Rev 11/2013 / Position Code
State of Michigan
Civil Service CommissionCapitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002
Lansing, MI 48909
This position description serves as the official classification document of record for this position. Please complete this form as accurately as you can as the position description is used to determine the proper classification of the position.2.Employee’s Name (Last, First, M.I.) / 8. Department/Agency
VACANT / Environmental Quality
3.Employee Identification Number / 9. Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)
4.Civil Service Position Code Description / 10. Division
Laboratory Scientist Manager 13 / Remediation and Redevelopment Division
5.Working Title (What the agency calls the position) / 11. Section
Support Services Unit / Laboratory Services
6.Name and Position Code Description of Direct Supervisor / 12. Unit
Vacant, Laboratory State Administrative Manager 15 / Support Services Unit
7.Name and Position Code Description of Second Level Supervisor / 13. Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work
Vacant, Assistant Division Chief / 3350 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Lansing, MI 48906
80 Hours
14. General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position
This position is that of a supervisory level manager with responsibility for directing the laboratory support group activities within the Section. This position will also be the laboratory Quality Assurance Officer for the section and requires extensive knowledge of analytical procedures and instrumentation as well as quality assurance procedures This position also provides analytical and technical support for the DEQ Drinking Water Program. This position is designated as security sensitive and requires a criminal history background check.
15. Please describe the assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and what is done to complete each duty.
List the duties from most important to least important. The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent.
Duty 1
General Summary of Duty 1 % of Time 40%Supervising laboratory support personnel including management of tasks and assignment of duties to accomplish Unit workload.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Scheduling and coordinating staff work assignments for timely completion of assigned workload.
· Evaluating and approving employee performance using the performance appraisal system.
· Initiating necessary disciplinary action.
· Reviewing and approving leave requests and timesheets.
· Preparing management reports regarding Unit workloads and making related recommendations regarding staffing levels.
· Participating in specific hiring transactions for Unit personnel.
· Reviewing backlog information and organizing work assignments to maintain production.
· Assisting with problems.
· Scheduling special projects or developmental work to avoid interference with routine workload.
· Enforcing established safety policies.
· Reporting facility safety problems and making decisions regarding personnel responses to potentially unsafe working conditions.
· Ordering supplies and equipment as needed.
Duty 2
General Summary of Duty 2 % of Time 35%Serve as laboratory Quality Assurance Officer
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Review of all Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
· Knowledge of Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act as they pertain to the laboratory, SW-846 and other approved analytical methods.
· Ordering of Proficiency samples and evaluation of results.
· Recommend changes to analytical methods, as appropriate.
· Review of quality control data.
· Validation of Drinking Water samples for reporting.
· Review of Initial Demonstrations of Capability (IDOC) and Method Detection Limits (MDL).
· Maintain laboratory thermometers in compliance with applicable regulations.
· Annual audit of all areas of laboratory section to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, SOPs, etc. Provide a written evaluation and review responses.
· Review of the Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP)
· Keep informed on new developments in laboratory methods, procedures and equipment, changes in state and federal laws and regulations, and developments in other states.
· Communicate with USEPA Region V on technical issues related to the laboratory.
Duty 3
General Summary of Duty 3 % of Time 20%Serving as the resource for laboratory clients and outside laboratories needing information and special services for drinking water topics.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Responding to daily contacts with laboratory clients.
· Making specific decisions regarding work to be accepted and providing related advice to clients.
· Responding to complaints or special requirements by clients and informing upper level management as needed.
· Making recommendations regarding instructive material routinely provided to clients and assisting with related client training.
· Providing testimony supporting the accuracy of specific laboratory reports.
· Coordinate and communicate laboratory efforts with MDEQ programs on issues and analytical needs.
· Working directly with federal laboratory inspectors and related U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification requirements for the drinking water program.
Duty 4
General Summary of Duty 4 % of Time 5%Performing special administrative assignments.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Serving as Acting Section Chief when requested.
· Serving as primary source of training and troubleshooting for problems with staff use of Laboratory Information
Management System (LIMS) in the Unit.
· Serving on various Laboratory and Division committees as assigned.
· Performing other duties as may be assigned by Section Chief.
· Review of documents relating to the entire laboratory which includes the Safety Policy, Chemical Hygiene Plan, and QAPP.
Duty 5
General Summary of Duty 5 % of TimeIndividual tasks related to the duty.
Duty 6
General Summary of Duty 6 % of TimeIndividual tasks related to the duty.
16. Describe the types of decisions made independently in this position and tell who or what is affected by those decisions.
The task descriptions indicate the many day-to-day decisions that are required of this position which are related to Unit operation. These decisions directly affect the efficiency and accuracy of the testing program, the health and safety of Unit personnel, compliance with state/federal regulations by public water supply clients, and general service to and relations with Laboratory clients.
17. Describe the types of decisions that require the supervisor’s review.
Decisions involving unexpected budget demands, second or higher level disciplinary action, revision or temporary suspension of SOPs, and matters that significantly impact on a broader area within the organization require supervisory review.
18. What kind of physical effort is used to perform this job? What environmental conditions is this position physically exposed to on the job? Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition. Refer to instructions.
Physical Activities: Standing, sitting, walking, and lifting.
Environmental Conditions/Hazards: The laboratory environment poses some risk of exposure to potentially toxic substances or infectious agents. Proper care and attention to safety procedures must be continuously exercised to minimize these risks.
19. List the names and position code descriptions of each classified employee whom this position immediately supervises or oversees on a full-time, on-going basis. (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.)
Chris Price / Laboratory Assistant 8 / Tandem Hayes / General Office Assistant 7
Tabitha Faust / Laboratory Assistant 7 / Sara Heibeck-Jones / General Office Assistant 7
Nicole Hardigan / Laboratory Assistant 6 / LaToria Fields / General Office Assistant 5
Melissa Smith / General Office Assistant 7
Dora Johnson / General Office Assistant 7
20. This position’s responsibilities for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):
X Complete and sign service ratings. X Assign work.
X Provide formal written counseling. X Approve work.
X Approve leave requests. X Review work.
X Approve time and attendance. X Provide guidance on work methods.
X Orally reprimand. X Train employees in the work.
22. Do you agree with the responses for Items 1 through 20? If not, which items do you disagree with and why?
23. What are the essential functions of this position?
The essential duty of this position is to manage and supervise the Support Services Unit and serve as laboratory Quality Assurance Officer. This includes managing employees through performance appraisals, counseling/disciplinary action if required, daily assignment of staff work schedules, review of analytical data for quality control (QC) and final reports, ensuring that work is completed in a timely and safe manner, and ensuring that proper working equipment and supplies are available for staff use. Serve as the drinking water program resource person.
24. Indicate specifically how the position’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed.
Responsibilities have changed from supervision of professional and non-professional staff to all non-professional to allow this position to be the laboratory Quality Assurance Officer, which must be independent of analytical testing.
25. What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function?
The work area is the Support Services Unit of the RRD, Laboratory Services Section. This position manages the Unit to ensure work quality and productivity. This position is also the point of contact for drinking water regulation and analysis issues, serving laboratory customers and regulatory staff. This position is the laboratory Quality Assurance Officer.
26. What are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position?
Possession of a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biochemistry, forensic science, biology, microbiology, or a related pure or applied science.
Four years of experience equivalent to a Laboratory Scientist, including two years equivalent to a Laboratory Scientist P11 or one year equivalent to a Laboratory Scientist 12.
Must have knowledge of U.S. EPA, Federal and State regulations as they pertain to laboratory analysis. Additional skills in methodology, QC, laboratory statistics, supervision, management, and efficiency are desired.
NOTE: Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position.
I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.
Supervisor’s Signature Date
Indicate any exceptions or additions to statements of the employee(s) or supervisors.I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.
Appointing Authority Signature Date
I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.Employee’s Signature Date
NOTE: Make a copy of this form for your records.
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