As shared by Donna Smallin Kuper on her 3.29.11 team call.

Daily tips for free. You can subscribe at Here is an example of one that was recently shared….Never say, “To be be honest with you…” because it implies you are not always honest. Instead, say “To be be candid with you….”

Big Al newsletters to subscribe to:

To make money with MLMs, it is all about a sequence of words: commercial-talking skills vs. social skills. We need specific skills, and that includes learning how to talk with people in a special way.

Are you married to your job or are you open-minded?

Do you know what your job description is (what you get paid for)? Exactly what do you need to do to make money with SendOutCards?

OUR JOB is to get prospects to make a DECISION to either join the business or become a customer. It’s important to build relationships, but we actually get PAID when we help prospects make a DECISION.

How does the human mind make the decision to do anything? People make their decisions in the first 30 seconds, and the decision is made subconsciously.Our conscious mind is the size of a pea. The subconscious rules everything. We can activate the subconscious positively using these word sequences that are taught by Big Al Schreiter … Con men know how to talk with people and use their powers for evil, and we can learn to leverage these word sequences for good. Our decisions are made with our subconscious mind.

Start Opportunity Presentations with these Magic Sequences…

I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is that the economy is in the tank. The good news is, it doesn’t matter when you can get an extra paycheck every month.

The bad news is that in this economy, many people have to work more than one job to make ends meet. The good news is that I have a way to do part-time work and receive full-time pay and lifetime benefits.

The bad news is that kids get sick. The good news is that it doesn’t matter when you get paid whether you go to work or not.

Would it be ok if…

you had an extra paycheck every month?

you made money while you sleep?

all the people who came to you weren’t just prospects but were customers?
you could stay home with your children and make more money in your part-time job than you or your spousedoes in a full-time job?

you could buy all your greeting cards for less than half price?

you could keep all your customers so you didn’t have to work so hard to get new


Most people…

are looking for better relationships.

would like to have more time to spend with their kids.

say they get way too much email. And it’s hard to reach them by phone. And they are

very overwhelmed. Well I have a way to reach them very personally and

show them that I care.

DONNA says that 7 out of 10 sign up for Entrepreneur because she says it this way: Most business people sign up for the wholesale level, because they can get the lowest price on cards

and gifts. And do you know anyone who could use SOC at the same level? If so, then you can make money by adding the Entrepreneur package for $59 more and sharing it with others.

Everybody knows…

that the greeting card business is big business, and people waste a lot of money

on advertising.

repeat business is better than new business.

that a personalized card means that you care.

Everybody says…

they wish they had more money.
they wish they more time.

they should have a part-time business for tax purposes.

There’s an old saying that …

most businesses waste too much money on advertising.

if you don’t contact your customers regularly, your competition will.

a picture is worth a thousand words.

people will forget what you do, forget what you say, but they will never forget how you make them feel.

You know how…

it feels to get something in the mail rather than bills or junk mail?

it takes 7-9 touches to make a customer? Well I have a way to keep in touch

with your customers.

expensive it is to send greeting cards. Well, I have a way to do it that is just a fraction of
the cost of what most people pay.

TYING the magic sequence together (thanks, Donna!):

Everybody says they need to send more greeting cards. Most people go to Wal-Mart or Target and spend $4 per card. Would it be ok if I showed you how to send a personalized card right from your computer for a fraction of the price?

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who spend thousands dollars on advertising, and those who get guaranteed buyers in the door. You know how hard you work to get customers, I help you keep them. Would it be ok if I showed you how to do that with SOC?

This is a dialogue, not a monologue….

You know how hard it is to get customers? I help you keep them. Would it be okifyou kept more of your existing customers so you do not have to work so hard to get new ones? …Yea, most people would. Have you ever heard of SendOutCards? It’s all about appreciation marketing. I call it “feel good” marketing because it makes you feel good all the way to the bank. When is a good time to call you when you’ll be in front of your computer? (Set a date, or tell them you will call if they don’t have their calendar with them. Get their card and make sure it has their mailing address on it. Ask for their birthday, too.)


Are you open to making money outside of your ____ business? When is a good time to call you when you’ll be in front of your computer?

Here's the playback number for the recording.

Playback number: (218) 339-4399
Access code: 685055
Call #3

OR click on the link below and turn your speakers way up (recording level was low):