Crystal Remedies

(I didn’t write what book I got these from, but here they are anyway.)

Crystal remedies are made from water infused with crystal energy and charged by the sun or moon. Hey help restore physical and emotional health and to promote spiritual growth. Crystal gem remedies can also treat ongoing conditions over a period of time. They can be taken in a variety of ways, including 1) ;lace a few drops in a glass of water to be taken twice daily; 2) a couple of drops applied undiluted, directly under the tongue; 3) applied to pulse points; or 4) several drops added to bath water.

To make a crystal remedy you will need:

*a small bowl*water (dew, distilled or mineral)

*desired cleansed crystal*Brandy (optional)* a dark glass jar

1.) Pick a light source – remedies using sunlight will need a bare minimum of 3 hours to infuse, while moonlight remedies should be made between the new and full moon.

2.) Charge the crystal – position the crystal in the bowl of water so that it catches the Sun or Moon’s rays. Leave until sunrise if using moonlight, or for at least 3 hours in Sun.

3.) Bottle the remedy – decant the water into a glass jar until half full and top up with brandy (if using.) Place the crystal in the jar to make the remedy stronger and more potent.

4.) Label and store – label your remedy noting when you made it, the light source used, and the crystal used. Include what it is for and store in a cool, dark place. It can keep for 3 years.

Crystal Recipes

For physical conditions, the remedy should be made in sunlight, while spiritual, emotional, and mental remedies require moonlight.

Agate – this stone is thought to help maintain general health and can be used in a remedy to

treat insomnia.

Amber – this beautiful orange-gold colored gem can ease muscular strain and help if you have

memory problems.

Amethyst – can be used to treat alcoholism, and to boost the body’s immune system.

Adventurine – use this stone to treat skin conditions such as eczema or sunburn. It can also

help to counterattack negative emotions such as excessive pride or rigidity.

Beryl – for those who suffer from low self-esteem, use to help build up self-confidence.

Bloodstone – can help with circulatory problems. It is also a good remedy for insecurity and


Malachite – can help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of menstrual problems.

Onyx – if you have weak bones, this can be used as a remedy and can help soothe an impatient


Quartz – use this if you feel in need of protection from negative influences. It can also provide a

valuable boost to general health and feeling of well-being.

Tiger’s Eye – can be used in remedies to heal eye problems. It is also an excellent treatment to

combat fear of success.

Agate – great for divination – hold an agate pendulum over your palm and ask it questions that require “yes” or “no” answer.

For digestive difficulties – hold a piece of agate to your stomach if you are suffering with pains or nausea, and allow the calming energy of the stone to suffuse your Sacral Chakra with its healing energy.

Agate helps induce a peaceful and calming atmosphere. A smooth piece of agate, such as in the shape of an egg or a sphere, can be used in a massage session. The stones should be gently rolled over areas of muscular tension to help the person relax and to ease tension. It is also good for relieving tension or stiffness in the shoulder and lower back muscles. This has the added benefit of helping the recipient to ground themselves and feel more connected to their body. It is also good for calming the Brow Chakra. Moss agate has been used as a talisman to help crops grow and to protect them from adverse weather conditions. Place a piece of moss agate discreetly in your flower or vegetable garden and enhance its beneficial effects with a simple blessing ritual.

Amethyst – the perfect all-purpose crystal. You can use it during meditation, to protect your home, or even carry it with you during a night on the town. To prevent drunkenness, and from falling victim to addiction, carry your amethyst in your pocket during a night on the town to protect you from drinking too much! You’ll have to carry it with you for two weeks beforehand, to attune it to your personal energies.

Like all purple stones, amethyst is linked to your body’s energy centers at the pituitary and pineal glands, located in the center of your forehead. This is the area that controls your higher intuition and spiritual awareness.

Place the amethyst on your brow to stimulate your pineal gland. Some traditions hold that this gland is the place where the soul enters and leaves the body. Stimulating it enables you to see through such lies and illusions as nightmares, groundless depression, and the false happiness of addiction.

Amethyst promotes spiritual development and aids divine connections and mental clarity. It encourages bravery and wisdom, and helps to initiate astral travel. Hold your amethyst loosely during meditation to improve divine connections.

Wear amethyst in a pendant on a short chain to benefit from its stimulating effects all day long. Amethyst is good for easing problems in the head area, such as migraines and depression. Ametrine, a natural mix of amethyst and the gold stone, citrine, will help with stomach problems.

Amethyst is a good all-purpose healing stone, especially useful when you aren’t sure of the cause of the problem. You can enhance your crystal’s healing properties by rubbing it with lavender oil, which also stimulates the Third-Eye Chakra.

On your bedside table or under your pillow, amethyst’s soothing qualities will ease your worries and help you sleep. Gently rub your forehead with an amethyst to banish tension headaches. Start with the small circular movements in the center of the temple and gradually work your way outward.

Carnelian – has long been seen as a symbol of joy and peace, used for promoting good cheer and banishing sorrow. It has been used to help people travel astrally. The technique takes a lot of practice before you succeed, but perseverance is the key when trying to astrally project.

1.) Hold a fairly translucent, flat piece of carnelian in front of a candle. Do this in a

darkened room with no other light source.

2.) Gaze into the candle flame through the crystal, and try to move your awareness

through the carnelian as if it were a door to the flame on the other side.

Carnelian has been used to treat a number of organs in the body and is especially associated with the sacral Chakra when treating digestive problems. Holding the stone against your back can also ease back pain. Wearing carnelian jewelry on an ongoing basis may help digestion. It is an energizing stone – carry a piece of it in your pocket and rub it regularly when you feel good. This will help build up a positive charge on whose energy you can draw when you need to focus.

A smooth piece of carnelian may be used to gently massage the base Chakra at the base of the spine. Slow, clockwise circular strokes with the carnelian at the base of the spine help release blockages that can cause sexual problems. It is said to encourage the Kundalini (sexual energy) to be more active so it can be considered an aphrodisiac.

Citrine Quartz – a beautiful, golden yellow stone that takes its name from the old French word “citrin”, meaning “lemon”.

Scottish Citrine Blessing

“let me dip these in the water,

Thou yellow beautiful, gem of power!

In water of purest wave,

Which pure was kept by Bridget.

In the name of the apostles twelve,

In the name of Mary, virgin of virtues,

And in the name of the high trinity

And all the shining angels.

A blessing on the gem,

A blessing on the water,

And a healing of all bodily ailments,

To each suffering creature.”

Citrine is particularly efficient at bringing relief to health disorders concerning the gallbladder, heart, kidneys, liver, colon, and digestive organs. It is a good stone to keep around you if you wish to develop your psychic abilities, especially if you have problems trusting and acting on your instincts. Hold a piece of citrine in your hand when you are doing any psychic work, such as scrying or psychometry. Keep citrine on your desk at work to enhance reasoning and inspiration. If you are on a diet or art detoxing after unhealthy binges, regular excessive drinking, and/or smoking, citrine can help to eliminate these harmful toxins from your body. Place a piece of citrine in your drinking water for a few minutes, then take it out and return it to your pocket. Sip the water through the day. Citrine is a stone of abundance and plenty, in the healthiest sense. If you are dieting, its golden color can help to promote relaxation and balance your appetite, boosting your willpower.

Clear Quartz – acts as an amplifier of energy, and is good for healing and communication. It can be used to wash away negative energies from your body and environment. It can amplify your psychic abilities. To activate your crystal you will need to carry it in your pocket for a week. This attunes the crystal to your body’s energy. When you meditate, try lying down with your piece of quartz at the crown of your head – your “crown chakra”. As you do this, concentrate on your quartz crystal against your “third eye” – the center of your forehead – can give you inspiration and insight. Holding your crystal in your hand before you sleep can help you to remember your dreams. Quartz can also help you to focus your dreams. Before you sleep, hold your quartz in your hand and think about any problems you have. Place quartz under your pillow while you sleep to help your mind work through the issues. Quartz can also deflect energy away from you. Your crystal can purify your environment by dispelling negative energies from the air. It is piezoelectric. That means it produces an electric charge when compressed, allowing it to disperse negative energy from around. Keeping quartz close to your body will help to protect you from day-to-day stress.

Quartz is a strong healing crystal; it can help focus and channel healthy energy, directing it to the point of sickness. It is the crystal most often used to make healing wands, although you can also use smaller stones. Rub the affected area gently with your crystal and visualize golden light passing from the Earth, up along your spine, through your heart, out along your arms and through the crystal. The crystal will amplify the healing energy as it passes into the affected area. Passing a quartz crystal over each of your body’s energy centers in turn will clear any blockages and help energy to wash through you.

Diamonds – Water in which diamonds have been soaked is reputed to have healing properties, and the gems’ ability to protect the bearer from evil has led to their use as eternity and engagement rings. Dreaming of diamonds is said to indicate future success. It is believed to amplify any energy with which it comes into contact. For this reason, it should only be used for positive spells and magic. To make the most of its amplifying effect, hold a gem over each Chakra in turn from the base to the crown, visualizing a gold light flowing up from the earth through your energy centers. Use a diamond ring to focus energies to your hands and then send them into another person’s body, as in Reiki healing. If you suffer from frequent headaches or debilitating migraines, try meditating with a diamond placed on your crown Chakra.

Visualize the energy of the heavens as silvery light that is being drawn down through the diamond into your head, purifying your aura and removing the tension and stress that can cause headaches. Spend a few minutes each day practicing this technique, until your frequent headaches become a thing of the past. Wearing a diamond will attune it to your personal energies. When you’re in a good mood, rub your diamond and visualize your positive energy flowing into the crystal as golden energy, building up the charge. When you need to use energy for healing, you can release the energy you have stored in the diamond to help you focus and amplify your spell. Wear jewelry inset with a diamond at night to aid your sleep and dreams. When you dream, try to remember to look for the diamond in you dream, this can make you aware you are dreaming, allowing you to be lucid and direct your dream as you wish. Diamond’s powerful amplifying energy encourages lucid dreaming.

The diamond is an excellent stone to use to balance your energies, be they emotional, mental or physical. With its cleansing properties, diamond is a particularly appropriate stone to wear during purifying, fasting, bathing, or meditating.

Jasper – carried or worn to protect the bearer from misfortune. Green jasper has been traditionally associated with luck. In ancient and primitive cultures, Jasper was known as the “rain bringer”. (The God’s propitious hearken to his prayers, Whoever the polished grass-green Jasper wears; His parched glibe they’ll satiate with rain, And send for showers to soak the thirty plain. – 4th Century poem Lithica)

Grounding – use jasper when you feel a need to connect with the Earth again.

1.) Lie down, hold jasper over your solar plexus and turn your thoughts to the Earth.

2.) Feel a connection with the Earth and keep your thoughts on its solidity and form. If your

mind wanders, gently bring it back to your focal point.

3.) When you feel grounded put the stone away and continue with whatever you were doing.

Confidence –

1.) If you feel anxious, carry a piece of green jasper with you.

2.) At moments of insecurity, take the jasper in your left hand and rub it gently with clockwise

circling motions.

3.) Feel the calming influence of the stone soothing you, and picture the green energy

surrounding you and transforming the stress into calm.

Protection – Wear jasper in jewelry or carry it with you to make you less susceptible to negative influences. Carry it with you if you are the subject of gossip, to protect you from slander.

For Dry Skin – You will need: 2 drops chamomile essential oil

2 drops lavender essential oil

1 TBSP carrier oil


Anoint the Jasper with lavender or chamomile oil. Use the stone to apply the oil to the skin, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes. This can be done several times a day.

For Digestion – with a smooth piece of red jasper, gently rub your stomach area in soft clockwise strokes. Use movements that travel from the solar plexus around the side of the body, down to the pelvis and back around the side up to the solar plexus again. This helps to remove any food blockages.

Moonstone – is thought to protect those traveling by moonlight, was used to treat consumption, for divination, and to reconcile lovers. Also believed to have the power to bestow love, wealth, and wisdom.

In the Mouth – rinse the stone and place it on your tongue then think about your affairs. The stone will fix important issues in your mind and let more trivial problems slip away.

Oral Divination – placing a moonstone in your mouth during a full moon may help lovers divine their future together. Also, if you are unsure about a matter, hold a stone in your mouth and concentrate on this matter. If done during a waning Moon, a solution will come to you.

Moon raking- (preparing water for scrying or spells.) During a full moon, fill a silver or crystal bowl half way with dew or spring water. Place a moonstone in the water. Using hand gestures, imagine you are raking the rays of the Moon into the water in the bowl. Visualize silvery light filling and charging the water. The “moonwater” may then be used for scrying, cleansing crystals, or casting lunar spells.

Psychic Work – use moonstone to help develop your psychic abilities. During meditation or attempts to astral project, place a moonstone over your third-eye Chakra. This will enhance the energies of your mind and sharpen your focus. It is best to practice this exercise with the Moon’s rays shining on you.

Lunar Lens – imagine the moonstone acts as a lens, focusing the Moon’s rays into your mind to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

Gardening Spells – to boost plants and trees that refuse to grow, place a moonstone at the base of a stem or hang it from the branches. The crystal will draw the energy of the Moon to encourage growth. You can also water plants with moon raked water to promote growth.