Shaping Services for the Future 2013–2014

Adult Services departmental responsibility: Richard Ellis 01962 847284

This document provides a summary of forthcoming developments for the Adult Services Department and how you can get involved in shaping services, strategies and programmes.

We aim to involve service users, interest groups, existing and potential service providers and other organisations at the earliest possible point when reshaping services. We are, however, open to ideas and comments at any point as part of our commitment to continual improvement.

This information will be regularly updated to ensure it sets out our programme for at least the next 12 months. It does not therefore represent a reference of all policies, services, projects or potential business opportunities within the Department.

There is a named manager and contact details for each item on the schedule. If you cannot find anything you would expect to see or have any feedback on the way this information is presented, then we will be pleased to hear from you. Please contact Kate Jones on 01962 845195 / .

Last updated: September 2013

Contents Page

Section 1: Prevention and Early Intervention Services 2

Section 2: Mental Health / Substance misuse services 4

Section 3: Services for older people / people with a physical disability 7

Section 4: Services for people with a learning disability 13

Section 5: Other Services 14

Timescale / Programme and description / Current or planned involvement/ engagement process / Lead officer details /
Section 1: Prevention and Early Intervention Services
The current 2011–2014 strategy will be refreshed in autumn 2013, in preparation for April 2014 / Ageing Well in Hampshire Older People’s Well-Being Strategy April 2011–March 2014
A consultation with older people informed the strategy for 2011–14, which aims to address the key issues which were identified, for example: access to the right information at the right time; maximising income; being able to get out and about; join in their local community; and maintain their home and garden.
40 organisations are involved in helping deliver the action plan in partnership, including police, fire & rescue, pensions service, voluntary and community sector organisations
The review in autumn 2013 will ask older people if these are still their key priorities and if not tell us why, and what should be the priorities we take forward. The review will specifically be looking at ways to reduce isolation and loneliness for older people.
For more information on the strategy and action plan, see: / The strategy and action plan (to be updated annually) are informed by local older people’s forums, represented by Hampshire Association of Older People’s Forums.
To get involved in the delivery of the strategy, or the refresh of the strategy and action plan, contact the Older People’s Wellbeing Team at Hampshire County Council (see: or get involved through the Hampshire Association of Older People’s Forums: / Alex Burn, Head of Older People’s Wellbeing,

Ongoing / Local Welfare Assistance has been operational since 2 April 2013. Core services have been delivered from this date but due to the iterative and fluid nature of the project, work is still taking place to ensure vulnerable people struggling to cope or facing critical needs are able to access Local Welfare Assistance when and where necessary.
To date, there are web pages available via Hantsweb enabling individuals to access support in the form of information and advice and a newly commissioned Hampshire Crisis Information and Advice Line. Budgets have been allocated to some departments for use on discretionary crisis payments but in the main community and third sector engagement through signposting, referrals, information and advice provision and the signing of memorandums of understanding have strengthened the County response to critical interventions and support as part of Local Welfare Assistance.
The programme continues to look at providing sustainable models of support that are embedded in local services and support and grows the capacity of local communities to identify, mitigate against and respond to critical need(s) for residents. / Wide preliminary consultation on the potential options for designing a new service was undertaken with partner organisations in the voluntary and statutory sectors and is continuing during the initial first year pilot phase of delivery.
In developing sustainable and effective Local Welfare Assistance the on-going engagement and involvement of community and third sector partners is vital.
A new round of ‘stakeholder’ events is planned for August 2013 onwards and it is intended that at the end of year one a review / impact assessment is undertaken to identify clarity in delivering year 2 Local Welfare Assistance based on evidenced demand.
Please contact Dan Stoneman with any further feedback, comments, or suggestions about this service which will be taken into account as arrangements for the on-going delivery of Local Welfare Assistance are explored. / Dan Stoneman

Section 2: Mental Health / Substance misuse services
April 2011–14
Contracts awarded for substance misuse services on 1.4.11 and are still in operation (2+1 years). / Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse
The contracts for substance misuse services are now incorporated into a single recovery based service: HOMER (Hampshire Operational Model for Effective Recovery) which commenced on 1.4.2011 provided by Solent NHS Trust. This is commissioned by the Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT), with the larger proportion of its funding coming from the Public Health with contributions from Adult Services and Probation. / Service users and carers play an on-going role in the development and monitoring of the service. To provide any feedback or comments about this service, please contact Liz McGill. Stakeholders can also get involved through the local Drug and Alcohol Reference Groups (see currently under review)
The Hampshire Working Group (HWG) is currently the DAAT’s primary service user feedback mechanism; integral to developing substance misuse services and also in performance managing services.
We have worked with the HOMER provider (Solent NHS) to develop service user feedback within the service – monthly Community Meetings are held in each hub and a county wide meeting HUGG (Hampshire User Governance Group) is held each month to collate this feedback which is then fed up to the Hampshire Integrated Governance Group.
To find out more, please contact Tez Cook. / Liz McGill

Tez Cook

Summer & Autumn with completion by end of December 2013 / Substance Misuse Strategy
A strategy encompassing both drugs and alcohol is being developed over the summer and autumn months. This will pick up elements of the existing Alcohol strategy and take the place of the Drug Treatment Plan. / There will be a stakeholder event in the Autumn to which service users, carers and other partners will be invited.
Looking to further develop the network of groups across the county that will offer feedback but also mutual aid support, visible recovery activities and social enterprise initiatives.
There is likely to be a service user event regarding the further development of service user involvement and peer-led services. / Jeremy Down

Liz McGill

Tez Cook

Strategy approved to 2017 / Mental Health Services
Adult Services and NHS Hampshire Mental Health Commissioners have developed a five-year Strategy in partnership with other organisations, service users and carers. This will guide services in the future to help people with mental distress, thus improving their lives and those of their families and friends. For more information, see: This covers all commissioning and provision of mental health services. / Continued involvement of all stakeholders to monitor implementation of the strategy and create on-going dialogue will take place through Wellbeing Networks (WiNs). To get involved in the future development of mental health services through the Wellbeing Networks, contact Liz McGill, Andy Wilshire or Jo Labrow. / Liz McGill
Andy Wilshire

Jo Labrow

Section 3: Services for older people / people with a physical disability
Consultation 29 July to 18 October 2013 / The Executive Member for Adult Social Care has approved a public consultation on the proposed closure of four older style residential care homes for older people and one day centre:
·  Bulmer House, Petersfield
·  Cranleigh Paddock, Lyndhurst (including the older people’s day centre)
·  Deeside, Basingstoke
·  Nightingale Lodge, Romsey
and to use the land or its capital value from the sale to develop Extra Care assisted living for Older People as a direct replacement for the homes. / No home would be closed without extensive consultation with residents, their families and carers, and without ensuring that a range of suitable local alternative care options are available which would be able to meet the needs of individual residents in those areas.
If you would like to get involved in the consultation, please see this link for further information:
You can also contact the Project Team on 01962 845692 / Jessica Hutchinson

Stakeholder and service user involvement Autumn/Winter 2013
New service likely to be in place from summer 2014. / Older Persons’ Day Opportunities Modernisation Programme
As part of this review of our day care services, HCC is piloting new models of care and plans to engage stakeholders on ways to develop community-based services that provide access to activities and care that are stimulating and enjoyable and support people to remain independent and active.
The current services have been extended until December 2014, to allow time for full stakeholder and service user involvement, review and redesign of the services. A procurement exercise for the new services will commence in April 2014. / The review of day care will involve engaging with a range of stakeholders including existing providers, service users and carers, and local communities. We will be seeking to work with these groups to shape the future day opportunities programme and identify potential providers.
Stakeholders, service users and carers, and groups interested in providing services can get involved by contacting Martha Fowler-Dixon. / Martha Fowler-Dixon

Winter 2013 / Older Persons Voice Project – Working together to improve services for older people with high support needs
This project is engaging with older people, partners and stakeholder groups in Hampshire.
A vision for how services and support should be developed has now been co-produced and work is now ongoing to implement this vision. / The Group that co-produced the vision for future developments continues to meet and be informed about a range of engagement opportunities as does the wider network of interested stakeholders which was built up in 2012.
A public meeting will be held in the winter of 2013 to report back on work undertaken.
For any information or if you would like to be included for mailings and updates, please contact Maria Milton. / Maria Milton

Project on developing a more ‘dementia friendly Hampshire’
commenced 1 March 2013.
Andover Mind were awarded the contract / Dementia Friendly Communities
Following a successful pilot in 2011–12, a new project has commenced to empower, reduce stigma and improve access for people with dementia.
The new project will deliver:
·  groups of empowered people with dementia and their carers who will have a voice and role in developing services and support that enable them to “live well” with dementia.
·  an engaged community enthusiastic about and supportive of people with dementia that promotes inclusivity in its universal services such as leisure centres, opticians, shops, restaurants, hairdressers etc.
More specifically, it will include delivery of: a Dementia Action Alliance for Hampshire; piloting of Dementia Friendly/ Memory Aware High Street schemes; identification of Dementia Ambassadors; and development of a structured awareness raising programme. / We would welcome ideas on the shaping of dementia friendly communities in Hampshire. Andover Mind is tasked with working alongside people with dementia and their carers in Hampshire and with a wide range of community organisations and businesses. If you would like to get involved please contact the Project Manager at Andover Mind, Mandy Moore. / Catherine Pascoe

Mandy Moore

Current strategy 2008-2013. ‘Light touch’ refresh of strategy to take place 2013 / Delivery of Joint Hampshire Commissioning Strategy for Older People’s Mental Health
There are many older people with mental health problems, such as dementia and depression, who need services and support. Health and social care services are therefore working together to support people in the best way possible through a joint older people’s mental health strategy, which was agreed by Hampshire PCT and Hampshire County Council in 2008.
For more information, see: / A new Older People’s Mental Health Board is being established and will have representation from the voluntary sector alongside other partners, and will take forward the refresh of the strategy.
The strategy was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders and there is ongoing engagement as implementation progresses. To get involved in shaping the implementation of the strategy, contact Catherine Pascoe. / Catherine Pascoe

Tender process beginning September 2013 for contracts starting June 2014 / Reablement Programme
HCC is currently piloting a new model of home-based reablement care in Winchester, known as React. The intention is to roll out the new model across the rest of Hampshire from April 2014, with a tender process beginning in September 2013. / Engagement with providers and service users is currently being planned, please contact Katherine Flower to get involved. / Katherine Flower

Spring 2014 consultation / Strategy for services for people with a physical impairment, long-term neurological condition and/or sensory impairment
It is currently proposed to seek to go out to formal consultation on the strategy and its implementation in early spring 2014. / The project has recently started by establishing a co-production group of service users and staff, which is drafting an outline strategy. This will then be presented to a large group of service users, carers, staff and providers in the late autumn. This event will consider the outline draft strategy and identify the implementation areas that will need detailed examination, which the co-production group will then do. / Geoff Woollan,
Autumn 2013 onwards / Review of Domiciliary Care Commissioning
A review of approaches to commissioning care at home has commenced with a rapid options appraisal. Further work will be carried out in the Autumn to evaluate these options and decide on the future model. The re-commissioning of domiciliary care will commence in 2014 to take effect from April 2015. The review is considering outcome based and payment by results models. / Engagement process will be planned during October.