OCTOBER 2007 – ISSUE 287


Enfield & Harringey AC are staging a ‘Badge Meeting’ at Picketts Lock Stadium on Saturday 17th November at 2pm. Badges are on offer for those passing 5,6, and 7 miles. Whether you’ve got these or not, please come along and support this new initiative on Britain’s newest track. Enter on the day. It’ll nicely occupy the Saturday between the Enfield (10 Nov) and Belgrave (24 Nov) Open 7s.


After September’s dismal Blackheath turnout irate ALAN O’RAWE (over 100 appearances there) said, “Its disgraceful, as I expected around 20 to turn up and show their respects to the late HARRY JEFFORD. There must be a number of walkers out training on Sunday morning, so why can’t they come along to Blackheath? I really feel sorry for STEVE WYNN for all he puts in to keep this series going”. Alan has a point, as yet again numbers were insufficient for a yacht handicap. And one would have thought folk would have wanted to come along and pay tribute to Harry. The field (just 8) did observe pre-race silence. The previous race result sheets have seen numbers of 8,8,10,12,8 and 7. Do you want to see more races fold? Surely an 11.30 am start is late enough for you to have your Sunday lie-in and still make BlackheathPark? MIKE SCAMELL won by one of the greatest winning margins seen on the course. STEVE ALLEN was 2nd – he always has a busy and active September as he builds-up for the Annual Postmen’s Uniform 6 miler. Sadly for the future of Walking, of those there, 1 was aged 66 and another due to reach that milestone by the time you read this. Most others were in their 50s – and their late 50s at that. Race Walking is truly in meltdown. Regulars MICK BARNBROOK, LAURENCE DORDOY and DAVE HOBAN were giving it their all around Guernsey while DAVE SHARPE (over 150 appearances) was laid low with a heavy cold. He sent a message apologising for his absence and suggesting Harry be remembered by the award of a trophy. The badly-supported 2007 Series will end on Sunday 18th November at 11.30 am; so lets see a bumper turnout to bring down the curtain and convince Steve Wynn and Geoff Banthorpe that it’s worth supporting. In the meantime there’s another LPR 9K race on Sunday October 21st, also at 11.30 am. They’re ‘B’ races with entries taken on the day for just £2. Sadly Enfield promotions are the only ones pulling-in the punters, but folks – don’t forget Blackheath, Bexley, the Bels Open 7 and other races will you?



The Enfield League 5K race on Saturday October 13th2 pm, at Donkey Lane is also The Southern Counties Veterans Championship and the Veterans AC Championship. So if you’re of a certain age, please ring fence this date now and be present. Please note that this weekend the Race Walking Association celebrates its 100 years of existence – and we’d like everybody making an active contribution towards the weekend’s activities. So if you haven’t raced for a while, get your racing pumps off the peg and quicken your footsteps towards Enfield – after all, it’s only 5K! The event will finish in plenty of time for those who have booked tickets for our RWA Centenary Dinner at the Royal Air Force Club in Piccadilly to get there.


Thanks for your jolly invitation – sounds like the bubbly has already been opened! However, I doubt whether I can make it on the night but I send my warmest congrats to the grand old lady and encouragement to all who are currently associated.

Len Ruddock.


Congratulations to 1972 Olympian PETER MARLOW on being re-elected to serve for another 4 year term on the IAAF International Walking Commission. Great things are in store for Peter, who’ll be Chief Judge at next year’s Beijing Olympics.


On his way home after July’s big meet at Battersea Park, JOHN CONSTANDINOU’s car caught fire on the Motorway and totally burnt-out, leaving a write-off. Finishing his homeward journey as best he could, his first task was to post results on his website That’s dedication for you.


At Ashtons Track for August’s WWW meet was former Ilford AC and Post Office star walker of the 80s, MICK SWEENEY. Mick quit the scene when he ‘went to Hull’ so to speak. He’s now ‘back in the smoke’ and living in Kings Cross – just a short walk from Mount Pleasant. Mick’s best shot was a Civil Service 7 Miles victory at BatterseaPark in 50 minutes something – beating a host of big names! He won 5 consecutive LONDON POSTMAN’S 6 MILES-IN-UNIFORM races from 1984-to-88 (inclusive) with his fastest time being 44.25 in 1987 when 110 raced. In 1986 he’d won in 46.48 from a field of 137. Times have changed. In 1984 and 1987 he also won the NATIONAL race (held in conjunction). Mick was noted for always giving it his all. Nowadays he’s a professional photographer (weddings, functions, sport etc). If you seek his services please ring him on 020-7713-0212 or email . To view his work (including the Woodford Green graded meeting) just visit and tap in RACEWALKING as the user name and EVENTS as the password. We warmly welcome Mick back onto the athletics scene. Mick has a big date in Columbia during October where he’s getting married – and we wish him and the lucky lady all success and happiness in their future.


Congratulations to IAAF Walking protagonist PETER MARLOW on his appointment as Deputy Chief Judge at the recent World Athletics Championships in Japan. BBC athletics pundit JONATHAN EDWARDS (the GB Representative on the European Athletics Association) was also at the meeting – and our Peter had a few words with him about his few words on BBC2 Radio, when he described walking as the “craziest athletic event”.


Get your booking in now for this one-off event; to be held at the Royal Air Force Club in Piccadilly, close to Hyde Park Tube Station on the evening of Saturday October 13th. Just contact Peter Marlow or see any RWA Committee members, who’ll pass on booking requirements. Tickets are £25 per head, which is favourable for a West End location. Hopefully every Club in the area can ‘get up a table’ as they say.


In the ‘Kings Category’ at the Notting Hill Carnival, Centurion NOLAN SIMMONS came 2nd. In the contest for the ‘Best Dressed King’ at the Carnival, he was revealed when he took his mask off to be presented with his prize!


The dates are Saturdays 20 October/8 Dec/ 9 Feb/1 Mar, commencing at 2 pm – but a good 5 minutes walk from the Cambridge Harriers HQ in Glenhurst Avenue, Bexley. ‘A’ races with on the day entries. Please note that December’s Bexley race will have Essex League status (as in 2006)


Harry was a long serving timekeeper and recorder at the well-established series of LPR races around BlackheathPark, in which he also competed from time-to-time. He was an ever-present at Post Office Athletics Meetings, and he was gifted with his pen – indeed he was a star writer of articles, reports and features for Post Office publications (on a variety of subjects). Reading Harry’s reports of trips and functions was just as entertaining as the trips and events themselves. Harry was a keen and gifted tennis player who had represented Kent in his heyday and was still a regular on the courts at veterans tennis competitions, where he continued to be a handful for those who opposed him. Indeed when the court was next to the now closed Post Office Social Club in Blackheath, Harry would be playing when we arrived, then he’d drop his racket and assist (or compete) in the walking race before rushing back to the net for more tennis. He was a more-than-keen amateur photographer. It was more than just a hobby for Harry, who had a considerable amount of his efforts published in newspapers, magazines and bulletins. Those facing his lens knew just how long Harry took to get it right – for he was determined to get the best possible outcome. Indeed Postman’s Walk presentations won’t be the same without Harry recording it all on film. He’ll be missed in the presentation hall as much as he’ll be missed on the finish line – where he had words of encouragement for every participant. Harry was a lovely man and a generous man who would do anything for anybody. In appearance he looked not unlike equally popular Uncle Albert in Only Fools and Horses. Shortly before his death Ilford AC presented Harry with a bottle of whisky in appreciation of his efforts at the 9K yacht handicap races. Anybody who has ever had the pleasure of meeting Harry Jefford will be much saddened on hearing this news. Indeed the Royal Mail Pensioners Committee have also lost one of their most active members. D.A.


Ex-Mount Pleasant employee DAVE SHARPE has suggested that a trophy be named in honour of the late HARRY JEFFORD. Said Dave, “Harry was aright character”.


“It was with great sadness that I have heard about the passing of Harry Jefford. I remember Harry well, mainly as timekeeper and one of the organising staff at the Annual London’s Postman’s Walk. I took part in this race from 1988 to 2002 and was fortunate to be timed by Harry on many of the occasions that I won this race. Harry always brought a smile to my face at the finish line when I would be greeted with “Give Uncle Harry a cuddle”, he was a gentle man with a great sense of humour. The Post Office races will not be the same without him. I offer my sincere condolences to Harry’s family. This is a great loss to the Post Office and the sport of race walking”

Lesley Richardson.


Hello Dave,

I was very sorry to learn about Harry Jefford, a nicer Fella you couldn’t wish to meet. It was only in the last few years I knew of Harry when taking part in the LPR series of races at Blackheath.

He is certainly going to be sorely missed by Steve Wynn, being his right hand man, and all us competitors at Blackheath.



I was shocked to hear about Harry Jefford. He was fine last time I saw him and I didn’t even realise he was even ill



Silence was observed before the Enfield League 5/10/15/20K (all-in-one) walk on August 25th at Donkey Lane. It was that minute’s delay which made all the difference between another ex-postman – STEVE ALLEN – making the ‘off’ on time, or being left behind at the starting post. Another enjoyable fixture, and it was nice to see Enfield’s hard working Club Secretary Ray Gibbens present for the meeting (you remember him, he was once our guest Mister Starter).


Popular HARRY JEFFORD’s funeral service was held on Wednesday 29th August at Eltham Crematorium with between 150-200 mourners present, including a coach load from Mount Pleasant, a number of Blackheath Walk regulars and a leading RWA Official. It was standing room only and some folk never even got inside, having to follow the service from the lobby. The coffin entered the building to the strains of “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” and the wonderful – and at times amusing – eulogy from Dennis Costello drew a thunderous round of applause. Bexley Ex-Servicemen’s Club were also represented – Harry was a member having served as a Royal Marine, being present at the famous ‘Yangtse Incident’

At the family’s wish flowers were not requested, with money sent to charity in lieu. By the end of the post-funeral drink/buffet at The King’s Head in Bexley High Street, Post Office Social Secretary STEVE WYNN had well over £600 in notes and cheques bulging in his pocket for this purpose. Should you wish to mark Harry’s demise with a charity donation, please hand your donation to Steve at the meetings, or post it to him at the Mount Pleasant Sports & Social Club, Farringdon Road, LondonEC1A 1BB.


Dear Dave,

I have returned from holiday to hear the sad, sad news of Harry’s passing and I, as I’m sure countless others do, am feeling very upset. It is very unexpected. Your short obituary presents a man whose encouragement and sense of fun will always be remembered, and I had no idea he was so active in other walks of life. I said a prayer for him at church this morning and will send a contribution through Steve towards the family’s preferred charity. I’m sorry that I wasn’t yet again able to get to the LPR race this morning.

Despite this sad news, thanks for the September edition of the EW which is a good read as always. I’ve also received the Enfield Walker and the Leicester Walker, and no doubt there will be another edition of the Redcar Walker. No shortage of material and information about our sport, and it all takes time to digest. I’m most impressed that Jo Jackson is in Osaka.

Best wishes Dave, Chris



Having been the Midland Endurance Coach at Derby yesterday I was disappointed that there were NO Midland competitors in the Team at least. In fact there were no team members also from South, North and Wales. Just 1 Yvonne Lacy representing Scotland and she lives in France. There were just 3 competitors: Mark Williams and Dwane Butterly, who were both guests and Yvonne Lacey. There were two Midland names on the programme. Kate Percival had accepted but just didn’t turn up and Mark Hambridge who couldn’t be contacted by phone or email by Lyn Orbel. I am sure you will agree that this is a very disappointing state of affairs. True the North and South were no better than the Midlands but they must sort out their own problems. Having supported and pressed hard for the inclusion of a ‘Walk’ in these events for over 40 years I feel that if such fixtures are held next year we will have a very difficult task in pressing for continued inclusion.

Best Wishes

Peter Markham.


Recently we’ve seen CARL LAWTON and PETER SELBY step in, at short notice to perform timekeeping duties. Both have acquitted themselves well and accurately called out times – by using their mobile phones. Most mobile phones now have stopwatch/lap recording features among their vast array of options. That’s progress!


Hi Dave,

My son Harry has just phoned me from FortRomeu where he is having a holiday doing altitude training. There are several French walkers up there. He was surprised to see a queue of kids waiting to get Yohann Diniz’s autograph. I guess we must be doing something wrong somewhere! At least there is still hope for European and South American race walking.

I’m still training 3 times a week. As my old mate Colin Young would say, “I’m saving it for the big one!”

John (Mexico 68)


Where indeed? The current issue of THE OLYMPIAN runs such a column and PAUL NIHILL MBE is its main featured personality. Penned by former Evening Standard athletics correspondent NEIL ALLEN, it reports what Paul is doing now. We read that he’s now Honorary Secretary of both the Croydon and Kent Ex-Boxers Associations, he’s Vice President of the Sussex Ex-Boxers Association and also President of Croydon Amateur Boxing Club. Pity nobody at ‘The Olympian’ could also inform its readers that Paul is also President of the Race Walking Association in its Centenary Year. The article also tells us about Paul’s own career in the ring, which as we know had plenty of high spots. Like many who duck between the ropes, Paul had a nickname. It was ‘Spider’. Paul reveals that it was Randolph Turpin who inspired him to take up the noble art in 1951. Paul’s wife Pauline is sister-in-law to Britain’s greatest Olympic boxer, Dick McTaggart. Surprisingly the article contains few lines about race walking. So Paul’s nickname was ‘Spider’ was it? Hon. Ed. had a granddad whose nickname was ‘Spider Man’ – but that’s because he always had trouble getting out of the bath!