Cultures, Themes, and Processes for Saturday Classes 2009 – 2012
Culture/Clay / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009K / Egypt
Clay cartouche, jewelry, / Nigeria
Wind chimes / Nigeria
Self in clay / Navajo Occupations:
Small objects
1 / Sioux, Navajo, Hopi
Identity vase / PreColumbian cultures
Animals, & pattern slab tiles, tamborines / Arabia
Vessel for preserving and protection / Aztec
Personal ID Pinch Pots
2 / Egypt
Sculptures of prized possessions. / India
Pattern texture tiles
figures / China
Clay Animals that reflect personal traits / Chinese
Narrative/Slab Plates
3 / Celtic Irish culture
Mythological animal / German
Carnival mask / India
Moving clay toys / Maori
Pendants & Storytelling Masks
4 / India
Possession box w/Rangoli designs / Egyptian
Medalion inspired by Hyroglyphics / Inuit
Carved clay animals / China/South Asian
Personal ID Windchimes
5/6 / Australian Aboriginal
Animal w/personal symbols / Mexican
Mola inspired vessels / Caribbean
Narrative lanterns / Greece
Narrative Vessels
7/8 / Japan
Personal identity tea cups / Inuit
Personal Identity Masks inspired by shaman masks / Egypt
Gaurdian Figure Vessels / Scandinavian
Mugs influenced by the Environment
Interrelating / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
K / Egypt
Crowns. Music/movement / Nigeria
Rhythms & Patterns / Nigeria
Yam Festival / Nat. Am. Plains
Identity/Parflatch pouches
1 / Native American
Personal identity pillow case. Rain sticks, music, movement. / Composing a song and Dance Performance / Arabia
Shadow puppets / Aztec
Identity masks
2 / Egypt
Personalized Pharoh masks for performance / Legend based on animal
Printed animal costumes and masks, performance / China
Shadow Opera animal puppets / Chinese
Storytelling/Props & Costumes
3 / Irish Celtic
Illustrated stories about their mythological monsters / backdrop Black Forest & German music
Story & act out fairy tale / India
Personal Identity Harappan seals / Maori
Narrative 10 panel comic
4 / India
Holi celebration
Music inspired paintings. / Abstract painting inspired by music. / Inuit
Personal identity or inner spirit masks / China/South Asian
Shadow Puppets
5/6 / Aboriginal body art
Nylon identity design. / Maraca inspired Plaster Shakers
Musical performance / Caribbean
Personal Identity Reposé animals / Greek
Heroes Hero Masks
7/8 / Japan
Music inspired Sumi painting / Abstract paintings based on music and movement / Egypt
Emotion Paintings that reflect music that are cut to create pyramids. / Scandinavian
Celebrations Food Sculptures
2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
Living Artists
K / Eric Carl
Color paper Torn animals / Dale Chihuly
Etched Glass Plates Drawing w/colored Pencils / Banksy
Stencil & collage self portraits / Per KirkebyIllustration
Expressive drawing, painting, sculpture
1 / Rebecca Embry
Torn paper monsters / Edgar Meuller
Chalk drawings / Elizabeth Knowells
Geometric and organic designs on rocks. / Sandi Skoglund
Sea life installation
2 / Amy Shackleton
Non-traditional drip paintings / Chuck Close
Collage self portraits / Bill Waterson Future Occupation self portraits / Quentin Blake
3 / Dick Termes
Drawing on 3d objects. / Barry McGee
Urban art
Stencil prints / Harold Gregor
Vibrascapes / Andy Goldsworthy
Environmental sculpture
4 / Phil Lewis
Abstract Landscapes / Mark Bradford
Personality collages / Sylvia Ziontz
Collage & painted figures / Faith Ringgold
Accordion Book illustration
5/6 / Tim Burton
Comic books / Yarn Bombing
Finger Weavings / Steve Lohman
Continuous line drawings. / Terry Winters
Wire & nylons Organic Sculptures -- Biology
7/8 / Faith Ringgold
Fabric self-portraits / Matt Lamb
Outsider artists
Wire & nylon painted using Nontraditional Methods / Nick Cave
Head to foot costume / Vik Muniz
Self Portraits w/unconventional materials.
2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
K / Eric Carl
Community collage on environment. / Sea creature in constructed environments / Banksy
Stencil & collage self portraits / Abstract Expressionism
1 / Rebecca Embry
Community Torn paper monsters “You are what you eat.” / 5 page community book / Elizabeth Knowells
Geometric and organic designs on rocks. / Marine life & Community – Sea creature
2 / Amy Shackleton
Collaborative book / Abstract pattern paintings part of a larger collaborative work. / Bill Waterson Future Occupation self portraits / Community Sculpture
Wire Sculpture maquette
3 / Dick Termes
Maquette for community sculpture / Short stories
Wire sculptures inspired by the stories / Harold Gregor
Vibrascapes / Collaborative installation
4 / Phil Lewis
Collaborative abstract mural paintings / Collaborative exquisite corpse / Sylvia Ziontz
Collage & painted figures / Collaborative paper quilt
5/6 / Tim Burton
Corpse Bride
3-d character using Exquisite Corpse / Yarn bomb group installations / Steve Lohman
Community wire sculpture. / Design fantasy cells based on biological forms inspired by Terry Winters
7/8 / Faith Ringgold
Collaborative quilts on community / Painted umbrellas representing peace hope & tolerance. / Nick Cave
Sound suit performance / Environmental Art Built collaborative sculpture in teams using recycled materials
2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
K / Aztec / Mexico – Day of the Dead
1 / Greece & Rome / Paleolithic Art–Clay Objects & Pastel “Cave Paintings”
2 / England, Ireland, & Scotland / Pioneers – Hope Chests
3 / Inuet / China -- Masks
4 / Cowboy Culture / Taiwan – Puppets
5/6 / Russia / Northwest Coast Native American -- Totems
7/8 / Thailand / Greece – Narrative Vessels
2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
K / Music, Emotion, and Pattern
Drums and Wind Chimes
1 / Mood and Music
Lyres & Toga Designs
2 / Knights, Shields, Coats of Arms
3 / Personal Animal Masks
4 / Personalized Guitar Designs
5/6 / Fairy Tails and Costumes
7/8 / Music Inspired Collage Paintings
2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Living Artist
2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017