22nd November 2013

Dear Parents,

Be The Best You Can Be: The ABC Cluster of schools have joined together for some special PE training on Monday 2nd December. 21st Century Legacy’s “Be the Best you can be!” programme was set up by Olympic Gold Medallist David Hemery CBE to use the power of sport’s coaching to engage young people, enabling them to kick-start their journey to fulfilling their life’s ambitions. Its vision is to inspire and engage young people to discover their unique potential. There will be a special launch for the children in January.

Parent Governor vacancies

Any nomination forms for a Parent Governor post should be returned to the school office by Friday 29th November.

If more than three nominations are received, the timetable for an election will be announced.


The last craft club will be on Monday 25th November. Please bring all the items you have made so we can celebrate! Unfortunately, due to staff training and the Big Sing, there are no more Mondays free this term.

Netball: There will be no more netball this term – Miss White is snowed under with the Nativity play.

Footballwill finish on Friday 29th November for the term.

Karate finishes on Wednesday 4thDecember.

Street Dance finishes on Tuesday 10th December.

PTA: The Christmas Bazaar will be held on Friday 13th December from 3.30-4.30pm in the School hall. This will be a ‘Mufti Day’ where children are asked to bring in items for the ‘Wrapping Corner’ in the Bazaar. [Ideas: soaps, trinkets, bubble bath, bottles, small stocking fillers.]Children will be able to choose a present from the mufti donations and wrap them in Christmas paper to give to a member of their family.

The PTA are looking for volunteers to help run a stall on the evening. If you can help, please speak to Corey Creasey [Elloise’s Mum] or a member of the PTA.

We have very generous raffle donations and will send some raffle tickets home to sell in book bags from 6th December. Please do sell as many as possible to friends and family. I would like to thank members of the PTA for their special efforts in asking for raffle prizes [not the easiest job!] and for organising the bazaar. We really appreciate all you do for us.

Children in need/Philippines: Thank you for your generous donations to this extra charity. We raised £85.

We are also very grateful for the contributions towards the theatre production of Beauty and the Beast: the children thoroughly enjoyed a well-deserved treat.

KS1 Christmas

The Nativity ‘Born in a Barn’ will take place on Thursday 12th December at 9.45am in the school hall. All parents, grandparents and villagers are welcome. [The change of time is to allow the PTA to build Santa’s Grotto in the afternoon.] There will be a special Dress Rehearsal performance for CatsfieldUnder Fives and our school children on Wednesday 11th at 9.45am. No doubt you will hear much more from your children in the near future. We will be sending out requests for help with costumes and learning songs and words.

KS2 Christmas

The Big Sing at the De la Warr is on Monday 9th December at the 7.30pm. We will be travelling to the De La Warr Pavilion by coach in the morning and will be back in school by lunchtime.More details to follow nearer the time.

Children will need to wear their normal school uniform that day, but with a WHITE SHIRT instead of blue. There will be no need to bring a book bag to school as we would like to travel light!

Tickets for this can be booked from the box office on 01424 229111.

Carol singing at Catsfield Christmas Tree Farm will take place on Wednesday 11th December at 5pm. Mr Elms is organising this and again details will follow when finalised. All are welcome to join us. We hope the weather remains dry!


I am not anticipating any snow, but just in case… I will make a decision based on safety as soon as possible. If we need to close the school, we will inform you by text and also add the information to our website. [ I will close the school at County level and this information will be available on the county website [ closures] . County will also inform the local radio station.

This term is flying by – I can’t believe there are only 4 weeks left!

Yours sincerely

Mrs S. Clark