Founded in Rotterdam in 1995. Foundation for the arts. Art projects in relation to urban planning, architecture and landscape.
projects (selected)
2005 “Goudkoorts”, „trade-fair for the arts”, Rotterdam
2003 “Sanatorium De Azuren”, installation of 13 beds underneath 12 wrapped trees in an orchard, serving as a sanatorium for the suburbs of Delft
“Melancholie und die Braut”, Installation of 30 tons of sandstone remains (1870), concrete slabs (1956), a bed and 450 chairs (2003) for Postplatz in Dresden opposite of Zwinger, serving as a temporary theatre while the city is postponing urban planning
“Plein voor De Leij”, Sculpture for growing plants, car-repair and and a good talk on the grounds of a juveniles prison in Vught [catalogue available]
“Hoftorenkantoortuin”, Outdoor office in the enclosed garden of a Kohn- Pedersen-Fox building Ministry for Culture and Education in The Hague [catalogue available]
2001 “Otium Leinewijk”, „a public sculpture donated to a private person”, Groningen.
Design competition, Zeche Zollverein (with Planergruppe Oberhausen, F1rstdesign, Cologne and Licht Kunst Licht,Bonn), to be realized in 2005/2006
Landscape design competition “Halde Norddeutschland“ (with WES + Partner, Hamburg),to be realized in 2004
about Observatorium
2003 Paul Mezie: Otium Leinewijk, in: AZURE architecture-design-art September/Oktober.
Mirko Zardini (ed.): “(a) Asfalto: il carrattere della città, Electa.
Rudolf Pizmoth: “Der lange Weg zum Berg der Stille“, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 9.3.
Thies Schröder/ Andre Dekker: Bild und Raum - Otium Leinewijk, in: Topos European Landscape Magazine, Ausgabe 42.
by Observatorium
2002 Geert van de Camp, Andre Dekker, Ruud Reutelingsperger: “Stillstand, was bedeutet das für den Homo Mobilis?” In: Mögliche Räume, Kornhardt, Pütz, Schröder (eds.), Hamburg.
Observatorium and Kuitenbrouwer: What causes the holes in the concept? In: Rethinking: time-space-architecture.
Bund Deutscher Architekten, edited by Jovis Verlag, Berlin.
“Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer and Observatorium”, in: Friederieke Kitschen: Unheim, Anarchitekturen, Ulm.
Andre Dekker: “Observatorium Nieuw Terbregge”,
in: Nachbarn 44, Cathleen Haff et. a. (Hrsg.)In Nachbars Gärten, Berlin 2001.
Observatorium: “New York“, in:Bauwelt, 1-2/ 2001, Sonderheft; Bauweltpreis.
Observatorium: “Netherland, NY“, in: Portfolio, NY Arts, Juli 1999.