Lucifer’s Detour To Ignorance and Damnation
“In those days Yohanan the immerser came preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying `Repent! – For the Kingdom of heaven has come near!’ … Then people from Jerusalem and all Judea, and the country around the Jordan, went out to him. They were immersed by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins. And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his immersion, he said to them, `Brood of adders! Who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath? -- bear, therefore, fruit worthy of repentance. And do not think to say to yourselves we have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that Elohim is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And the ax is already laid to the root of the trees. Every tree, then, which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I immerse you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than…He shall immerse you in the Set-Apart Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand and He shall thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and gather His wheat into His storehouse, but the chaff He shall burn with unquenchable fire”.
(Excerpts from Matthew 3:1-12)
If you have read my article “A Radical View of Set-Apartness”, you know about the life changing impact my first visit to Qumran had on me this last Passover. This Sukkot I went once more to Qumran. He spoke to me while I was there, “The ax is laid to the root of the trees”. And then He began to teach me what trees Yohanan was talking about and why he was so brutal in addressing the religious leaders, as was Yahushua in Matthew 23. While the Essenes could be called “religious”, their intent was to come out of all defilement of the Roman puppet system in the Temple, and prepare themselves for the final battle between the sons of light and the sons of Belial that would come before Messiah would come. They laid for us a foundation of understanding of set-apartness that we must heed, for we are in the time of this final battle, and Messiah is coming within a short few years. Read “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, “Pole Shift” and other articles that give the timing of these last seven years that we are in now.
Probably none of you reading this article think you have a “religious spirit” or being “religious.” Some of you have been called “religious” by free wheelers, because you guard the Torah. But, in this article I want to expose what the spirit of religion is all about, so that, if need be, you may repent and turn from religion, which is man-based, to personal relationship with Yahuweh and Yahushua, being taught and led by the Spirit of Yahuweh daily, dwelling in His Presence, and knowing Them as They really are.
We are in the final seven years before Messiah comes, and the ax is indeed
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laid to the root of all trees (national or world systems, religious belief systems--the agendas, plans and purposes of man under Lucifer—which have been planted by man) so that in the final end, only what has been established by Yahuweh will prevail. He gave us 120 Jubilee years, striving with us to obey Him, but now we are inside the 7,000th millennium, and the striving has stopped. We either align ourselves to His plumb line standard, or suffer His wrath.
Soon all religion will be destroyed by fire, and the world ruler--the new world Caesar/Emperor, the new world Pharaoh, the new world President--will demand that all worship him or die. At the root of the “trees” that He will hew down is the worship of Lucifer—from which all religion stems from. Masons, in their “Bible” Morals and Dogma, by their guru Albert Pike, clearly says, “Our god is Lucifer”. Free Masonry is a Lucifer-based religious system. The illuminati is a Lucifer worshipping religion. The New Age Movement is a Lucifer worshipping religion. But, all religions are Lucifer worshipping at their core, masked by a shallow layer of white wash “goodness”.
The word “religion” comes from the Greek expression “the regions of Rhea”. Rhea was the mother of Zeus, the savior god that replaced Yahuweh among the Greeks.
All religion has its roots in Lucifer and Nimrod. Through the centuries in different cultures, Nimrod, and his re-incarnation as his son Tammuz, the sun god, took on different names, titles, and appearances, but basically all traced their origins to the original founder of the tower of Babel and its temple to Marduk. Man’s attempts to build a tower into heaven to reach “God”, is the basis of all religion. However, to submit to Yahuweh is not in the heart of sinful man. The eye of Horus on the Great Seal on the back of the U.S. dollar bill, is known also by other names—Osiris, Apollo, and the Masonic “God”. Yet, its roots are in Nimrod, the “gebbor”—the mighty man “in the face of Yahuweh”. The underlying work of the hierarch Illuminati as a whole is to bring this demon from the pit, “Apollyon” “Abaddon”, Revelation 9:11, put him in a cloned body, and set him on the Temple Mount to rule in the place of Yahushua—as the son of the “Destroyer” – Apollo, back to Nimrod, by whatever name. (II Thessalonians 2:3)
Religion is man-based--man created. It can only appeal to the soul—the mind, intellect, reasoning, emotion, feelings, natural life force, and will). The soul is also the seat of our rebellious sin nature—called “the carnal nature” or “flesh” in the Word, which revolts against the will of Yahuweh. The soul contacts the natural world through the five senses, and takes in data, right or wrong, which it uses to come to its conclusions. Data from religion leaves one ignorant of the whole truth, shuts one off from knowing Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua as They are, leaves one dependent on human leadership, and leaves one with a prideful “know it all” superiority attitude, however hidden behind a mask of spirituality, and self-righteousness. The soul is rebellious, self-centered, egotistical, prideful, and carries the nature of Lucifer in its revolt against the
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Covenant of Yahweh—Torah—the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven. Because Lucifer rebelled and was expelled, he does not want anyone else obeying Yahuweh. His crowing achievement in creating religion was the creation of a counterfeit religion to the saving work of Yahushua – the Greek-created “Christianity”. In this religion, its “believers” are actually taught that they must NOT obey the Torah of the kingdom of heaven. Both Greece and Rome hated the Torah, so they promoted this religion, which has nothing to do with the real Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel, and His Father Yahuweh. Religion keeps one from knowing Yahuweh and Yahushua as They are. It also gives a person a false image of who they are.
Most people do not think they are religious, or controlled by a religious spirit. Most do not know they are wearing a façade of spirituality--hiding behind deception. Most people would just say they “have their religion”, or their belief system that they live by. But, the spirit of religion is very subtle and cunning. It is masked as to its real character. It blinds and deafens its victims so that they do not see the puppeteer pulling strings to control and manipulate their mind, emotions and will, to even disguise themselves from themselves. Most do not purposely wear a mask to hide their real self, but religion itself masks its hidden nature, until something happens to expose the truth.
Man also has a spirit. Together the soul and spirit make up the “spirit man”—or spirit being that is very tangibly real within us. Scientists have actually weighed people who were dying, and when they actually breathe their last breath, and
pass into eternity, the scales showed that they weighed slightly less than they did when they were alive. There have been many, many reports by doctors who have been with patients when they died, and then revived the patients, who told them that they saw their bodies below, but their spirit was floating up towards the ceiling. I have talked with three of such people who died in the hospital and came back--people I know--and they have told me about their experiences of being in heaven and talking with Yahushua. They were amazingly almost identical. I died also and saw Yahushua, who sent me back of course. I have much more to do--my course is not finished.
The “spirit man” is what passes into eternity and awaits the resurrection, in which they receive their renewed bodies to inhabit. If the spirit is re-born by the working of Yahuweh’s Spirit, through repentance of sin and faith in Messiah’s death and resurrection, it becomes transformed so that one has the ability to touch the Eternal realm of Yahuweh and Yahushua. The Word says we were “bought with a price”—the price of His own blood. “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. He took our place. We deserved death for violating His Torah. “Sin is the transgression (revolt, rebellion, apostasy) of the Torah” (I John 3:4) But, Messiah paid the price of justice so that we might go free. Then He rose from the dead to take His blood and sprinkle it on the mercy seat in heaven, assuring our salvation and our eternal life. This is why we must commit our entire life to obedience to Him alone as our Master and
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Savior, for without Him, we would never be able to approach Yahuweh and be citizens of the Kingdom of heaven.
There are at least forty things mentioned in the Scriptures that happen by sovereign intervention by Yahuweh’s Spirit, when a person truly repents, and puts their faith in Messiah Yahushua, with the earnest desire to follow Him only. Usually, especially in the western world, when one is re-born by His Spirit in a church or religious setting, some member of the group moves in quickly to instruct the mind of His new creation in man’s thinking and reasoning, and in religious principals, so that Truth becomes hidden, and the person becomes blinded to what the Word of Yahuweh really says.
In the true new birth, there are at least forty things that the Spirit of Yahuweh does instantly to bring us to new birth, so that we are “new creations” in Him (II Corinthians 5:17-21)
If the new believer is not taught to study the Word (Genesis to Revelation) with the Teacher—the Spirit of Yahuweh—and how to live in His Presence through prayer, the mind can take over and squelch what Yahuweh wants to impart to the spirit. There are at least forty ways that He speaks to the re-born spirit, as precidented in the Word, but few even know one of them. What a tragedy! Then one becomes proud of his religious knowledge from man, but has not touched the Eternal realm of Elohim. The soul must submit to the re-born spirit for a person to walk in “newness of life” “blameless before Him in love”. The new birth severs between the soul and spirit, rebirthing the spirit and perfecting it, so that the spirit, which receives also the “mind of Messiah” can begin to transform the soul and submit it to His will. When the soul and the spirit are united in submission to His will, then a person can walk in
blamelessness – “in newness of life”. The Word talks about “the saving of the soul” by the “washing of the Word”. The more the soul (mind, etc.) is fed the Word, the will begins to soften and weaken and submit to the power of the Spirit within the re-born spirit, and you have someone then, filled with His power and His authority. This can not be done via religion. No one can know Yahuweh or Yahushua through religion—IMPOSSIBLE!
I was born of the Spirit 59 years ago, and from that time, I was transformed into a “new creation” and began walking with Them in newness of life. The Spirit has led me all the way. I was re-born in the midst of a Christian denomination, but because I was truly severed from the kingdom of darkness and entered the “Kingdom of His Dear Son”, He has led me into all truth by the Spirit. When I began to know the real Savior and Messiah, the real Father and Elohim of Israel, all those years of knowledge and training came alive, and I began to know Them as They really are – outside of all religions of man.
I have been taught by the Spirit, and therefore, like my Teacher (Yahuweh’s Spirit), I have an aversion and disgust for the opinions of man that come from the soul. (John 16:13; I John 2:27) Yahuweh’s Spirit is vexed (tormented) because so few listen to Him teach. Yet, all who are taught by the Spirit, and are led by the Spirit, are the sons of Elohim (Romans 8:14).
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Religion is soul-based—soul based outside of the intervention of Yahuweh’s Spirit. Religion may sound good, but is Luciferic to the core (deception). Yohanan the Apostle said, “Try the spirits to see if they be of Elohim”. But, people trust people, and so hardly anyone knows the real Elohim of the Scriptures. Lucifer is terrified of anyone knowing that they have an eternal spirit that can contact the realm of Yahuweh, and dwell in that realm. So many quote Psalm 91, but do not understand the condition in verse 1 – that of dwelling in His realm (Colossians 3:1-3 and Ephesians 2:4-6).
Jeremiah 2:8: “The priests do not say, `Where is Yahuweh?’ And those who handle the Torah do not know Me, and the shepherds transgress against Me, and the prophets prophesy by Ba’al and walked after things that did not profit”. I find that most Messianic people do not know Him, but are very proud of their Torah-keeping to the point of lunacy by some. The fruit of the re-born spirit (Galatians 5:22-24) is just not there.
Matthew 7:13-16a: “Enter in through the narrow gate—for the gate is wide, and the gate is broad, that leads to destruction and there are many who enter through it. Because the way is narrow and the way is hard pressed, which leads to life, and there are few who find it. And beware of the false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves. By their fruits you will know them…”