CSO Commission Meeting

Wednesday, September 30th 2015

  1. Attendance
  2. 9 in attendance.
  3. Business
  4. 7:00 pm: Approve/Disapprove Disc Golf Club from Temporary to Full time status.
  5. Group: Few years ago a couple buddies started this and it died. I wanted to do this before I graduated. I figured I could start this up and see if other people would want to be a part of it. I have a list of all the people involved and a constitution. These people on the list are from around campus. We are doing the tri-college students.
  6. Kyle Blank moves to approve moving the Disc Golf Club from Temporary to Full time status.
  8. 7:15 pm: Approve/Disapprove Outdoor Adventure Club from Temporary to Full time status.
  9. Group: Goal is provide experiences for ndsu students to experience the outdoors and meet new students who love the outdoors. We currently have 15 paying members, getting more soon. If you want to go on a trip out of the area, you have to pay $15. We get more people once we start going on more trips. We only really meet if we are going to go somewhere and need to plan the trip. We have 4 trips planned for this fall and have smaller events planned as well.
  10. Brendan Curren moves to approve to move the Outdoor Adventure Club from Temporary to Full time status.
  11. PASSES
  12. 7:30 pm: Approve/Disapprove Special Olympics College NDSU from Temporary to Full time status.
  13. Group: President and VP could not attend, sent a representative. We just started last semester. Last weekend we went to the Women’s Volleyball game and we played a halftime game with a special Olympics volleyball team. We are looking to plan a 5k on campus and host a bowling activity. The board is a President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer. We have had 3 meetings in the last month.
  14. Carmen Ross moves to approve moving Special Olympics College NDSU from Temporary to Full time status.
  15. PASSES
  16. 7:45 pm: Approve/Disapprove the name change for Student North Dakota Education Association (SNDEA) to Student North Dakota United (SNDU).
  17. Group: We want to change our name because it has changed nationally and state wide. Multiple groups combined and the name changed in the process. This is just national guidelines that we are following. This just provides learning opportunities for future teachers.
  18. Kyle Blank moves to approve the name change for Student North Dakota Education Association (SNDEA) to Student North Dakota United (SNDU).
  19. PASSES
  20. Announcements
  21. No meeting next week because of Homecoming.