The first group of elements in the periodic table is named for the alkaline (basic) nature of their oxides and for the basic solutions the elements form in water. Group 1A(1) provides the best example of regular trends with no significant exceptions. All the elements in the group—lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and rare, radioactive francium (Fr)*—are very reactive metals. The Family Portrait of Group 1A(1) is the first in a series that provides an overview of each of the main groups, summarizing key atomic, physical, and chemical properties.
Why the Alkali Metals Are Unusual Physically
Alkali metals have some properties that are unique for metals:
- They are unusually soft and can be easily cut with a knife. Na has the consistency of cold butter and K can be squeezed like clay.
- Alkali metals have lower melting and boiling points than any other group of metals. Li is the only member that melts above 100°C, and Cs melts only a few degrees above room temperature.
- They have lower densities than most metals. Li floats on lightweight mineral oil(see photo).
The unusual physical behavior of these metals can be traced to the largest atomic size in their respective periods and to thens1valence electron configuration. Because the single valence electron is relatively far from the nucleus, only weak attractions exist in the solid between the delocalized electrons and the metal-ion cores. Such weak metallic bonding means that the alkali metal crystal structure can be easily deformed or broken down, which results in a soft consistency and low melting point. The low densities of the alkali metals result from their having the lowest molar masses and largest atomic radii (and, thus, volumes) in their periods.
Lithium floating in oil floating on water.
Why the Alkali Metals Are So Reactive
The alkali metals are extremely reactive elements. They arepowerful reducing agents,always occurring in nature as 1+ cations rather than as free metals. Some examples of their reactivity follow:
- The alkali metals (E)*reduce halogens to form ionic solids in highly exothermic reactions:
- They reduce hydrogen in water, reacting vigorously (Rb and Cs explosively) to form H2and a metal hydroxide solution(see photo):
- They reduce molecular hydrogen to form ionic hydrides:
- They reduce O2in air, and thus tarnish rapidly. Because of this reactivity, Na and K are usually kept under mineral oil (an unreactive liquid) in the laboratory, and Rb and Cs are handled with gloves under an inert argon atmosphere.
Potassium reacting with water.
Thens1configuration, which is the basis for their physical properties, is also the basis of their reactivity, as shown in the steps for the reaction between an alkali metal and a nonmetal:
- Atomization: the solid metal separates into gaseous atoms.The weak metallic bonding leads tolow values forΔHatom(the heat needed to convert the solid into individual gaseous atoms), which decrease down the group:
- Ionization: the metal atom transfers its outer electron to the nonmetal.Alkali metals havelow ionization energies(the lowest in their periods) and formcations with small radiisince a great decrease in size occurs when the outer electron is lost: the volume of the Li+is about 13% the volume of Li! Thus, Group 1A(1) ions are small spheres with considerable charge density.
- Lattice formation: the resulting cations and anions attract each other to form an ionic solid.Group 1A(1) salts havehigh lattice energies,which easily overcome the endothermic atomization and ionization steps, because the small cations lie close to the anions. For a given anion, the trend in lattice energy is the inverse of the trend in cation size:as cation radius increases, lattice energy decreases. The Group 1A(1) and 2A(2) chlorides exemplify this steady decrease in lattice energy (Figure 14.4).
Figure 14.4Lattice energies of the Group 1A(1) and 2A(2) chlorides.
Despite these strong ionic attractions in the solid,nearly all Group 1A(1) salts are water soluble.The attraction between the ions and water molecules creates a highly exothermic heat of hydration (ΔHhydr), and a large increase in entropy occurs when ions in the organized crystal become dispersed and hydrated in solution; together, these factors outweigh the high lattice energy.
The magnitude of the hydration energydecreasesas ionic size increases:
Interestingly, thesmallerions form largerhydrated ions. This size trend is key to the function of nerves, kidneys, and cell membranes because thesizesof Na+(aq) and K+(aq), the most common cations in cell fluids, influence their movement in and out of cells.
The Group 2A(2) elements are calledalkaline earth metalsbecause their oxides give basic (alkaline) solutions and melt at such high temperatures that they remained as solids (“earths”) in the alchemists' fires. The group is a fascinating collection of elements: rare beryllium (Be), common magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca), less familiar strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba), and radioactive radium (Ra). The Group 2A(2) Family Portrait(below)presents an overview of these elements.
How the Alkaline Earth and Alkali Metals Compare Physically
In general terms, the elements in Groups 1A(1) and 2A(2) behave as close cousins physically, with differences due to the change in outer electron configuration fromns1tons2. Two electrons from each 2A atom and one more proton in the nucleus strengthen metallic bonding. The following changes result:
- Melting and boiling points are much higher for 2A elements; in fact, they melt at around the same temperatures as the 1A elements boil.
- Compared to many transition metals, the alkaline earths are soft and lightweight, but they are harder and denser than the alkali metals.
How the Alkaline Earth and Alkali Metals Compare Chemically
The second valence electron in an alkaline earth metal lies in the same sublevel as the first and thus it is not shielded very well from the additional nuclear charge, soZeffis greater. As a result, Group 2A(2) elements have smaller atomic radii and higher ionization energies than Group 1A(1) elements. Despite the higher IEs,all the alkaline earths (except Be) occur as 2+cations in ionic compounds. (As we said, Be behaves anomolously because so much energy is needed to remove two electrons from this tiny atom that it never forms discrete Be2+ions, and so its bonds are polar covalent.)
Some important chemical properties of Group 2A(2) elements are
- Reducing strength.Like the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals arestrong reducing agents:
- Each reduces O2in air to form the oxide (Ba also forms the peroxide, BaO2).
- Except for Be and Mg, which form adherent oxide coatings, each reduces H2O at room temperature to form H2.
- Except for Be, each reduces the halogens, N2, and H2to form ionic compounds.
- Basicity of oxides.The oxides are strongly basic (except for amphoteric BeO) and react with acidic oxides to form salts, such as sulfites and carbonates; for example,
Natural carbonates, such as limestone and marble, are major structural materials and the commercial sources for most 2A compounds. Calcium carbonate is heated to obtain calcium oxide (lime); this important industrial compound has essential roles in steelmaking, water treatment, and smokestack scrubbing and is used to make glass, whiten paper, and neutralize acidic soil.
- Lattice energies and solubilities.The 2A elements are reactive because the high lattice energies of their compounds more than compensate for the large total IE required to form 2+ cations (Section 9.2). Because the cations are smaller and doubly charged, their charge densities and lattice energies are much higher than salts of Group 1A(1) (seeFigure 14.4). This property also leads to lower solubility of 2A salts in water. Higher charge density increases heat of hydration, but it increases lattice energy even more. Thus, unlike the corresponding 1A compounds, most 2A fluorides, carbonates, phosphates, and sulfates have very low solubility. Nevertheless, the ion-dipole attractions between 2+ ions and water molecules are so strong that many slightly soluble 2A salts crystallize as hydrates; two examples are Epsom salt, MgSO4•7H2O, used as a soak for inflammations, and gypsum, CaSO4•2H2O, used as the bonding material between the paper sheets in wallboard and as the cement in surgical casts.
Diagonal Relationships: Lithium and Magnesium
One of the clearest ways to see how atomic properties influence chemical behavior is in threediagonal relationships,similarities between a Period 2 element and one diagonally down and to the right in Period 3.
The first of these occurs between Li and Mg, which have similar atomic and ionic sizes (Figure 14.5). Note thatone period down increases atomic (or ionic) size and one group to the right decreases it. The Li radius is 152 pm and that of Mg is 160 pm; the Li+radius is 76 pm and that of Mg2+is 72 pm. From similar atomic properties emerge similar chemical properties. Both elements form nitrides with N2, hydroxides and carbonates that decompose easily with heat, organic compounds with a polar covalent metal-carbon bond, and salts with similar solubilities. We'll discuss the relationships between Be and Al and between B and Si in upcoming sections.
Figure 14.5Three diagonal relationships in the periodic table.
The third family of main-group elements contains both familiar and unusual members, which engage in some exotic bonding and have strange physical properties. Boron (B) heads the family, but, as we said, its properties are not representative. Metallic aluminum (Al) has properties more typical of the group, but its great abundance and importance contrast with the rareness of gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and the recently synthesized element 113. The atomic, physical, and chemical properties of these elements are summarized in the Group 3A(13) Family Portrait(below).
How the Transition Elements Influence This Group's Properties
If you look only at the main groups, Group 3A(13), the first of thepblock, seems to be just one group away from Group 2A(2). In Period 4 and higher, however, a gap of 10 transition elements (dblock) separates these groups (seeFigure 8.11,p. 334). And an additional 14 inner transition elements (fblock) appear in Periods 6 and 7. Thus, the heavier 3A members have nuclei with many more protons, but sincedandfelectrons penetrate very little (Section 8.1), the outer (sandp) electrons of Ga, In, and Tl are poorly shielded from this much higher positive charge. As a result,these elements have greater Zeffthan the two lighter members,and this stronger nuclear pull explains why Ga, In, and Tl have smaller atomic radii and larger ionization energies and electronegativities than expected. This effect influences later groups, too.
Physical properties are influenced by the type of bonding. Boron is a network covalent metalloid—black, hard, and very high melting. The other group members are metals—shiny and relatively soft and low melting. Aluminum's low density and three valence electrons make it an exceptional conductor: for a given mass, aluminum conducts a current twice as effectively as copper. Gallium's metallic bonding gives it the largest liquid temperature range of any element: it melts at skin temperature(see photoin the Family Portrait,p. 580)but does not boil until 2403°C. The bonding is too weak to keep the Ga atoms fixed when the solid is warmed, but strong enough to keep them from escaping the molten metal until it is very hot.
Features That First Appear in This Group's Chemical Properties
Looking down Group 3A(13), we see a wide range of chemical behavior. Boron, the anomalous member from Period 2, is the only metalloid. It is much less reactive at room temperature than the other members and forms covalent bonds exclusively. Although aluminum acts like a metal physically, its halides exist in the gas phase as covalentdimers—molecules formed by joining two identical smaller molecules (Figure 14.6)—and its oxide is amphoteric rather than basic. Most of the other 3A compounds are ionic. However, because the 3A cations are smaller and triply charged, they polarize an anion more effectively than do 2A cations, so their compounds are more covalent.
Figure 14.6Thedimeric structure of gaseous aluminum chloride.
The redox behavior of this group exhibits three features that appear first in Group 3A(13), but in Groups 4A(14) to 6A(16) as well:
- Presence of multiple oxidation states.Larger members of these groups also have an important oxidation statetwo lower than the A-group number.The lower state occurs when the atoms lose theirnpelectrons only, not their twonselectrons. This fact is often called theinert-pair effect(Section 8.4).
- Increasing stability of the lower oxidation state.For these groups,the lower state becomes more stable going down the group. In Group 3A(13), for instance, all members exhibit the +3 state, but the +1 state first appears with some compounds of gallium and becomes the only important state of thallium.
- Increasing metallic behavior and basicity of oxides. In general,oxides of the element in the lower oxidation state are more basic.Thus, for example, in Group 3A(13), In2O is more basic than In2O3. The reason is thatan element acts more like a metal in its lower state. In this example, the lower charge of In+does not polarize the O2–ion as much as the higher charge of In3+does, so the In-to-O bonding is more ionic and the O2–ion is more available to act as a base.
Highlights of Boron Chemistry
Like the other Period 2 elements, the chemical behavior of boron is strikingly different from that of the other members of its group.All boron compounds are covalent,and unlike the other Group 3A(13) members, boron forms network covalent compounds or large molecules with metals, H, O, N, and C. The unifying feature of many boron compounds is the element'selectron deficiency.Boron adopts two strategies to fill its outer level: accepting a bonding pair from an electron-rich atom and forming bridge bonds with an electron-poor atom.
Accepting a Bonding Pair from an Electron-Rich AtomIn gaseous boron trihalides (BX3), the B atom is electron deficient, with only six electrons around it (Section 10.1). To attain an octet, the B atom accepts a lone pair(blue)from an electron-rich atom and forms a covalent bond:
(Reactions in which one reactant accepts an electron pair from another to form a covalent bond are very common and are known asLewis acid-base reactions.We'll discuss them inChapters 18and23and see examples of them throughout the rest of the text.)
Similarly, B has only six electrons in boric acid, B(OH)3(sometimes written as H3BO3). In water, the acid itself does not release a proton. Rather, it accepts an electron pair from the O in H2O, forming a fourth bond and releasing an H+ion:
Boron's outer shell is filled in the wide variety of borate salts, such as the mineral borax (sodium borate), Na2[B4O5(OH)4]•8H2O, used for decades as a household cleaning agent. Strong heating of boric acid (or borate salts) drives off water molecules and gives molten boron oxide:
When mixed with silica (SiO2), this molten oxide forms borosilicate glass. Its high transparency and small change in size when heated or cooled make borosilicate glass useful in cookware and in lab glassware(see photo).
Labware made of borosilicate glass.
Forming a Bridge Bond with an Electron-Poor AtomIn elemental boron and its many hydrides (boranes), there is no electron-rich atom to supply boron with electrons. In these substances, boron attains an octet through some unusual bonding. In diborane (B2H6) and many larger boranes, for example, two types of B—H bonds exist. The first type is a normal electron-pair bond. The valence bond picture inFigure 14.7(below)shows ansp3orbital of B overlapping a 1sorbital of H in each of the four terminal B—H bonds, using two of the three electrons in the valence level of each B atom.
Figure 14.7The two types of covalent bonding in diborane.
The other type of bond is a hydridebridge bond(or three-center, two-electron bond), in whicheach B—H—B grouping is held together by only two electrons.Twosp3orbitals, one fromeachB, overlap an H 1sorbital between them. Two electrons move through this extended bonding orbital—one from one of the B atoms and the other from the H atom—and join the two B atoms via the H-atom bridge. Notice thateach B atom is surrounded by eight electrons:four from the two normal B—H bonds and four from the two B—H—B bridge bonds with a tetrahedral arrangement around each B atom. In many boranes and in elemental boron (Figure 14.8), one B atom bridges two others in a three-center, two-electron B—B—B bond.