The Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, 125 S. Walnut Street, Slatington, PA 18080.
Presiding: Galen L. Freed: President of Council
Recording Secretary: Bryon Reed, Vice-President of Council
The meeting was called to order by President Freed at 7:02 P.M. with the following in attendance:
Eldon Roberts None Mayor Niedermeyer Melvin Gildner Carol Gildner
Kris Burek Chief Rachman Jason Breidinger Les Glanz
Bryon Reed Paul Pendzick SSM George Moyer Linda Steets
Galen Freed Ed Healy S&S Dwight Miller Jr. Andrew Aris
Paul Hoffman Robert Stettner Katherine Moyer
Daniel Stevens Bekki Baumann Lou Yurasits
Russell Hallman (Arrived at 7:05 P.M.) Ronald Scheffler Ed Ziegler
George Haas John Bolton
Robert Herzog Jr. William Stein
EXECUTIVE SESSION – At 7:10 P.M. Chief Rachman requested an Executive Session; President Freed recessed the Regular Meeting. President Freed convened the Executive Session and
reconvened the Regular Meeting and noted that a matter of personnel was discussed.
Councilor Stevens made a motion seconded by Councilor Burek to approve the Council Meeting Minutes of September 12 and the Workshop Meeting Minutes of September 18, and September 26, 2011. President Freed declared the motion passed following a Voice Vote, All Ayes, Nays None.
COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (Agenda and Non-Agenda Items)
Melvin Gildner – 526 Pine Street relinquished his 5 minutes of speaking time to Mr. Ronald Scheffler.
It was noted by President Freed that an individual cannot accumulate minutes, and asked Mr. Scheffler
if he wished to speak now.
Ronald Scheffler – 1335 Oakhurst Drive inquired of Vice-President Reed if he had looked at
Shadow Oaks Lane concerning the storm sewer and Vice-President Reed noted that it is on the list
to be repaired. Mr. Scheffler noted that he is proposing an ordinance for Slatington for a definition of
Vacant Properties, and proceeded to read his proposal then presented a proposed ordinance defining vacant properties, land and buildings. He also proposed an ordinance to follow up on said ordinance.
Councilor Hallman asked if they could obtain copies of these documents and Mr. Scheffler said he
could supply them. He noted that the fairness of argument for this proposal is impenetrable, stating that
vacant land and properties decrease the value of neighboring properties by as much as 20%. He offered
to do this and follow up on vacant properties for free, and all he would require is filing fees, postage
and gas mileage. He cited issues and costs of foreclosures and their impact on the Borough residents and noted that local government should not let the moochers pass these costs onto the taxpayers and
leveling financial penalties on vacant properties is exactly the right way to fix this problem.
Kris Burek noted that in 2008 Governor Rendall signed into law the PA Abandon and Blighted Property Conservatorship Act, where as Easton and Coaldale have enacted an ordinance pertaining to this act.
She read part of the act and noted that she attended a seminar regarding this. Mr. Scheffler noted that the closest biggest city around here that is enforcing this is Wilmington Delaware. He also offered
his services voluntarily on Zoning. He than proceeded to question Attorney Healy about the Blue
Ridge Cable Bill’s statement “Franchise Fee of $2.95 a month for the Borough Council Franchise
Fee” to which Attorney Healy replied that many years ago Council reached an agreement with Blue
Ridge Cable to allow the use of its’ right-of-ways to run the cable lines through the Borough for the benefit of its’ commercial enterprise. Council started to collect the fee allowed by the Borough Code
and a few years later it was reconsidered and Council changed the rate and continued to collect said
fee. Many cable companies don’t like that fee, and have taken it upon themselves to pass through
that cost, identified separately on their invoice to the customers. Mr. Scheffler noted he spoke several
times to the cable company and couldn’t believe the answer he received. President Freed noted that
this should be discussed at a Workshop Meeting.
Carol Gildner – 528 Pine Street relinquished her 5 minutes also to Mr. Scheffler, and Councilor
Hoffman asked Mr. Scheffler if he was speaking in behalf of an organization. Mr. Scheffler asked
if any Borough money was spent on the property where the bricks were falling down at the corner of
Main and East Church Street, to which Councilor Hoffman noted that the only money spent was for
the callout of the Borough crew to place out barricades to close off the streets. In closing Mr.
Scheffler also recalled the previous meeting when the issue of the lateral inspection was brought up concerning a property that he was selling and he noted that that is a separate report. It was noted that John Bolton inspected the property for any illegal hookups to the sewer April 19, 2011 and televised
the sewer lateral and everything checked out.
Jason Breidinger – Venture Group – (Jason Breidinger noted that the Venture Group is composed of the Slatington Borough, Washington Township, Walnutport, Future Focus, Lions and other various organizations). He noted that NOVA thanked the Borough Council for all their help and the Chamber of Commerce thanks both Council and Mayor for their assistance this year and continued support. He noted that the December Christmas Mixer is coming up and that there will be a tree lighting ceremony at the Memorial Park Pavilion. He reported that the second building is being erected at the trailhead and that the bathrooms are finished.
Les Glanz – 1131 Morris Lane on behalf of Future Focus - Mr. Glanz stated that both the trailhead and the trail are getting tremendous use and the food trailer is doing a nice business, which the money from this is helping to fund the construction of the building. He noted that the original vision of the Venture
Group is to act as an administrator of the pavilion portion of the building and that they have first choice.
They are relieving the Borough of the burden and are administering the property: collecting fees,
keeping the calendar, maintenance, etc. Councilor Stevens questioned about the statement “before permission for use is guaranteed by the Borough” and Mr. Glanz explained that it would be run through the Borough first than checked out by the Venture Group. It was suggested that they come to the Human/Community Workshop Meeting on Monday October 24, 2011 to explain in full detail their policies. Councilor Burek inquired if any part of the construction was done or paid for by the Borough, to which it was stated that the buildings are being done by volunteers, the Venture Group hired a contractor, the Borough did not do any of the work on the pavilion or bathrooms and the only thing contributed by the Borough was the sewer and water hookups and that the property is being rented to the Borough from Lehigh County.
George Moyer – 231 Main Street noted that he was listening to the people and hearing the alarm go off and holding the visitors to 5 minutes he stated that “in the future when your people come here to talk as well as the citizens of this town they should be limited too. Councilor Stevens questioned “our people’ to which Mr. Moyer stated that “when the people came to talk about the pool, they could talk for hours and some of them weren’t even citizens of the town”. President Freed noted “that is a matter of conjecture”.
Dwight Miller Jr. – 256 South Walnut Street expressed his feelings about the Police Force (not saying
they’re not doing their job) however, when he went into the station to request a copy of a police
report he was told to mind his own business by one of the officers and told to get out. Chief
Rachman stated that he knew nothing about what he was talking about to which Mr. Miller stated
that he needed a copy of a report for an upcoming court hearing and Chief Rachman asked what
the officers were doing at the time, and he stated that they were just sitting at their desks. Mr.
Miller explained that he was concerned about not getting a hearing notice and Chief Rachman noted
that at that time the officer had not filed the citation yet, because he was waiting for something
from Mr. Stettner for the restitution, and when they get all the paperwork together it will be sent
over, and that there is a process for that. Chief Rachman noted that he will check into this issue and
speak to the officers involved. In closing, Mr. Miller also expressed his concerns about the kids
being out after curfew. The ordinance states that weekdays the curfew is 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. and
12:00 Midnight on weekends.
Katherine Moyer and Bekki Bauman – declined to speak
Lou Yurasits – 207 Union Street inquired if anything has been done about lowering the water rates in
this town, to which there was no reply. Councilor Burek at this time noted that “she wishes she could
do something for you, but it’s like talking to the wind”. He offered his 4 minutes to someone who
wishes to speak.
Ed Ziegler – 104 North Walnut Street stated that back in 2001 he sold the land for the Northern Lehigh
Community Center and when the Borough works on their budget they should try to get some contributions for the center and also noted that it will cost approximately $125,000.00 to run the center. He stated that other community centers only survived if they had a full-time manager and Councilor Hallman inquired if he was a spokesman for the center to which Mr. Ziegler noted that no one from the center committee comes to the meetings, but will probably come when the budget is worked on. He noted that he also went to both Walnutport and Washington Township looking for support and contributions and that this should have been done years ago. He remarked that the kids need a place to go. He stated that he invested hundreds of thousands of dollars toward the project. He also mentioned
about the Meckley Fravel Family Trust Fund and Councilor Stevens noted that the Borough has
received monies from the fund ranging from $500.00 to $1000.00, but they only dole out the interest.
Mr. Ziegler once again mentioned the street lighting and Vice-President Reed noted that he found out
that PP&L has sent out a guy who is replacing and checking the lights, that he has a map with all the light standards in the whole town and he is checking into the various issues and problems with the
George Haas – 262 South Walnut Street noted that the Slatington Police Department is doing a fine job
of deterring the kids from running the streets and creating havoc. He asked if there is something the Borough can do about a resident who is over 21 years of age who is allowing underage drinking, sex
parties and drugs to happen. Chief Rachman looked into the disruptive ordinance and noted that unfortunately they own the property, so it doesn’t apply and we cannot go after them, and that he is
kind of at a loss at this point, other than continue to enforce what they can. Mr. Haas stated that he
Mr. Daniel Sell attended a hearing today at the Magistrate’s and that it was dismissed. He also noted
that he was waiting in the lobby and the people that were coming to defend the other party involved
were sitting there making fun of the Police Department and how many fines they have already paid.
Chief Rachman noted that he feels for him, but it’s a quality of life issue, and wishes that they could do
more. There was more discussion about who is responsible for providing the underage drinking, and
who you can arrest and it was stated that there are basically three families who live in the general
area who are causing the problems and issues. President Freed noted that they should keep being observant and stick to their guns. The question also arose about Magistrate Beck’s decision to dismiss the case.
Daniel Sell – 259 South Walnut Street noted how after the hearing one of the people involved in the
issue went home, took all their garbage and put it up against Mr. Haas’s fence. He stated that the
town is losing too many homeowners who are good taxpaying citizens because of the problems
with kids in the neighborhood. Councilor Hoffman asked what we should do and Mr. Sell noted
that the police are doing a good job, however, some of the problems should be taken more seriously and
addressed all the way to the Borough Hall. President Freed noted that Mr. Sell is now running for
Council and he himself noted that his main effort when he got on Council was like Mr. Sell’s to do something about these issues over the years and that it is not easy and hiring the right people and
getting people involved with the organizations is important, but that it is a slow, slow process and
not always out in the public. Again a concern was mentioned about the magistrate’s lack of help when
he dismisses the citations and other hearings and issues.
The reports of various committees, officials and officers are on file in Borough Hall and are available for public inspection.
Councilor Stevens made a motion seconded by Councilor Hoffman to approve the bills for payment
after removing the invoice listed on the primary listing for Mr. Russell Hallman. President Freed declared the motion passed following a Roll Call, voting as follows: