Schwarz, Anne-Maree
World Fish Center, Nusatupe, Gizo, SI (marine resource management)
Current affiliation, academic qualifications and contact details
Dr Anne-Maree Schwarz
Natural Resources Management
WorldFish Center
P.O. Box 77
Solomon Islands
PhD Biological Sciences University of Auckland
Contact details as above.
Phone +677 25080 or +677 60022
Research record and ongoing work
I have worked with the WorldFish Center in Gizo since 2005, initially as a
New Zealand volunteer and since February 2008 as a marine scientist on
WorldFish staff. Over that time the WorldFish team comprising Solomon Island
and international scientists on staff has conducted alternative marine
livelihood research within communities on Kolombangara, Gizo, Babanga,
Parara, Boboe, Ranonga and Vella Lavella and initiated community based
marine resource management projects on Isabel and Vella Lavella.
Since the earthquake/tsunami in particular WorldFish’s focus has been on
communities that had fisheries related damage be that loss of gear, reef
damage or loss of capacity through damage to village infrastructure. A rapid
assessment of 17 villages in Western Province was conducted by the Solomon
Islands WorldFish team in 2007 followed up by a return visit to all
communities to present results. The goal of the work was to identify medium
term rehabilitation needs and longer term research priorities. WorldFish now
has three funded projects that are directly related to earthquake and
tsunami recovery of fishery dependent livelihoods in communities in Western
Province. In addition the findings from the rapid assessment are strongly
guiding our re-bidding of CBMP projects with one of our core donors.
I only speak pidgin. An advantage of working with an organisation
permanently based in Solomon Islands is that we always work as a team with
experienced permanent staff that, amongst the group, speaks every main
language in the west plus a number of others.
Key publications/reports/materials
Publications from the Solomons are thin on the ground as yet! Hopefully I can update this list with current in prep papers over the next months.
Unpublished reports will give an indication of the type of work I am
involved in.
Ramofafia, C., Schwarz, A., Sibiti, S., Makini, D., Notere, D., Nash, W. (in
review). Life after the ban: impacts of the national sea cucumber harvest
and export ban on household socioeconomics of Kia community, Isabel
Province, Solomon Islands. WorldFish Center Report to ACIAR.
Schwarz, A., Hawes, I., Manele, B., Makini, D., Posala, R., Tauku, M.
(2007). Mangrove, seagrass and macroalgae resources on reefs in Darwin
Initiative Project sites, Solomon Islands. Report prepared for WWF Solomon
Schwarz, A., Ramofafia, C., Bennett, G., Notere, D., Tewfik, A., Oengpepa,
C., Manele, B., Kere, N. (2007). After the earthquake: An assessment of the
impact of the earthquake and tsunami on fisheries-related livelihoods in
coastal communities of Western Province, Solomon Islands. Report to the
Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources prepared by the
WorldFish Center and WWF-Solomon Islands Programme. 82p.
Ramofafia, C., Nash, W., Sibiti, S., Makini, D. and Schwarz, A. (2007)
Household socio-economics and bêche-de-mer resource use in Kia community,
Isabel Province, Solomon Islands (June 2005). Unpublished project report to
ACIAR prepared by the WorldFish Center as an output from the ACIAR/
WorldFish Center Sea Cucumber Fishery Management project FIS/2003/051–
Solomon Islands.
Further ideas and reflections
WorldFish, previously as ICLARM, has been firmly embedded in the Solomons
since the late 80's. Although severely hampered by tensions, in recent years
the organisation has undergone a significant strengthening with a number of
new projects, a long term vision for our work in Solomon Islands and a
building of Solomon Island staff capacity, particlarly at the Western
Pacific Research station at Gizo. The thrust of WorldFish’s research in
Solomon Islands, as it is elsewhere in Asia and Africa is focused around
Resilient Small Scale Fisheries.
I see the main value of the database would be for us to be able to develop
partnerships to fill gaps in expertise within projects, that we currently do
not have on staff. Conversely we are able to offer on the ground experience
and expertise that may enhance initiatives by international researchers.