-technology-and-society issues, learning and evaluation


B.A.(Honors)(Honors), University of Albuquerque, 1971

M.Ed.Eastern New MexicoUniversity, 1984

Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin, 1989


New Mexico, Secondary Social Studies Certificate, Secondary English Certificate



Coordinator of Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program, 1998 to 2002

Assistant to the Department Head (EDCI) for Scheduling and Planning, 1997 to 2000

Assistant Department Head (EDCI) for Teacher Education and Advising, 1996 to 1997.

Associate Professor of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, TexasA & MUniversity, College Station, TX 77843, 1995 to present.

Assistant Professor of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, TexasA & MUniversity, College Station, TX 77843, 1989 to 1995.

Associate Instructor in Education, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285, Sociology of Education, Spring 1989.

Visiting Instructor in Education, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX78626, Secondary Curriculum, Supervision of Student Teachers, Spring 1988.

Assistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, Methods of Secondary Education; Elementary School Subjects Social Studies; Schools in American Society Secondary Level; Supervision of Secondary Social Studies Student Teachers, 19851989.

Assistant Director, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, History of Education, Oral History Program in Education, 198489.

Graduateresearch assistant, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM 88130, Methods of Secondary Education, Documentary Research, 198384.

Teacher, Tucumcari Public Schools, Tucumcari, NM 88401, Secondary Social Studies, English, 197682.


State Board for Educator Certification, Social Studies Framework Committee, 2000; Social Studies (4-8) ExCET Item Review Committee, 2001; History (8-12) Framework Review Committee, 2001-2002

SocialStudiesCenter. Evaluator, Higher Education Coordinator, 2000-2001.

Social Studies Center for Educator Development, Higher Education development consultant, 1997-2000

Educational Systems Corporation, San Diego, CA, Freelance curriculum writer, 19871991

Holt Rinehart Winston, Austin, TX, Curriculum consultant, 198788; Textbook and state curriculum correlator, 198788

Educational Challenges Inc., Alexandria, VA. Freelance curriculum writer, 1988

External Evaluator: NSF, Texas Regional Enhancement Program for Physics Teachers, TAMU, 1998-2001; NSF, Texas Teachers Organization for Physical Science, TAMU, 1998-2000; Governor=s Geography Academy, TAMU and SWTSU, 1995; Mission Geography, NASA and TAMU, 1998-2001.


American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Proposal Reviewer, Publications Committee, Executive Committee, 1998-2000; Outstanding Dissertation Committee Chair, 1998, Nominations Committee, 1999-2001; Manuscript Reviewer 2000 to present

American Educational Research Association, (Division B Proposal SIG Proposal Reviewer; Teaching History SIG, Foundations of Social Studies SIG; Biographical and Archival Research SIG)


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, manuscript reviewer for Journal of Curriculum and Supervision

National Society for the Study of Education

National Council for History Education

Texas Council for History Education

Texas Oral History Association

Southwest Social Science Association, History and Geography Sections

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), member of Assignments Committee 1995-1998

Foundations of Social Studies SIG of NCSS

College and University Faculty Assembly of NCSS

Texas Council for Social Studies, State Parliamentarian 1995-1996

Society for the Study of Curriculum History, President 1990-1992, Executive Secretary 1992 to present; Curriculum History Editor, 1993 to present

Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Delta Epsilon Sigma


College Level Teaching Award, 2006, Association of Former Students, TAMU.

Nominated for Mentor of the Year, 2001, 2002, 2006.

Nominated for College Faculty Mentor of the Year, 2002-2003.

Nominated for Association of Former Students’ Distinguished Achievement Award: University Level Individual Student Relations, 2003.

Member, Academy for Educator Development, 2001

Big 12 University Faculty Fellowship, 1998-1999

KezaiKohoCenter Fellowship, Summer Study in Japan, 1995.

Men of Achievement, 16th Edition, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1993

Center for Teaching Excellence Teaching Scholar, 1991-1992

Marquis Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 23rd Edition, 1993. 24th Edition, 1994.

Marquis Who's Who in the World, 12th Edition, 1994.

Fellow of the College of Preceptors (FCollP), College of Preceptors, 1990

Outstanding Dissertation Award, College of Education, The University of Texas at Austin, 1990.

Who's Who in American Education, 1989-90, 1990-91

Scholarship for Prospective Educators, Phi Delta Kappa, 1987

Laureate Scholarship, Kappa Delta Pi, 198586

University Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin, 198485

Who's Who in AmericanColleges and Universities, 198384, 197071, 196970

Outstanding Young Man in America, 1975

Ford Foundation, Junior Year Abroad (India Program), 196869


Editorial Boards

American Educational Research Journal, 2004, 2006

American Educational History Journal, 2003, 2006.

The Social Studies, Consulting Editor, 1997- 2000

Annual Editions, Education. Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. Guilford,Connecticut, 1991 to present

Texas Researcher. TexasCenter for Educational Research, Austin, TX, 1993, 1994, 1995

State and National Professional Societies


Kappa Delta Pi International, Technology Integration Committee, Programs and Conferences, 1992-94 Biennium

Kappa Delta Pi International, Scholarship Reader, Counselors Scholarship, 1995-1997; O. L. Davis, Jr., Laureate Doctoral Scholarship, 1997-2006.

First Class Teacher Induction Pilot Project, Policy Committee, 1990-91.

United States Department of Education, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement. National Diffusion Network, Product Significance Panel, 1988

AustinIndependentSchool District, Austin, TX: Lay Citizens Textbook Advisory Committee, Texas History and Elementary Performing Arts Committees, 198687; Spanish as a Second Language and Communicative Arts, 198788; Advisory Committee Cochair and World Geography, 198889

People For the American Way, American History Textbook Analysis Committee for TexasState Textbook Adoption Cycle, 198586


Homeland Security and Bioterrorism Task Force (Integrated Center for Homeland Security), 2002 - 2003

Texas A&M University Environmental Programs Committee, 2002 to present

Facutly Senate, Faculty Developmental Leave Committee, 2000-2003, 2003-2006

Faculty Senate Committee on Bookstore Oversight, 1998-2002, 2003-2005.

Evans Library Curriculum Committee (ad hoc), 1997

EDCI/TLAC Faculty Evaluation Advisory Committee, for academic years 1990-91; 1993-94, 1995-96, 1997-98, 2000-01, 2004-2005

TLAC Executive Committee, 2003-2005

Electronic Database Task Force, 1992

Langston Terry-Ammon Underwood Scholarship Selection Committee, 1991-1992

Council on Teacher Education, 1990-1998

Faculty Representative Council, 1990-1991, 1994-1996

Department Hazard Communication Coordinator 1991-1995

IRL-CRL Revision Committee, 1990




2006GIS to Integrate Social Science and Science Concepts at the Middle School Level. Texas Education Agency and National Geographic Society, $15,000. Andrew Klein (GEOG), Robert Bednarz (GEOG), Co-PIs. Lynn M. Burlbaw, Research Associate.(grant application would only allow 2 Co-PIs)

2001-2003GeoITS: Spatial Skills for Science Education. National Science Foundation, Sub grant of $200,000 from Information Technology in Science Grant.

2000-2001Web Enhanced Undergraduate Geoscience Courses, Department of Undergraduate Education, $75,000 proof of concept grant, Bruce Herbert (GEOL), PI, Lynn M. Burlbaw, external evaluator

2000-2001Teaching about Australia, ASANA, $3000, Sarah Bednarz (GEOG), PI; Lynn M. Burlbaw - Co-PI

1999-2000Social Scientists at Work, Grant from Texas Workforce Commission, $29,900, Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI

1998-2001Mission Geography, NASA and NGS, $900,000, Sarah Bednarz, (GEOG), PI; Lynn M. Burlbaw, External Evaluator

1997-98Implementing the TEKS in Higher Education, Grant from Texas Education Agency to SocialStudiesCenter for Educator Development, administered $15,000 of $ 500,000 grant.

1996-97Implementing the TEKS in Higher Education, Grant from Texas Education Agency to SocialStudiesCenter for Educator Development, administered $50,000 of $1.3 million grant.

1994Enhancing Student Learning Through the Use Of Computer Telecommunications to Collect and Share Data: A Collaborative Research/Teaching Project, $5,400. Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI, Kim Strauss and Donna Lynch, Co-PI, SomervilleJunior High School, SomervilleIndependentSchool District, Somerville, Texas. Funded by Southwestern Bell Telephone Grant

1993 Using Site-based Telecommunications to Enhance Communications and Growth of Reflective Practice by Student Teachers and Their Supervisors. The TexasCenter for Educational Technology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI, $16,115 requested - funded for $2,000 from TCET, $400 from Texas Educational Collaborative.

1992 Teaching Scholar Grant, Center for Teaching Excellence, $5,000.

1992 Governor's Geography Academy for Teachers, A Joint Proposal by Southwest Texas State University, Texas A & M University, and Texas Alliance for Geographic Education, U. S. Department of Education (OERI), $409,000, Sarah Bednarz (GEOG) and Richard Boehm (GEOG, SWSTU) Co-PI; Lynn M. Burlbaw, External Evaluator.

1991 Incentive Grant from the TexasA & MUniversity, Center for Teaching Excellence, $1,037; Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI.

1990 Incentive Grant from the TexasA & MUniversity, Center for Teaching Excellence, $1,000; Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI.


2006The Cross-Atlantic Cultural Exchange: Anglo American Community in Wartime England, 1942-1945. National Endowment for the Humanities, $375,000, Vernon L. Williams, PI, Lynn M. Burlbaw, CO-PI, pending.

2004Colorado’s Company Coal Towns: Impacts on Imigrant Families and the Pursuit of the American Dream, 1900-1945. National Endowment for the Humanities, $450,000, Vernon L. Williams, Co-Director; Lynn M. Burlbaw, Co-Director (not funded).

2003Immigrants and Colorado’s CompanyCoalTowns: Impact on Family and the Pursuit of the American Dream, 1900-1945. National Endowment for the Humanities, $404,727, Vernon L. Williams, Co-Director; Lynn M. Burlbaw, Co-Director (not funded).

2003Connecting Middle School Environmental Awareness to Geoscience Education and Research, National Science Foundation, $185,000, March 17, 2003, Robert Bednarz, PI, Lynn M. Burlbaw, CO-PI (not funded)

2002Access for Teacher Preparation at TexasA&MUniversity. National Science Foundation, $706,000, Lynn Burlbaw, Evaluator. (not funded)

2001A Distance Delivery Application. Master Teacher Certification, National Science Foundation, $78,000, December 2001, Lynn Burlbaw, Instructor (not funded)

2001TTOPS: Texas Regional Enhancement Program for Underprepared Integrated Physics and Chemistry Teachers, National Science Foundation, December 2001, Lynn Burlbaw, Instructor. (not funded)

2001Teacher Enhancement and Mentoring Project, National Science Foundation, $2,156,298, September 2001. Robert James, PI, Lynn Burlbaw, Instructor.(not funded)


2000Teacher Enhancement and Mentoring Project. National Science Foundation, $1,404,597, Robert K. James, PI, Lynn M. Burlbaw, Evaluator (not funded).

2000Outdoor Kids Collaborative. Texas Education Agency, Technology Integration in Education, $2,300,000; Robert K. James, PI, Lynn M. Burlbaw, Evaluator (not funded)

1993 Collaborative use of computer-assisted technology in public school classrooms to prepare teachers for the 21st Century. TexasA & MUniversity, Office of University Research, $1513.50; Lynn M. Burlbaw, PI (not funded)


Single Author - Published

Burlbaw, L. M. (2005, March). “Forty Years of Teacher Certification – the de facto Social Studies Curriculum: Colorado County Tests, 1880-1920.” Curriculum History 2004, 11-20.

Burlbaw, L. M. (2000). Journal Induced Historical Myopia. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15,3, 267-274.

Burlbaw, L. M. (Ed). (1998). Curriculum History 1998, College Station, TX: Society for the Study of Curriculum History.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1998). Latitude: The Parallel Lines. Social Studies Texan,13,3 66-67

Burlbaw, L. M. (1996). Setting the tone: First class activities. Issues & Inquiry in College Teaching and Learning, 17/18, 3, 14-15.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1995). A scavenger hunt for the five fundamental themes of geography. Geographic Insights.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1994). Walking in the right direction: Realistic multicultural education infusion. MEICenter Connection, 2(2),67.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1994). Applying generalizations in middle school geography classes. The Social Studies, 85, 110-113.


Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Supporting teacher education with computer-based telecommunication systems. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 22, 99-112.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Geography in a micro-environment: teaching the five themes in primary classrooms. Southern Social Studies Journal, 19(1), 3-10.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Electronic mail, LISTSERVs, and bulletin boards in plain English. Social Studies Texan, 9(2), 64-66.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Developing an understanding of difficulties in constructing maps. Social Studies Texan, 9(1), 64-67.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). An integrative model for revitalizing the social studies. In Foundations of Social Studies Proceedings, Walter Schultz, Editor.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1992). An unfolding time line. Canadian Social Studies: The History and Social Science Teacher, 26, 158-160.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Add a teacher-led stimulation to your lecturing techniques. The Social Studies, 81(1), 30-31.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). More than ten thousand teachers: Hollis L. Caswell and the Virginia Curriculum Revision Program. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 6, 233-254.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Computer use instructions for DEC VAX/Mail and Edit Systems. Version 2.0. Mimeographed.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1990). The creative teacher: Leader in learning. In Teaching as a Creative Activity. Proceedings of International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, Annual meeting October 11-13, 1990, Indianapolis, IN.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1986). Using oral history for the chapter annual report. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 22, 6063.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1984). A social studies genealogy: A way to integrate learning. Southwestern Journal of Social Education. 14, 4248.


Burlbaw, L. M. Developing a Shared History: Personal Timelines in a History of Education Course. Submitted to Kappa Delta Pi Forum.

Burlbaw, L. M. Cultural categories charts and notebook: A standardized information gathering system. Teacher Educator.

Burlbaw, L. M. Building Walls: Limiting Innovation through Self-Imposed Boundaries. Submitted to Curriculum Journal.

Co-Authored Works - Published

Burlbaw, L. M., Caldwell, H. K., Maldonado-Castillo, J., and M. F. Merricks. (2006). Female chief state school officers. The field in 2005. American Educational History Journal, 33(2) 147-155.

Jia, Y., Eslami, Z. R., and L. M. Burlbaw. (Summer 2006). ESL teacher’s perceptions and factors influencing their use of classroom-based reading assessment. Bilingual Research Journal, 20(2) 459-482.

Plett, B.S., and L.M. Burlbaw, (2005). "Public School English Language Programs 1900-1960: A Review of the Literature," American Educational History Journal, 32; 78-85.

Davis, O.L., Jr., Burlbaw, L.M., and Davis, M. (2001). Curriculum History Timeline 2001, College Station, Society for the Study of Curriculum History.

Burlbaw, Lynn M., Jonathan B. Borowiec, and Robert K. James. (2001). AWhat=s New in . . . Team Experiences for Science and Social Studies Preservice Teachers,@Clearing House, 74: 116-117.

Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Vernon Williams. Social Scientists At Work: The Historian. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.

Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Katherine Mueller. Social Scientists At Work: The Sociologist. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.

Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Shawn Carlson. Social Scientists At Work: The Archaeologist and Anthropologist. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.


Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Robert Biles. Social Scientists At Work: The Political Scientist. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.

Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Marit Tenfjord. Social Scientists At Work: The Geographer. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.

Burlbaw, Lynn M. and Larry Wolken. Social Scientists At Work: Economist. Austin, TX: CharlesH.DanaCenter, 2000.

Lamphere Jordan, P., & Burlbaw, L. M. (1999). Representing Population Density: A Study with Elementary Preservice Teachers. Journal of Social Studies Research.

Field, Sherry L. and Burlbaw, Lynn M. (1995). A A Time for Growth, a Time for War, a Time for Leadership, 19371947.@ Social Education. 59 (7): 40815.

Burlbaw, L. M., & Balester, V. M. (1995). Research portfolios: Connecting projects to products. Journal of Staff, Organization and Professional Development, 13 (1): 15-23.

Field, S. L., L. M. Burlbaw, and O. L. Davis, Jr. (1994). I think there was a storm in the desert: Using Narrative to assess children=s understanding of the Gulf War. Social Studies 85(6): 256-261.

Johnson, G. R., Burlbaw, L. M., and V. Willson. (1994). Systematic instruction v. lecture. The Journal of Staff, Program, & Organization Development, 11, 197-201.

Armstrong, D. G., L. M. Burlbaw, and C. L. Batten. (Winter 1992). Extended teacher education programs: What the literature tells us. The Teacher Educator, 27, 9-14.

Armstrong, D. G., L. M. Burlbaw, and C. L. Batten. (1992). Extended teacher preparations programs: What the research tells us. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 336345).

Burlbaw, L. M., & Lewis, L. B. (1991). "Teacher, How far did Paul Revere ride?" Social Education, 55, 195-197.

Armstrong, D. G., and Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Cashing in on learners' interest in money: World currency as a motivator in the social studies classroom. Social Studies, 82,143-147.

Morris, J. M., C. Anderson, D. Armstrong, C. Batten, L. Burlbaw, S. Knight, A. Seaman, R. Shutes, and D. Wiseman. (1991). Long term research and evaluation of restructured teacher education programs. Instructional Research Laboratory, TexasA & MUniversity, College Station, TX 77843-4232. Monograph.

Burlbaw, L. M., & Lewis, L. B. (1988). "Teacher, How far is Bethlehem?" Two MapStudy Methods for Teachers. Church Teachers Magazine. 16, 5556, 78.

Allen, M., & Burlbaw, L. M. (1987). Making meaning with a metaphor. Social Education. 51, 142143.

Davis, Jr., O. L., Ponder, G., Burlbaw, L. M., GarzaLubeck, M., & Moss, A. (1986). Looking at history. A review of major U. S. history textbooks. Washington, DC: People for the American Way.

Burlbaw, L. M., and Isham, M. M. (1984). A guide to accessing information systems for research studies. Eastern New MexicoUniversity, Portales, NM.


Capraro, R. M., Burlbaw, L. M., and L. R. Zientek. “Content and Pedagogical Knowledge in Colorado

Teachers’ Mathematics Exams at the Turn of the 20th Century.” Submitted to International Journal of History of Mathematics Education. Resubmission October 2006.

Burlbaw, L. M., and Janet Alleman. AApplying “A Framework for Analysis and Evaluation:” Reflections from Classroom Practice” Submitted to European Journal of Teacher Education.

PUBLICATIONS - (Book Chapters)

Burlbaw, L. M. (2005). More than 10,000 Teachers: Hollis L. Caswell and the Virginia Curriculum Revision Program. In Burlbaw, L. M., and S. L. Field, (Eds). Explorations in Curriculum History, 53-71. Greenwich, CT: Info-Age Press.

Burlbaw, L.M. (2003). Hollis Leland Caswell: Teacher, Principal, Professor, Dean, President, Mentor, and Friend. In S.L. Field & M.J. Berson (Eds.), They Lead by Teaching, 18-27. Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.

Burlbaw, L. M. “Helen McCracken Carpenter.” In “Building a legacy: women in social education, 1784-1984.” Crocco, Margaret, and Davis, Jr., O. L. (Eds.).Silver Spring, MD.: National Council for the Social Studies, 2002.

PUBLICATIONS (Non-refereed)

Book Reviews


Burlbaw, L. M. (1995). Review of Some Truth With Maps by Alan M MacEachren. Journal of Geography, 94, 389.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1994). Review of Things Maps Don't Tell Us by Armin K. Lobeck. Journal of Geography, 93, 112-113.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Review of What's in a Name by Leonard R. N. Ashley. Journal of Geography, 90, 93.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Review of Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins. Social Education, 55, 142-144.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1990). Review of The Social Sciences and International Education by Mario Zamora etal. Journal of Geography 89, 141.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1987). Review of Sometimes A Shining Moment: The Foxfire Experience by Eliot Wigginton. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 24, 3132.

Columns in Journals

Burlbaw, L. M. (Winter 1995). "One Man's Gold is Another Man's Trash." Social Studies Texan. 10 (3): 32-33.

Burlbaw, L. M. (Fall 1994). Electronic Mail on the Internet. Kappa Delta Pi Record.

Burlbaw, L. M. (Fall 1994). TENET for Texas Social Studies Teachers. Social Studies Texan.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). The electronic classroom: Appropriate technology.Kappa Delta Pi Record, 30, 77.

Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Teachers and the information highway. Social Studies Texan, 9(3), 38-39.


House 62: Social Science Research in Southern Colorado Mining Towns. Presentation to the Faculty of the School of Social Science, University of Northern Colorado, November 16, 2006.

How Fine a Sieve. The Importance of Scale in Social Science Research (Presidential Address, Midwest History of Education Society, Annual Meeting, October 21, 2005, Chicago, IL.

Educational Foundation Scholarships: Their Meaning in the Lives of Young Scholars and Teachers. Invited Foundation Breakfast address given at Biennial Convocation of Kappa Delta Pi, April 1-4, 1992, Memphis, TN.

The Role of Technology in Education. Invited Address at The University of Houston, ClearLake Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International, April 2, 1993.



“Following ‘Dear Old Dad?: Educational Attendance Patternsin Southern Colorado Coal Mining Towns” paper presented at Mid America Conference on History, Fayetteville, AR, September 14-16, 2006, with Heather K. Caldwell.

“Comparing Educational Attendance Patternsin Southern Colorado Coal Mining Towns andPennsylvaniaTowns,” paper presented at annual meeting of Midwest History of Education Society meeting, Chicago, IL, October 27-28, 2006, with Heather K. Caldwell.