CSE 120 Extra Concurrency Practice

Spring 2015

Quick Tips: Questions to ask.

Is there an overarching classic idiom?

  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Producer-Consumer
  • Readers-Writers

What are the type of critical resources?

  • How many instances of each type initially exist?
  • How many can exist, max? (min?)
  • Are instances created or consumed?
  • Is there any type of conservation, e.g. trading spaces for boxes?

Are there any policies or other constraints? Eg,

  • No more than 2 baskets or one cart
  • Eating requires 2 chopsticks
  • There need to be 3 firefighters to manage a hose, but no more than 4 can fit in the room
  • Etc

Quick Tips: Things to remember

  • Acquire mutexes and semaphores in a common order across your code, or be concerned about deadlock
  • In a monitor solution, the conditions upon which a condition is signaled are often the same as the conditions upon which one waits for the same condition
  • In a monitor solution, it is always safe to use a “while” instead of an “if” when checking the predicate (even if sometimes unnecessary)
  • Generally monitors solutions have entry functions in pairs, one which acquires resources and one which releases them. This is not a requirement, sometimes all work can be done within the monitor, but it is an extremely common idiom to decrease contention within the monitor.
  • One can’t see the value within a semaphore – as it couldn’t be used without risking a race.
  • Condition variables require mutual exclusion to ensure that there isn’t a problem between checking the predicate and waiting or a “lost wake-up”. This is intrinsically provided by a monitor, but requires a mutex in other contexts.
  • If stumped on a monitor solution, try working it backwards. Right the entry functions that release resources, then go back and write the ones that acquire them.

Problem 1 [15-213 @ CMU] Semaphores and Threads

Consider the following three threads and three semaphores:

/* Initialize semaphores */

s1 = 1; s2 = 0; s3 = 0;

/* Initialize x */

x = 0;

void thread1() {

x = x + 1;


void thread2() {

x = x + 2;


void thread3() {

x = x * 2;


  1. Add P(), V() semaphore operations (using semaphores s1, s2, s3) in the code for thread 1, 2 and 3 such that the concurrent execution of the three threads can only result in the value of x = 6.

Problem 2 [15-213 @ CMU]. Semaphores and Deadlock

This question tests your understanding of synchronization, deadlocks and the use of semaphores. Assume each function is executed by a unique thread on a uniprocessor system.

Consider the following C code:

/* Initialize semaphores */

mutex1 = 1;

mutex2 = 1;

mutex3 = 1;

mutex4 = 1;

void thread1() {

P(mutex4); _____

P(mutex2); _____

P(mutex3); _____

/* Access Data */

V(mutex4); _____

V(mutex2); _____

V(mutex3); _____


void thread2() {

P(mutex1); _____

P(mutex2); _____

P(mutex4); _____

/* Access Data */

V(mutex1); _____

V(mutex2); _____

V(mutex4); _____


  1. Is it possible for the code above to deadlock? Yes No
  1. If no, explain why not. If yes, then indicate a feasible sequence of calls to the P or V operations that will result in a deadlock. Place an ascending sequence number (1, 2, 3, and so on) next to each operation in the order that it is called, even if it never returns. For example, if a P operation is called but blocks and never returns, you should assign it a sequence number.

Problem 3 [15-213 @ CMU]. Produce-Consumer

This problem is about using semaphores to synchronize access to a shared bounded FIFO queue in a producer/consumer system with an arbitrary number of producers and consumers.

• The queue is initially empty and has a capacity of 10 data items.

• Producer threads call the insert function to insert an item onto the rear of the queue.

• Consumer threads call the remove function to remove an item from the front of the queue.

• The system uses three semaphores: mutex, items, and slots.

Your task is to use P and V semaphore operations to correctly synchronize access to the queue.

  1. What is the initial value of each semaphore?

mutex = ______

items = ______

slots = ______

  1. Add the appropriate P and V operations to the pseudo-code for the insert and remove functions:

void insert(int item) {

/* Insert sem ops here */


/* Insert sem ops here */


intremove() {

/* Insert sem ops here */

item = remove_item();

/* Insert sem ops here */

return item;


Problem 4 [15-412 @ CMU]. Monitors and Condition Variables

Imagine a narrow bridge running North-South along a public roadway. The bridge is nominally two lanes, with one lane for each direction, and can accommodate two opposing cars simultaneously, but it is too narrow to properly accommodate even a single truck. As a result, a single truck must occupy both lanes in order for it to cross the bridge. Bicyclists can also use the bridge -- two bicycles can fit simultaneous per lane of travel.

Please assume the following in your answer:

  • Cars and bicycles always travel in the right (proper) lane
  • Cars and trucks cannot pass each other and, as a result, must be serviced in the relative order in which they arrive.
  • Bicycles travel singly, or in pairs, across the bridge.
  • Bicycles always travel in the right (proper) lane.
  • As they approach the bridge, bicycles can ride in the curb-lane and, as a result, will pass cars and trucks that have not yet entered the bridge.

Please implement a monitor-paradigm solution to this problem using monitors. Your solution should be written in pseudo-code similar to that used within your textbook, C or C++, or Java. The goal of your solution is, of course, to provide a structure that maximizes the use of the bridge while preventing collisions.

Please also state the semantics of your solution: Mesa, Brinch Hanson, or Hoare.

Your monitor should include exactly the following entry procedures:

  • EnterNorthBound (enumvehicle_type);
  • EnterSouthBound (enumvehicle_type);
  • ExitNorthBound (enumvehicle_type);
  • ExitSouthBound (enumvehicle_type);

Whereenumvehicle_typeis one of CAR, BICYCLE, or TRUCK;

Problem 5 [15-412 @ CMU]. Semaphores

Please provide a solution to the problem posed inQuestion #4, but this time please use semaphores instead of a monitor. Specifically, the only concurrency control primitive you should use is the semaphore. Specifically, the semaphore should be a counting semaphore that includes exactly the following operations:

  • P() // decrements count and blocks, as necessary
  • V() // increments count and activates blocked thread, as necessary
  • init(int n) // initializes semaphore to represent "n" resources.

Problem 6 [15-412 @ CMU]. Monitors and Condition Variables

Imagine a picnic buffet with salad, soup, and meat. Unfortunately, also assume that there are too few serving utensils: There is only one large serving fork and one large serving spoon.

Please assume the following in your answer:

  • It requires both one fork and one spoon to get salad
  • It requires one spoon to get soup.
  • It requires one fork to get a piece of meat.
  • No one will be grossed out, or sickened by, cross-contamination of food types via the serving utensils, so they can be shared between food items.

Please implement a monitor-paradigm solution to this problem using monitors. The goal of your solution is, of course, to provide a structure that ensures that ensures that everyone can access all types of food.

Your solution should be written in pseudo-code similar to that used within your textbook, C or C++, or Java. Please also state the semantics of your solution: Mesa, Brinch Hanson, or Hoare.

Your monitor should include exactly the following entry procedures:

  • WantSalad ();
  • DoneGettingSalad();
  • WantMeat();
  • DoneGettingMeat();
  • WantSoup();
  • DoneGettingSoup();

Problem 7 [15-412 @ CMU]. Semaphores

Please provide a solution to the problem posed inQuestion #6, but this time please use semaphores instead of a monitor. Specifically, the only concurrency control primitive you should use is the semaphore. Specifically, the semaphore should be a counting semaphore that includes exactly the following operations:

  • P() // decrements count and blocks, as necessary
  • V() // increments count and activates blocked thread, as necessary
  • init(int n) // initializes semaphore to represent "n" resources.