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CUA50715Diploma of Graphic Design
CUAGRD503Produce typographic solutions
Assessment 2
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment: 33535/02
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Assessment submission
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This assessment has been designed to allow you to provide partial evidence of your competence in the unit CUAGRD503 Produce typographic solutions.
Note: you will need to complete additional assessments as you progress through your course to demonstrate competence for all aspects of the unit.
In completing your final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to:
- research type as visual communication
- analyse design needs
- develop ideas for typographic solutions
- manipulate and integrate type
- integrate type within the overall design
- evaluate typographic solutions
In this assessment you will be exploring hand-drawn or manual typography.
A monogram, or letter-mark, is a design consisting of one or more letters, usually the initials of a name, used to identify a company, publication, person, object or idea.
Design Brief
Using the two or three initials of your first, middle and last names create a type-based monogram that could be used in your own graphic design business.
In your visual diary write 5 words to indicate the tone and feeling you would like your design to portray. Still working in your visual diary document your research on 4 hand drawn fonts.
Using a variety of mediumsyou are now going to do some research and exploration. Using at least 4 different mediums (ink, pencil, paint) develop a series of 6 monograms. Think about exploring and re-creating serif, sans-serif and script fonts.
See which work best in a monogram that will visually describe who you are.
Document your exploratory process from beginning to end in your visual diary in the form of rough sketches and notes. This is an explorative exercise so play with a variety of tools and mediums to discover the variety of marks you can make.
Now that you are going to digitise your monogram you must use Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign to do this. Research some of the key features and advanced techniques you can do with this type in both pieces of software and give a brief explanation in your visual diary. Also explain why you have selected to develop your monogram in one piece of software over another. (Max 100 words)
Choose a personal monogram design that you believe is effective and using your selected software (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign) digitise your design and integrate it with a visual component.
A monogram can often contain a visual component such as a leaf coming off the tail of a letter, or it can be encased in a shape, consider adding a visual element that will add to and not detract from your monogram.
Save your files appropriately.
Using the Evaluation Formfor Assessment 2 evaluate your final design.
Items to submit as evidence for this assessment:
1. Visual Diary – 5 word description of tone and feeling & documentation of exploration of 4 hand-drawn fonts / 2.Summary of advanced software features (visual diary) and final digitised personal monogram design with visual component /
3. Evaluation form /
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