Official Sensitive



Introduction to Great Salkeld Parish

Record of amendment









Appendix A Log Sheet

Appendix B Emergency Action Check list

Appendix C Parish Location Map

Appendix D Map of Great Salkeld Village Hall

Appendix E Map of South Dykes

Appendix F Map of North Dykes

Version 1
Date January 2018
Date of next review January2021



Introduction to Great Salkeld Parish

Great Salkeld is a small village and civil parish in Eden District, Cumbria, England, a few miles to the north east of Penrith. It has a population of about 400 people. Eden is an area bordered by the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and Pennine Hills. Village Coordinates: 54°43N 2°42W

The parish of Great Salkeld includes the hamlets of Salkeld Dykes (which is divided into North and South Dykes), Halfwaywell, Inglewood Bank and Burrell Green.

Record of amendment

No. / Date / Nature of amendment


Copy No. / Location / Holder
1. / Rachel Lytolis, Clerk to the Parish Council
2. / Mike Carrick, chairman of parish council
3. / Jo Thompson, parish councillor
4. / Richard Martin, parish councillor
5. / Duncan Robinson,parish councillor
6. / Steve Mounsey, parish councillor
7. / Beverly Pink, parish councillor
8. / Amanda Lott, parish councillor
9. / Maurice Wilkinson, parish councillor
10. / Hilary Carrick, Cumbria District County Councillor
11. / Gordon Nicholson Eden District Councillor
12. / Philip Bowden, volunteer emergency co-ordinator
13. / Jack Downie, volunteer emergency co-ordinator
14. / Derek Patmore, volunteer emergency co-ordinator
15. / ACTion with Cumbria, Cumbria emergency planning link


Definition of an emergency:

An emergency/major incident is any event or circumstance (happening with or without warning) that causes or threatens death or injury, disruption to the community, or damage to property or to the environment on such a scale that the effect cannot be dealt with by the emergency services, local authorities and other organisations as part of their normal day-to day activities.

Aim of the Community Emergency Plan:

To increase resilience within the local community before, during and after emergencies, and to link into the county and district councils’, and emergency services’ emergency response structures. This Plan documents how Great Salkeld Parish would respond in an emergency situation e.g. while awaiting the assistance of statutory authorities /emergency services, or in support of them.

It is not the role of the community to take on the responsibilities of these agencies e.g. to save life, to take any risks to themselves or to cope for long hours without agencies’ help and support.


  • Identify the risks to the community and relevant response actions
  • Identify vulnerable people / groups in the community
  • Identify resources in the community available to assist during an emergency
  • Provide contact details for the Community Response Group(CRG), key community resources, the Emergency Services, and County and District Councils.


Copies of this Emergency Plan are restricted, and will be held by the CRG members / Emergency Coordinators. The Plan will also be accessible to local authorities and emergency services via the Cumbria Community Messaging System (CCMS).

Emergency Co-ordinator:

A person living locally who provides a vital link between the community and other organisations planning and responding to an emergency.

Their role is to:

  • Undertake the completion and maintenance of the Community Emergency Plan
  • Provide a link to the District Emergency Planning Officer
  • Call a community meeting during an emergency (if deemed necessary)
  • Provide the focal point for the community response to an emergency.

A list of the CRG members is held by the Parish Council and The Emergency Services.


Risk assessment of the types of emergencies that would have an impact on our community and how local emergency planning could help.

Rating / Type of emergency / Potential risks / Actions to address those risks
High / Severe Weather – Snow / Ice / Risk to life, people and animals.
Transport disruption.
Disruption to utilities / Parish council to ensure supplies of gritting material available each winter.
Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to check on vulnerable residents.
Organise volunteers to aid snow clearance and gritting if needed.
Identify and contact local farmers to identify any help needed feeding or moving livestock.
High / Severe Weather – Flooding / Risk to life, people and animals. Damage to property, agricultural land, roads
Pollution and contamination of local environment
Disruption to utilities, electricity and water supplies / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to check on vulnerable residents. Identify and
contact local farmers who may need help moving or caring for livestock.
Open up place of safety (village hall or church) for emergency shelter, coordination point.
Organise refreshments
High / Severe Storms and Gales / Risk to life, people and animals.
Damage to property and roads
Failure of utilities, e.g. electricity, telecommunication networks / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to check on vulnerable residents.
Open up place of safety (village hall or church) for emergency shelter, coordination point, organisation of refreshments.
Identify and contact local farmers who may need help with livestock.
Contact volunteers with suitable training and access to chainsaws and machinery to help clear blocked roads and paths
High / Mains Electricity Failure / Residents with no access to power for a prolonged period especially in cold weather conditions. Mostvulnerable are those with only electric power for heating and cooking. Older residents, the sick, very young and disabled / Identify residents most at risk. Active telephone tree to check on residents in the different areas of the parish.
Open up place of safety (the Village hall) for hot refreshments and information point
Coordinate hot refreshment delivery to housebound residents
High / Telecommunication Failure / Vulnerable groups left isolated and unable to access emergency services / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree or other methods of communication to check on vulnerable residents.
High / Influenza type disease (pandemic) / Vulnerable people exposed to lower levels of care. Reduced levels of emergency services cover. Disruption to businesses and organisations though staff shortages and supply chain interruptions / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to check on residents at risk,particularly those who live alone, are elderly or disabled.
High / Combination of risks (Low and Medium) be realised at the same time / Combine risk factors for both the groups / Combine action plans for both groups
High / Fuel Disruption / Unable to access amenities e.g. food supplies, health care
Disruption of businesses / Ensure up to date information about disruption is available to parishioners via village web site and notice boards.
Activate telephone tree to check on vulnerable residents.
Consider community car sharing / pooling resources
Medium / Road / Rail infrastructure problems / Transportation problems including supply deliveries and accessing businesses/ schools / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to contact those at risk. Use of 4x4 vehicles if appropriate. Community car sharing
Medium / Aviation incident / Risk to life of people and animals.
Damage to property, land and utility supplies / Activate telephone tree.
Open up places of safety(village hall and Church)
Provide support and refreshments for parishioners and emergency services.
Support emergency services.
Identify and contact vulnerable residents.
Provide support for farmers with livestock.
Medium / Disease in Animals / Spread of disease in the local community and further afield / Communicate with local farmers and DEFRA.
Ensure up to date information available on web site and notice boards. Contact the police if concerns about unauthorised movement of animals reported.
Medium / Severe Weather – Heat / Drought / Risk to life of people and animals / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree within the community to check on vulnerable residents. Ensure adequate supplies of water accessible to those in need.
Communicate with local farmers to aid welfare of livestock.
Medium / Localised industrial accident with toxic release (e.g. farm fire or accident involving acetylene/ rubber, slurry) / Risk to life to people and animals.
Damage to property and land.
Pollution to environment / Contact the environment agency if not already notified. Activate telephone tree to raise awareness of any incident. Consider precautions that may be necessary in the vicinity of the accident.
Open up place of safety if needed
Low / Strikes of emergency services / Vulnerable groups unable to access health care.
Risk to life and damage to buildings and land from fire / Identify residents most at risk. Activate telephone tree to contact vulnerable residents and offer support as needed.
Low / Severe Wildfire / Risk to life of people and animals.
Damage to property and land / Activate telephone tree to contact local residents most at risk. Assist in evacuation of residents and animals if needed. Disseminate information from emergency services
Open up pace of safety if needed
Low / Building Collapse / Risk to life of people or animals.
Damage to infrastructure eg utilities
Homelessness / Activate telephone tree to contact local residents affected.
Offer support to emergency services, use of machinery and social support. Open up place of safety if needed
Low / Land Movement / Risk to life of people or animals.
Damage to property.
Damage to infrastructure e.g. roads and utilities. / Support emergency services.
Activate telephone tree to contact residents affected and farmers to help with movement of livestock
Open up place of safety if needed

See also the Cumbrian Risk Register


This plan will be activated when an emergency has occurred or if warnings are received, prior to an anticipated event. It will also be activated when emergency services need support or are not able to attend immediately e.g. in severe weather.

If this is the case, the CRG will assess the situation, ring Emergency Services if necessary,and consult with the District Council (see contact below). The CRG will then put all or part of the Plan into effect as appropriate.

The stand down arrangements will be made by the CRG and communicated effectively to all those involved.


Volunteers have indicated what tasks they may be prepared to carry out if an emergency occurs and what resources they can offer.

The information in this list is restricted to the Community Response Group.

Place of Safety:

District councils are responsible for setting up a central rest centre during an emergency. However, it may be necessary to set up a temporary place of safety within the community e.g. for visitors or for people evacuated from their homes. In our community, the place of safety will be:

Great Salkeld Village Hall, Caretaker Mike King 01768870074/07881298484, list of committee members and key holders also on the village hall notice board outside.

St Cuthbert’s Church, centrally located in the village and open 24 hours daily.

The CRG will contact the keyholder and other volunteers as necessary.

During an emergency, volunteers will keep a record of actions taken. These will be entered in to a central log, kept by the CRG, so that they can be evaluated, and the plan altered if necessary. Information can be entered at the time, or directly after the emergency. An example log sheet is given at appendix A.


Contact details for statutory authorities, emergency services can be found below.

Organisation / Tel: / Website / Email:
Emergency Services / 999
District Council:Eden District Council
Daytime / 01768 817817 /
Out of hours (if different)
Cumbria County Council:
Daytime / 01228 606060 /
Eden Adult social care (concern for vulnerable adults) / 01768 812262 /
Cumbria county council emergency planning contacts team /
Highways Hotline: / 0845 609 6609
NHS: / 111 /
Environment Agency:
General Enquiries / 03708 506 506 /
Flood line (24 hr) / 0345 988 1188 /
United Utilities:(24 hr - water) / 0345 672 3723 /
Electricity North West: / 0800 195 4141 /
National Gas Emergency Service:(24hr - gas leak/emergency) / 0800 111 999 /
RSPCA / response
Cascade Phone System / As listed on activation flow chart /
Cumbria fire and rescue /
Cumbria Community Messaging /
Parish Website /
Radio Amateurs` emergency network /


In order to keep this plan up to date, contact lists will be revised as needed and checked on an annual basis at the Parish Council AGM. The full plan will be reviewed every 3 years, by a sub group of Great Salkeld Parish Council.

Advice and support to update community emergency plans, is available from;

“ACTion with communities in Cumbria” 01228 817224,

Appendix A Log Sheet

Date / Time / From / To / Occurrence / Message / Incident / Reply / Remarks / Closed

Incident Log For: …………………………….…………

Organisation: …………………………….…………

Name of Log Keeper: …….…………………………………

Page Number: …# of # pages

Activation and Call out
  • Dial 999 ensure the emergency services are aware of the emergency follow any advice given.
  • Contact your Local Council (see contact sheet)
  • Use the suggested log sheet at the back of the plan to record:
  • Any decisions you have made
  • Who you spoke to and what you said
  • Contact other members of the Community that need to be alerted:
  • Those specifically under threat
  • The Local Council via the Community Clerk
  • Volunteers and key holders that may be needed
Contact initially may be to inform them of the emergency or inform them of current Emergency Service advice regarding any action to be taken. / 
Community Emergency Meeting
  • Is a Community Emergency Meeting necessary?
  • Is the venue safe to hold the meeting and can people get there safely?
  • Has the District Council been informed you are holding a Community Emergency Meeting?
  • Has the community been informed there will be a meeting?
  • Take a copy of the First Agenda to the meeting.

Appendix B Emergency Action Check list

Appendix C Parish Location Map

Appendix D Map of Great Salkeld Village

Figure 1St Cuthberts church

Appendix E Map of South Dykes

Appendix F Map of North Dykes

Great Salkeld Parish Community Emergency Plan

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